. .-;��.�-� - :�i_�.- ---
<br /> �` . - - . . . . _ . . - - - —
<br /> . . ._���_.... .... ' . � . ` • ... , � . - . ` .
<br /> ; 9�7�����i � .���� ...
<br /> cav�aNTS �
<br /> 1, P�Imrn�U. 8orrower agrees to make ell payments on the secured deDt �d fust to an a mounts 8orrower owes one tfie secu ed debt ; • - ,
<br /> IU
<br /> s payments Lender reoeives trom Bortower or Tor Borrower'e banofit wdt Da app V
<br /> � excius�ve ot�rttereat ot pnnci al,second to int�and then to principal.tt partial preDayment of the secured debi occurs far any reason,it wd� � `, _
<br /> not reduce ar ex 59 anY Stf�P� �ecured debt�s Raid in tull. �
<br />� � • . � 1.'"' Yt �q a: �ily � .
<br />-- a Z qaims A Thi orrowe(�rA71 � assmenta,and other ehargas attnbutabte to the roperty when due and wdl detend tiUe
<br /> the tien of this deed of tru.t•Ler�der may require�rruwer to ass�gn anY rights,claims or
<br /> � to the property a i g � s tabar or meteriais to imp►ove or mamta�n the property. � ,,
<br /> _ defenses which y.. t!8 e�'d 0 �ADN .
<br /> { 3.Inaaastte. Bortowet will keep tha property insured under temis ecceptaDte ta Lender at Borrower's expense and for Lender's benefit.All t
<br /> i insurance po�iaes shaU inelude a standard mortgaSe clause in favor of Lendet.Lender will be named as toss payee or as the iruured an any such .
<br /> insurance pohcy.Any insurance proceeds may be applied,within Lender's discretion,to either the restoration or repair of the damaSed Propertll �
<br /> i or to the secured debt if Le�der requires mert8a9e��su�nce,Bnrtower agrees to mairtain sueb insuranee for as long as Lender requires. .
<br /> j 4.Properiy.Bortower wiii keep the property in good condition and make ait repairs reasonably necessa►Y• �
<br /> A
<br /> � �,:? 6•Experoes.Borrower agrees[o pay all Lender's:�e�+ses,including reasonabte attomeVS'faes.��ar.omc��'cs any covenartcs in this deed � 1�`Y _
<br /> ' of trust or in any obligation secured by this��':"-�Borrower will pay these ama:�ts to lender as p�aLr���i'T C�venant 9 of this deed o; i •,_«,- ..
<br /> .;tr,�;F -
<br /> '.'tf. tte�st, : .�,!,{
<br /> �,e fi� ^�to a^q r.r^.: � '�f, :
<br /> �i.G�See�uitY Icrterests.Unless B�n�fist�c��'s written cons�L rg or mo ga3e�deed of�tru m�oti e s�e.^�'aY egreeme-t. �
<br /> . e
<br /> •. 'F�' . s�,r-� interests.Barmwer wlt perfmm a;�n'�.�'ASr"s ohligations under atry p
<br />:x�:'• :. : : .',�� mciuSing Borrowefs covenants to make paY='e�s sra!se.�due. � . ,
<br /> = � r�•:-:%t�"��:E�.;.:1�(; _
<br /> '� '"'� 7.Assi�ntnertt of Rerns m�d Pmfits.Bonower ass`g's to Lander the rents and profits of the pioperty.Unless Borcower and Lender have agreed
<br /> "r othgrvnye fi writin9. Bonower may eollect and retain the rerts as toeng as Borrower�d coltenctdthe�rtentfsBAny rentdsBLender�colleeisshaU 6e
<br /> � ageM,or a court appou�ted receiver may take possession and mana e tfie proVertl► � . . .
<br /> ' apphed fvst to the costs of managiag the properry. inGuding court costs and attorneys'fees,comm�ssions to rentat agents,and any othe►
<br /> ' i necessary related expenses.The rema�mng amount of rents will then app►Y to payments on the secured debt as provided m Covenant t.
<br /> 'V , i . . •� . ..
<br />..,,. } g,�ggeha�ds•Cpndaminluma:Planned Unit Devolopmente.Bn►rower agrees ta eomply wrth the pro+nsions ot any lease�f this deed of trust is on
<br /> e�easohotC.If tNa deed ot trust ia on a unit in a condominium or a ptanned unit QBVelopmerrt,Bo+rower wntl pertarm all ot Bortowar's duUes �,f ,` , ,. .-
<br /> �; � under the eovunants,bylawe,or regutations ot the Condamtnium or planned unit devetopment. : ,,; �
<br /> •<: � 9.Autharlty ot LanQer to FeKmm tor Bartower.{f Barrowor faile to pertorm eny ot 8arrower'e dutios under thia deed of trust, Lender may
<br /> �a � poAorm tho dutioa or cauaB them to be pertormed. Lender may al8n Barrowur'a name or poY arry amount�f r.eceseary for pertasmenco•H anY
<br /> construction an tho proparty re dTh,a may Inclu4e campt t g tho conaVUCtlonma�ner,Londe►may Eo whatever�s�eCeasarV fo protett 1.endor's . s-
<br /> '; � eocurity�nteroat m tf+o Drop6rtY• ` ^.:.
