<br /> Any applictttion of paymeoCS, insurauice proceecls, or Miscellaneous Pineeeds Co prinoipnl due uilder Ehe Note
<br /> shal] noC axCend or postpone Clie due date, oc change the a�nount, of the Periodic Payments.
<br /> 3. H�mds fur Escrow Ifems. Borrower shtdl pay to L,cnder on fhe day Periodic Payments ara due u�ider thc
<br /> Noce, until the NoCe is paid in full, a sum(t6e "Fu�tds") to provide for payment of an�ounts due for: (a) taxes
<br /> and assessments and other items which eau aCtain pxioiiry over this Secus3Cy lns�rument as a lien oi
<br /> encumbranoe on the Properry; (b) leaseliold payments or ground rents on the Prope�•Cy, if any; (c) pre»ilun�5
<br /> for any xnd all insuranCe required Uy Lender under Sectioo 5; and (d) MoiYgage Insurluce preiniunis, if a��y,
<br /> or any sums payable by BocEOwer to Lcndcx in ]ieu of ehe paymevt of Mo[tgage Insurai�cc premiutns in
<br /> accordance witli the pxovisions of Saction 10. These items are called "Escirow ICems." At originatinit or aC
<br /> any time during the tern�oP Che I,oan, I,ender may require Uxat Convnunity Associadon DLtes, Pees, and
<br /> Aasesemerzts, iP any, be escrowed by Borrower, and such due�s, fees and assessments slaall bc an b'scrow
<br /> Item. Bocrowar shall pro�nptly furnish to I.endar all i�otices of unounts Co be�aid under this Se¢tion.
<br /> Rorrower sliall pay Lender thc Funds fa Escrow Items wiless Lender waives Rorrower's oblig2tion to pfly
<br /> the Punds for any or all Eacrow Ite�ns. Lender may waive Borrower's obligation Co pay to Lender Funds Yor
<br /> any or a11 Escrow 16�ems aC any time. Any such waiver may only be io wriYing. Hi tlie event of such waiver,
<br /> Borrowcr shall pay directly, when and wlicrepayable, the amounts due for any Esurow Ilems for which
<br /> paymene of Ftmds has Ueen waived by Lender and, if LendeT xequires, shall furnish Co Lender reaeipts
<br /> evidenei��g such payment within such time period as Lender inay requita Borrower's obligatian ta m.ilce
<br /> sucli payments and to provide reeeipY.s shall for all purposes bc dccmed to be a eovenant and agreement
<br /> contained in this Securiry Instrument, as the phrase "covenanC and agreement" ie used in Section 9. 1P
<br /> Borrower is obligated to pay �scrow Items directly, pursuant to a waiver, and Borrower fails to pay the
<br /> ainounC due for an Escrot�It€m, Lender may exercise iYe rights under SecCion 9 anci pay auch amoum and
<br /> Borrower sh�ll the�� be obligated undar Section 9 to iepay to Lender any such amount. Lender may revoke
<br /> the waiver as to any or all F'scrow Items 1Y any time by a notice givcn in accorda�ce with Section 15 :md,
<br /> u�on such revocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Nunds, and in sucl� aznounts, that are thcn rcquired
<br /> un�lcr this Section 3,
<br /> Lendcr may, aC any time, collect a�td hold Funds in ao amount (a) sufficieilt to permit Lcnder to apply the
<br /> FLmds at the time specified tmder RESPA, and (h) not to exceed tlie n�aximwz�amount a lender can require
<br /> under RESPA. Lender shal] estimate the amounf of Punds due on the besis oP curre�t data and reasonable
<br /> estimates oP expenditures oP�fuCUre Escrow Itcros or olF�erwise in accordance with Applicable Law.
<br /> The Funds shall bc held io an iustitution whose deposits are insured by a federni ngency, instrumen�ality, or
<br /> entity (including i�ender, if Lender is tm institution whose deposiCS are so insured) or in any Nederal Home
<br /> Loan Rank, Lender shnll fipply the Fluids to pay the L�scrow Items no latcr than I'�he time speciPied under
<br /> RESPA. Lender shall noC cliarge Rorrower for liolding aiid applying Che Funds, a�mially vi2lyzing the
<br /> escrow account, or verifying the Esmow Items, unless Lznder pays Borrower interest on tlie Funds and
<br /> Applicttble Law permiCs Lender to make such a charge. Uqfess an agxeemeut is made in wrIling ar
<br /> Applicable L,a�v requires intexest to be paid on the Fimds, Lender'shall not be required to pay Borrower any
<br /> inlarest or earniugs on the Funds. Borrower and Lender can agree in writing, however, that interest sha[I be
<br /> paid on fhe Punds. Lender shall give to Borrower, witliout char�e, an annual accounCing oP tlie Fimds ais
<br /> required Uy ItESPA.
<br /> IP Chere is a surplus of Funds hcld in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall account to Borrower for
<br /> the excess fitnds in aocordance with RESPA, If tliere is a shorCagc of F'unde held ii�escrow, .is definecl under
<br /> R�SPA, Leilder shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Bortnwer shall p�y to Lendcc the amount
<br /> nec;essary to malce up the shortage in accordancc with RESPA, but iu no more thx�i 12 moathly payments. If
<br /> there is a deficiency of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lencler shall nnCify Borrower as
<br /> za000�e�
<br /> NEBFA9KA-Sinflle Family-Fannle Moa/Freddfe Mac UNIFORM IN61'HUMENT Fonn 3028 1l01
<br /> VMP� VMP6WFI111061
<br /> Wolrom I<luwcr Financial Services Pa9e G of 7%
<br />