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<br /> - � F.�ORItU��'Et3'S OCCL'PA.'�iCY. l'n1�.ss Lender and BvtcoACr othtnti ise agree in n riting,the firs� � � , . „ �. ... �
<br /> - t , . - ..
<br />_ � � sentence in Gniform Cocenant 6 concerni n g B o r r o a e r s o c c u p an c y o i t h e F ro p r r c Y is ddetrd.Ali rCmaining '
<br /> roecnants and agreements set forth in L'nifosm Co�'Ct►ant 6 shall t'�maitt in effect.
<br /> - �=rt G. ASSIG\�tEtiT OF LF.ASES.L'pan L�t►der s rrquest.B�?ron�tir shall assign to�nd i 1 neashC _ ' _ -- .
<br /> � . ° .� of the Psopetcy and all securit}� deposits madr m K:onnection n��n l� of m� Pro rtY- Pa ' ,
<br /> � assignment,Lender shal!hace ths right co modifc,estend or tetmit�te tl�e existing ICases aad to execute nen
<br /> � , � ' teases.�n Lrnder s sule discretion..�Is used in this paragraph Ci.the s�ora"lease"sha11 mean"sublease"if the _ .
<br />- ' Securit�Iastrumen��on a leasehold.
<br /> "' ' H. ASSIGN;4��'T OF RENTS: �PPOI?vT:�iE'�T OF RECENER: LENDER I1� '.°���.:_ , -
<br /> � ' pOSSFSSIOti. Borro�er absalutely and unconditionallp assigas anb t�ansferstO�e apabeeBotroRer . " �.
<br /> . reveaues(�Rents")of the Pmp�ty.reSardless of to whom the RentsoY the PropertS , `;�,4�,..
<br /> ' der or I.eader s agents tocollect the Rents.aad aP,cees that each tenantof the�roperty shalt PaY �� ' : '`, t
<br /> ' authotizesLen v ..�st�',��
<br /> "% the Rents to Leuder os Ixnder's ageuts.Honever�Borro�ver shall reexi�e the Rents until(i}I.euder�s gi e�► �. < •:s r.;x�,?°,
<br /> � Borro�ser norice af default pursuant m pangraPh 21 of the SeculitS�nstrument and(ii}I.ender has P&ven �t}�,�y�,,'
<br /> ent of Renrs
<br /> � notice to the Yenant(s)that ffie Rents are to be pa�d to I.ender or Lender's agen�This asssgnm .
<br /> ' constitutesan absolute assignment and not an assigamentfor additian�l secunry only. �. , �v
<br /> � ' If I.e nder gi�es notice oi breach to BorroMer• (i)aU Rents ra:ei�ed bp Bor�°��s� ��eld bp
<br /> . . Borrower as tnLSteE for the t�n�fit ot Lender anly. to be ap lied to��s�h P � bliu Bo�rro�e �' : ; .'. . z:•.,_.. .•
<br /> Instrumenr,{ii)Lendec shall b:entitledto callect and receive�of tAe R : .� :, ., , .
<br /> . agrees that each tenant of the Ptopert9�Il pay all Rents due and unpaid to Lender� all Rettts c�ect�bY . - ,_
<br /> .�.� Lender s�vritten demand to the tenant;(iv)un2ess applicabte!aN pro�ides othernise. the Pro �_'_:.,�_
<br /> w
<br /> • 3 Lender or Lender's agents shall6e applied first to the costs oi tak�ng control of and maaaging ��Y �
<br /> .°Y � andcollectingtheRents,inclading.butnotlimitedto.attomeysfees.receiver'sfees.Ptemiu�nsonreceiver's .. .
<br /> � air and maintenance aosts�insurance r e m i u m s,t a x e�,a�s m e nts and other charges on the ;•�,; �
<br /> , , : .` <'�.. . bonds. �P p - :•
<br /> , Property.and then to the surns secured by the Secunty Inscnimsnt; (v)1.ender. Y.eader's agents or aay �N
<br /> N���y appo���vers23a11 be liable toaccount foronlp th�se RentsactuallY
<br /> received:and(vi)Leader �
<br /> ' • f ; }1
<br /> s}�be eautled to have a receiver appointed to take possess�on oi and manage the PUroper f ta�a pc�o�llect th� . •"`:�"Y;;
<br /> `- R���d profits derived from the Property�vithout any showing as to the inadeq �Y P rt9 . �
<br /> '�. . . : :'" .:���
<br /> �' �,�i:. securitc. ,' � : ' � � :
<br /> ` IE the Rents of the Proper�p are not sufficie�►t to wver t�e c�ts�f taking contsol of and managigS the � ,
<br /> .` • ;.,:.'-.`:i'::_•;
<br /> <•, � ;Y;;, � pmpe�r.�aud of collecting the Rents any funds�expead�d hp Lender for such�pu shall become , ��.
<br /> , . indebtrdness of Borrocver to Lender secur�xl by the Secun��ecuted anp p aor ass�gument oCf the Rentts and `:'..;� .�_
<br /> • $orrowerrepresentsandnarrantsthatBorroNesh • . . f,• . . :
<br /> � . has not and will aot perform any act that nould ptevent Lend.r from exercising i t s ci g h t s u n d e r t h i s ::y�',,-. .�= �°_�r.•;.
<br /> ` • �,r };c{�t ,•:
<br /> �a �nted se�eiver.sha11 not be required to enter upon,take if'r� ;��:
<br /> ;., .. � p�Lender,or Lender s agents ar a judicielly appo , ��'
<br /> �. f _ . . � Lender,or • , . �.� t.
<br /> conuol of or maintain the Ptopertp before or after giv�ng notice Qf dsYault to Bonower.Ho�vever, R,f ,.,t „_
<br /> �..
<br /> Lender's agents or a judicially appointed receiver, may do so at any time when a defavlt occurs. Any ��� :ir -'
<br /> ��1,�� . • 5�-
<br /> ::��.' 8 h p s�a.s v II�entnof R�ts oi he Propercy a n e d e f�arul�t.o�i n v a l i�al l thetsuems g secured b�ha Security '; ' �' .;_
<br /> t�" ` � � ,� ,
<br /> ` ' � Inscrr�.meatare paid in full. .� �U ' '
<br /> y :'� � � • �CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION.Borrower s default or breae}►undet anp note or ageement in �_
<br /> '�.'�;�!� � cvhi•�Lender has an interest sha11 ba a breach under the�ecuritq]astrument and Lender may invake any of _ .,': j�:-�
<br /> g";�z,�<,.: ;� , . theremediespermittedbytheSecurityInstrument. ,�/� `: -
<br /> fY�; �; " �• � SY SIGNIIJG BELOW.Borrotrer acce�t's aad agt�c�to the ttttns and pmvisions containa�i�this 1'4 �
<br /> � � :���� , �:
<br /> �fi���_ .,_ , :��N:� Fam:1y Rider. �/� ��-r� . ___
<br /> h� . �
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