<br /> � lonQei'e fe�Iure to puAarm vn11 rfot prectude Lender Irom exerc�smg eny ot its other righta undor t�e taw Gr thls deed of trust. ' _
<br />_`:: �..
<br /> ��•' Anq amaunts pe+d by Loador to protect Lender's security intarest wdl he secured�y this deed of trust•Such amounts wdl be Que on demand � .
<br /> ;'y end wi116ear iMerest from the date of the payment unti�Oaid in lutt at the intereat rate�n eHeet on the secured dsb� i : :;
<br /> �� � 10.DolaWt nnd AceelaraUon. I} Borrower fails to make any paymert when due or b:eaks any covenants under this daed of trust or any -
<br /> �.� pbligation aeeu�ed hV this deed ot trust o►any prior mortgage or Qeed of trust.Lender may sue�era;e b1ema�rity of the secured detrt and ` � �.�_
<br /> demand immadiate payment and may�ovoke the powar ot sale and eny otRer remedies Permitted by eDp� (,. " .,. �-:.;.^:{
<br /> : - �S�
<br /> '��f 11.RB@test tot Rotteo of Osfetdt.It Is hereby requested that copies of the notices ot Qefautt and sate 6e sent to each person who is a party : _.,�;±,
<br />_,s� hereto,at the address of each such person,as set forth herein. n4;.}
<br />.•"..% . �rt�,�:;.;-:
<br /> 12.Fower at Sele.If the LenQer invokes Me power of sate,the Trustee shall first recor6 in the o�ce of the registet of deeds of each countY
<br /> �� � wnerem the vuat proparty or some part or Daree�thereuf is situated a notice of defauk contalning the inform�n required by taw.The Trustae _�:�,�,.�4
<br /> .;:'� , shall atso mail copiea of the notice of Qefault to tfie Bortower,to each person who is e party hereto,and�other parsons as prescri6ed by ��:�,�,�`�
<br /> , � ayplicabte Iaw. Not less than one montfi after the T�ustee recards the aotice of defauft, or two months:��e bvst DroPettll is not io any }:,..���YR,,
<br /> incoryorated city or village and is used in farming opera:is.-ss cared on by the trustor,the Tnutee shatt give pu�6c notice af sale to the persons
<br /> ;f anA in the manner presui6ed by appD���ble taw.Trustee,w:�aut demand on Bortower,sha►1 selt the proDerb/at public auction to the highest , . ;;r}�)}��'
<br /> :,:; � bidder.If requited by the Farm Hamestead Prote�on Ac4 trustee shall offer tho property in two separate s�es as requirad by appGcab.e law. ' ,��Y
<br /> Truste9 may postpone sala of aIl or any parcel at the property by public announCement at the time and ptace cf any previousty scheduted sa19. .�,�; ��1y's,g,sn
<br />� '�i tander or its designee may purehase the proDertY at any sale. ,:Y{,,;-�L"<
<br /> :.'.7. _ i .":•.� , k l/1J�.
<br /> :h���� Upon►eceipt of paymBOt of the prics tiid,Tnutee shall deliver to the purefiaser Trustee's deed wrne,;ng the yroperty-The reeitials contaioed in . . �..;a,��.�::-
<br /> ,_};`; � Truatee's Qeed shall ba prima taoi2 ew::.ence o1 the truth of the statements eontained tfierein.Tr�:s-es shall aDP►Y�e proweds of the sate in the �.,� ':
<br /> fo�owing order. la) to a0 eaperses ct c:e saSe, inctuding, but not limited to, reasonabte Yr,�;�e's fees, teasonablo ettomey's fees and r � ,�, }„
<br /> ��'. 1�� re+nstatement tees;(b)w a(I sums secvre�4y e.`'s 3eed of trust,and(c)�e batance,if any,to the persons�e98lly entitted to recetve it. �� , �� , ;
<br /> �.:�...::;..:..�f
<br /> ,�,�� ��'-+< t9.Foraeloaure.At LenEar's option,this Cee�c`zwt maV be foreGosad in the maoner provide by app�::.�:+'u!aw for forectosure oi mortgages ;;�y�;a:
<br /> � .�1.��.��:A,���i�.
<br /> � on real property. �,��'�+'
<br /> �i.,.
<br /> 9.�', . , '!4.�sp ocdon.Lender maY errter the D►aPenV to inspect it�t Lender gives Borrower notice beforehanA.T'.'a notice must state the reasonable ; ,' tt�:�� �:
<br />`'.'�� cause for LenQer'e lrupection.. ,a��1
<br />-:'�i` ; .. ;•�";'�:•i
<br /> ' �`. � ' 1S.CondomaaUan.Borrower assigns to Lender t'.se Oroceeds at any award or etaim fa dama~es connected w+th a wnde.:n�~,sn or other taking � ��f.;t:;s!;.'.
