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<br /> , ' ' 1. Paymsirts. Barrower agrees to make ail payments on the secured deGt whan due. Unless Bor►ower ard Lender agree otherw�se, any � �, � ` `
<br /> � { paymerrce LendBr reeeivea from Burrower or for Borrawe�'s benetit wilf be appiisd first to any a:nounts Borrower owes on the secured debt
<br /> exdusive of interest osgr�pCipa► Rd to uitetCSL and,t�en to ptinupal.If partial Orepayment of the Secured debt ocCUrs for any reason,it will , .
<br /> , . . • not reduce or exws�any schBd�ed Qey4neat antil�aecured debt is pa�d in fi,ll. F � `�� •
<br /> { �
<br /> 2.Cla4m9 Agahtat�e�.Bomower�RI'pSy►el1 tBkA�,assQssmerrts,and other charges arin'butaDte to the property when due and wiil detertd Dtle '
<br /> • to Ma propetty ag a�nss atf��:bth(CA�au1Q�G�.1HZCe lien of this deed of trust.Le�der may requ've Bono�vet to assign any dghts,ctaims or � ' °
<br /> , •< datenses wh�eh Borfoeerer may have agaiasi pat0as rvhs§uppry IaDor or matenats to improve or mainta�n the property. ,
<br /> ' , i'
<br /> � 3.Fnatrrance. Bortower wiii keap the D�oDertY��3ursd ursder terms acceptabte m Lender at Bortower's expanse and for LendaPs benefit.All '
<br /> , inwrance poGcias st�ap lneiude e atandard mortg3ge dause in favor of Lende�.Lender wi0 be named es loss payee w as tfie insured on any sueh ..
<br /> . • ins�aance pa�ey.Mv insuranee preceeQs may 6e appiied,wiMin LenQer's d'iscretinn,to either the tesiora6on or repait of the demaged proparty _ � •
<br /> ' or to Me sewred debt.If lender reQuires martg3ge msuranee,Bo►rowe►agrees to maintain such insurance tor as lone as Lender requires. • , ,
<br /> 1 � 4.ihrapeRy.Bottower will keep Me property in good tondition and make alt repairs reasonably necessary. � . :
<br /> � � - 5.E�perwas.Boaawer a�eas to pay ali tastiders expenses,induQing reasonatle atEOmays'fees,it�irrower breafrs any covenants in this deed . • ---r
<br /> • of trust or in any obligation secured by this Qeed of tnut.Bortower wiH pay Mese amounts to Lender as provided in Covsnant 9 of this deed ot , • � ,
<br /> , uusi. . '
<br /> �f
<br /> � � 8.Prtat SawrEty(rrt�ttsts.Untess 'onower first obiains Lender's written consent, Hovawer wiI!not make ar permit any changes to arry Drior t � --
<br /> � seauity iraerests.Bortower will pertorm aU of Bortowar's abligations under any prinr mortgage,dead of trust ar other secunty agreement, E ' . �-
<br /> � inciuding Bortowers covenants to make payments when due. c�' -• :._.
<br /> 7.AssTgtQnent of Renta end ProSb.Borrower a�ssiigns ta lender the rents and profrts of the property.Unless Bnrtnuver and Lender have agreed E � .
<br /> otherw�se in writing, Borrower may ooltect artd retain the re�rts as long as Borrcwer.is�ot m detautt.If Borrower defaufts.Lender, Lender's • -.
<br /> '. agent,or a court apDoiMed receiver may ialce Ra�ession and manage the property and eolleet the rents. Any reMS Lender coltects shall be -
<br /> � , applied first to the costs of managin$th� property, induding court costs and attr�trays' fees, commissions ta rerrtal agertts, and any other ..
<br /> neeessary related expenses.The remammg art:ount of rertts wilt ffien apply to paymeMr,an ffie secured debt as provrded'm Covenarst 1. :� ;��. .
<br /> • "� 8.L.easehalds-Candom.�ums;Pfmmed Ur�it Oovetapsr.artts:Bona�ver agrees m com ly with the provisions of any tease'rf this deed of trust is on �,a->;;•�` �'ti:.� °-..-�:x
<br /> �,� �x�,;.. . ,....
<br /> � a►easehotd.If tnis deed of Mtst is on a unit in a conQamusium�a planned unit�eueiopmerti, Borrower wiU perform afl of Borrower's duties ,_,. , :,
<br /> under the wvenams,by-laws,or regulatioas of the condomini�:rc�lanned unx dsvelapme�. ���<< � <
<br /> ` � r.! jf s� r` ' , r�_k�:?
<br /> `�', 9.Avtfiaiity e4 Leridet to Petform fur Bovrovree. If Borrower`.�i7s*s�er.`�srm srryc �f Borrccva:.s duties u-1�@us deed ot trus4 Lenda a� a� ` r
<br /> '`�`' p�the duC�or puse t1�m m he pertmmed LBnGer�s G�:r�z:r��rame or an a�:ou:u�n�-,2ss Eor�a:-rear.ce.�a �`� . �
<br /> � ,.��' car��.',ian om ih.e 9►oP�Y is c�"5c�r+tinved or noi earrieC or.r^z*aas�:t�m2nrser.Lea�srnT�a�is as�a h A'C'°�LeaII�fs �;"rx�f r i k{��:
<br /> � f `; sev.�.ni�mterest ia the pro�er�s! T3�s may inc(ude eomp;eu�2ae�3:s�T1C:F3R: I ,r�< . , k ��< .