<br /> , ,-: � J,lj�.; ,
<br /> of all or any paR of the proPe�'N.$uch procea3s w:ll be apptied as provided in Covenant 1.7�his assignment�s subject to C�e Serms of any pRor ..;-j�.
<br /> ' � security a�eement. • ,. � h��"
<br /> ,:.�. 1A.Wotvar.By exercis;ng arry remedv avaifabte to Lender,Lender doea not give up 8oy dgP�.�*.a latet use any other remedy.BV not e��r:�n9 't ;i '
<br /> any remedy upon Bortowefs defa�t.Lender daes not waive any dght to later consider the eva�a detault if it heppena agai». ��.�,,,�;
<br /> .�, , , ,:c. °., .
<br /> ���;•• 77.Jolnt ared Sovotat U��a-st9ne�s: Sve�esaors and Asolg�u Bound. A11 duties u���this deed of trust are joint and several. Any , _
<br /> Bonower who casigns thls eed af trust tn doea not co-sign the unQer!yIng debt ins::ument{s) does so only to grant and convay that :.;;;; �.:.:.
<br /> Bortower'e interest in the property to the Tre:st�a under the terms of this deed of trust.In addition,such a 3orcower agrees that the Lender and �;,u., ,
<br /> y! any othel Bonower uoder this dee0 of trust r.:a,�extend,modi}y or make zr.y atfier changes in the terms of thls deed of trost or tho seeured �;.;+?�;,;_:;,
<br />�-':,`,._. debt withoul that Borrowet's consent and w�`�K reteasing that Borrowet hom the terma of tNs deed of trust. ,. 'j:;��.T!..i!_�
<br /> ��.•. " ';,-?:,_
<br /> ' The dutlea and benefita of this e�rzd of trusi shall bi�d and t2nefit the successors end assigns of Lender and Borrower.
<br /> .� •.�:
<br /> • `�? 18.Rtotlw.Untess othorwise reai�ed by Iaw,any notice to Bonower shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by eertified mail addressed to � �,>„
<br /> Bortower at the praperly eddress cr any eTre+addresa that Borrowar has given to Lender.Borrower w�Il givo any notice to Lender by certifled '' '/i;�4�{-•
<br /> _ . � ' mail to Leader's add►ess on page t cf this deej of trust,or to any other address whicb Lende�hae Qesigna!ed.Any other notice to Ler.d�r shat1 . [,.,,`�;;.�;.,;,
<br /> ! be sent to Lender's address as s;a'rn.�on pags 1 af thla deed of vust. •�~5��"='�`�
<br /> t . ��.,
<br /> ; Any notice shall bo dosmeA to have been given to Bortawet or Lender when gtven in thg m3nrrl stated a6ove. , � i�' .<'
<br /> 'i: ;.
<br /> 19.Tranater o1 tho Ptoperty a►a BeneflNaf frttarest In dw Bortowm.If aIl or any pan of th2 D�oDe�Q�any interest In it is sotd or transterted ,.;, ,
<br />' without tsnder's ptim wntten consent, Lender maV demand immediato Dayment of the secured ebt. Le�der may also demand immediato + , ,
<br /> ; paymetri i1 the Borrower ia not a naturat person and a beneficiel inte�est i�the Borrowe� �s sold ar transterrod. However, Lender may not '.'.,,. - ;
<br /> = ,i demand paymont in the above situationa if it is prohibited by foderal law as of the date of this deed of trust.
<br /> 20.RoCOrtvoYanetf•�Nhen the obligation secured by this deed of trust has been paid and Londar has no funher obligation to make advances
<br /> .':�r..�:..._•,
<br /> ° unAe►the irtsUUmw�te ot egreements Secured by thi9 deed of trust,tho Trustee shalf upon wtitten�equest by the Lender,reconvey the trust
<br /> ' � property.The Lender shell deliver to the Borrower,or to Borrower's successor in interoat,the truat deed and t�e note or other evldence ot the ` '
<br /> � � _ obUgation so satisfiod.Borrower shelt pay any iecordatioo coate. �
<br /> '� 21. Sueeossor Tntatoo• Lender, at Lender'9 option, may remove Trustee and appoint a succassor trustee by tirsL mailing a copy o! the E
<br /> subsiitution of trustes es required by applicabto Iaw,and then,by li►ing the substitution o}trustee for record�n the office of the tegistet of deeds
<br /> '.�. sueceed to all the power tdutlesaeuthoterty�and titte of the Trust e named in tdlee deed of u st and of any�successor trustee�+the property,ahalt
<br /> _,4 �.
<br /> �:.ic:�....' : .
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