<br /> j�- ,�;• -�'; LeRdefs ia�TUre ta�rn w�c�cr�ude lend�fram exe.r�sr�g�e oP irs az'hsr riphts urcd�al-•e iaw o��s Qaa�ot trusE. .�l 5�,}��� .� }l�C}f,�:
<br /> / � �(�{,�t�t,�yS�.�A1����/� -.
<br /> ;�'-,•'� Arry a m o u n t s P��,:i g n r t e r t u p r a t z e t�er.1�'s s�a-r i ry in ter e s t wi H be aear�tr y'�a s dee d a f tr u s t_&s�r Er.•aunts w t l l 6e due on dess�a n 3 ��t 4 r f`S�;;i i�`����.'
<br /> 4.�'t and will bear irsteres�iram tha date of t�.,pay�2nt usttil paid in full ai the interest r��n eftect on the seaue��abt c ,r'���,
<br /> -. i�>, ; ,�<t�,,..�,1�..�F.,,;, �c�.exv�
<br /> � ���� 10. Dafaidt mt�!Q¢eafetetion.If Bartower fa:7s to make a '� .:'r•"
<br /> .�.,�.,.�. �::,;,'.; , �.�.
<br /> � , obli Uon secured try this deed of trust or a ^Y��ert when tfue or breaks any covenams under ffiis deed of trust or any .. �_;,.�5(<)F
<br /> ga' �ry pTror moRgage or deed of truet,Lender may accelerate the maturity of the secured debt and • .
<br /> , . demand immedate paymerrt and may imoke the pctiver of sate and any other remadies petmitted bY apDlicabte�a�nr. . 4.��3._: :?�-.�%-��
<br /> . . ;�`�;�;j�'.;�
<br /> 71.Reques4 tw hadca af Defmdt.It is hereby rev�uested that copies of the noUcas ot 4efault and sate be se�t to each person who is a party '' . " '
<br /> hereto,at the adQress of eacb such petson,as set forth herein. �•'�- �' '
<br /> �N. •� ,
<br /> . 12.9awer ot Sate.tf the Lendar invokes the power ot sals,the Trustee shall firut record in the oHiee of the register of deeds of eaeA wunty �•�!'�...� i
<br /> wtieretn the uust properry or some part or parcet thereof Is situated a notice ot Qefaulc:oncaining the informetion required by law.The Trustee � ��, E�,: •
<br /> shalt also mail copies of the�oUee of dafsult to ths Bottower,to each persan who�s a party hereto, and to other pereons as presaibed by _ . -
<br /> iric�orp�oratad�or vi118 ehend�s u ed ie�m n oe ers�ons cair�ed on b thecuua�oa�tfa Truatee shall nths if the trust property is not in any . .T �`�
<br /> e8 g C y give public notiee of sale to th9 persons
<br /> . and in tAe manner prescnbed bY apppGCabfo faw.Trustee,w,thout QemanO on Borrov,er,ahall sell the propeny at pubtic auctian to Me hiphest � • � ' � 5
<br /> bfddar.If raquirod by tho iarm Momoatead Protect�on Act, Trustae shall oNer tno prcporty�n two se0arate 6ates as repuhed by appGcebte taw. :� � f
<br /> ' • ' Trustoe may postpono ea►o 01 ell o►any Daresl Of th0 proparty by publ�a announoomont.et tho tl.me and placo of any prevlous t y Sehodula0 eate. • �•�,t��
<br /> , i lender or ite Qostgnoo may O�chaso th9 propertV at any sate. ` .�%_
<br /> . , ,.t�.:�
<br /> . _ Upon roceiat o!payment ot tho prlce bnt.Trustoa shall dolivor co tho pweAaser Trunteo's doed co�voymg tha property.The recitials contained in '
<br /> � Trustee's dead shalt be pnma facle ev�d�enee of th0 truth ot the statemonto eentainod tf:ute�r►.Trustao shall tlppty tho proeeeds ot the aate in the '•���r.;;�i
<br /> tollowing order: (al to etl expensea of ths sate, includmg, 6ut nat limitod to, roaaowbto T�ustoa's feea, reasonable attorney's fees and �
<br /> � �elnstatament tees;lb{to ell sums so�ured Dy th�Qaed of trust,and Ic3 tAo balanco,if am�,ta the persona legalty entltled to receiv9 n. .. ' '�F`
<br /> 13.iareetosure.At lender's optton,this deed of truat may 6e torectosed in tho mannor provide by apptieablo law for foreelosure of mortgages '` ' ����i. !=��
<br /> On re81 proQelly � ..f.•+'�-,:
<br /> „�,*�.....
<br /> - , . . •� �us-_�.
<br /> �� - 14.�an.LenQer may enler the property to inspect it if Lender givea BoaOwer nqua0 betotehand.The notice must state the reasorwbla �;�"
<br /> cause for lendera inspectlon. . • , . ;,<n"'• "
<br /> �. '.�y.. �
<br /> 16.Candamnstton.Bonower assi ar�to Lender the�roceeds of any award or Gaim tor damages wnnected with a condemnation or other taking • ��
<br /> _ of ail o►any part o}the property.Such proceeds wi 16e app(ied ae provlded in Covenant�1.This assignment is subject to the terms of any prlor � • �.;�+�
<br /> - socurity agreement. �
<br /> .' '.- 5,•,.3,. . �.� :.
<br /> 18.W81ver.By exercising eny remedy 8vaitabte to LenQar.Lender daea no!give up aro/.righta to later use any other ramedy.By not exerclsing .�� :.Y�
<br /> :;�. .. +� any remedy upon Borrowers dafauh,L6nQer Eoes not waive any right to later eona�dor t�o event a Ce}auk if R h8ppens again. . .
<br /> , �°. d':��'....�...-.
<br /> . � ` 17.Jofn!ane Sava►cf Uahl11N;Casl�rars; Su:tasaors and Aaalgna Baund. AII dutles under thla deed of trust are joiat and several. Any � ?,,,',;��•
<br /> ' '. �i-.� BOrtowet wh0 co-signe thls deed o1 uust 6ut doos no! co-sign the undeHyIng dobc instrumentls) daes so only to grant and wnvey that � ��+"��
<br /> •:-;�u'r BortowePa interest in the properry to the Truste3 unQer the terma of th(s deed ofvuut,In addition,sucfi a Bovower a eas tfiat the Lender and �• ��'i�''•
<br /> ...�v. 9► . '.i;,;t�w•.,...
<br /> ;,:�;�^, any other Bonower under thia deed of trust may o�cten0,modilv or mako any other ehanges in the terms of this deed of trust or the secured � � •:,b:-,
<br /> debt without that Bor►ower'e consant and witt�out releasing that Borrowei irom tRe terme ot ffiis deed o!trust. : '"?'^. •.
<br /> , ��1 The duUes and benefits of this deed of uust shall bi�d and benefit the successoro and assigns ot Lender and Borrower. .
<br /> r
<br /> � 18.Btotteo.Unlesa otherwlse required bY�aw,amr notice to Borrowet shall be glven by delivering it or by mailing it by cerUfied mait aEQressed to �
<br /> Bonowe�at the property adQrasn or anY other addresa that Basrower has given to tender.Bortower wdl give any notioe to Lendor by eertiflFd �
<br /> : mail to Lender's addresa on page 1 01 this dee0 0!Uust,or to eny other address whlch lender has dosignatod.Any othor notice to Lender ah�Il • '
<br /> .�f �. be sent to lendar's addresa as stated on pago 1 of this doed of truet. ' .
<br /> ,�
<br /> Any notice ehatl De deemed to have been given to Bonower or lender when gtven in tfie manner statad above. ' � : �
<br /> 19.Tronstot ot tho Proporty a a Benaflclal fMCroat In tho Bartowcr.lf atl or any part of the propenY or any Intorest in it is sotd or transtoned �
<br /> wlthout Lender's prior wrltton consenL lender may domand immediate paymont of the sewred debi. Lendor may atso demand Immedia4o • �
<br /> , paymont if the Bonowet is not a netutal person and a banolicl&! mterest in tfie Barrower ie sold or transferred. However, Lender may�ot � _
<br /> , demand Dayment In the above aituations i1 rt is prohibitod by fedoral law as ot ine date of this deed ot trust. � .
<br /> 20.Roeonvoyaneo.Wh,en the obligatlon Secuted by thi9 deed of t►uot hes been pald,and Lender has no further obligetlon to make advances
<br /> � unQer th9 instruments or agreements secured by this deed of Vuet,tho Truatee shall,upon written request by tho�endar,recanvey the trust
<br /> . . � obhgat�lon ao satisfiedSBorrowereshall pay any recurdatianc osta.er's auccossor in interest,the trust deed and the noto or otha►evidence of the (
<br /> , ... q I : .
<br /> � � 21. Sueeassor Tnistoo. Lender, at LeaQor'e o Uon, may remova Truotee snd eppoint a successor trustee by first maiting e copy of the � •
<br /> �' suDstitution of bustee as required by applicabte Panr,and then,by filing the subotitution of trustoe foi record in tho ofHce of the register of deeds � - �
<br />, of each county in whicfi the trust property, or some part thereof,Is situated.Tho successor trustee,without conveyance of the property,shall •
<br /> } succeed to all the power,dutiea,authority and ati�of the Trustee named in tho dosd of bust end ot any successor trustee. • � ,
<br /> ,I+�'�. _ . '� { . ,
<br /> �t;: .. . .
<br /> "s��''��. .
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