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<br /> . . s�1y `-6�
<br /> ���rs ��6�l� ��• `
<br /> ;Y� :
<br /> � , 2. 7e�c�x T�ustat st�2ti paY each tnstalbment et,8U tan�s a�M�6pQCia!assessments aY dvery icin0.now ar t�ereattar tc�.-
<br /> > QR
<br />..r � r:_:,-`'
<br /> , -•�, tevie0 againgt the Trust Estato ur any part thareot.bfltara dttii�tquanu��i,v�lthuuc�mti�Qr derna�.
<br /> .... _. u
<br /> , �`{;;4.
<br /> `__..__T�� 3. l�nco and Royabs Trustor shall mainmtn fire and;eutanded cavera8a Insuranr.e Insuring tha Improvements -_ _
<br /> -` ot tha Tn,st Estata for such arnounts and an such m�m�teasostahty sa4lsfactory to 8ar►oficiary. So lang as the �c;.
<br /> . � `"-� constitudn9 vart ��• s
<br /> �:;•'
<br /> °';.�:.'�•.• `:�_:.� Property i5 secure0 by a tirst deed of trust or mortflag8.of tNs Oe�B�P 3�eiad g w Tnswanco.nts of tha tirst dged at trust or F
<br /> -: � morcga8e shau be sufHder►t w saUst1►ths req�ama� �'
<br /> ;.� �,n '
<br /> - �� .r.:� aR iha�eut sm tha�excsPt tor or�inary w e a r a n d t e a r. s�f; ,:
<br /> , cG Ttustot shal!Rcurr�W reR�aad rep[ace the Tn�t E�tate ot tem!°0 �r`'.'.`�:
<br />- . ` .3 tna Trust Estata sRaD not Getettaaate. In no eveat sAatt ths Trnsbot aommit.vsaat�en cr to tRe Tnat Eatate.or cammiL suf�vUy .�; ,
<br /> . '` 4 permtt any act to Da done ia ar u�nn the Trost Estate in vlolatIon ct anp tuw�.mdtrtaaae ar ragufattan. �t�sior shal!OsY and P
<br /> ar asEessed egeinst the Ttust Estate �'��`
<br /> " - ':� all fiens.encumbrancas aM ChAtQRS leviad.imRosed `�<:..
<br /> , , disctiarge atT�ustofs cost an0 c�sAe�se ';,� ;.
<br /> . ,;�_ or any Oart thereof. �`
<br /> rtln to aHect `=°'
<br /> . :.-� 7�ust�stoto. Trustoc shait app�wa in,and aantast ar+v acuan or Pracasdln8 Purp� 9 .:, .
<br /> ' 4. lJc8lans ANsc8rr8 alt cosis and exp8r►bBS.incfudin9 cnst of evidence F.;,
<br /> . the securitl►heseof or the rights cr powere of Bansfida�l►or Trostes.and�ahatl Ra1t ,
<br /> , :.' of titie and attomeSls'tees.in any such actl�o�caediQed ir�Veny o f U►a Losn i�isstniments�Be sfiraaN and/a�rSTrostea tea� �����,
<br /> ; .,, .'��"'" enY PaYment or W do anY act as and in the Pr ;��z,
<br /> . . ":.
<br /> � their awn dtscretlan,withQUt obS�SaBon so ta do and withaut�otfce to�ar,demart4 W�as�T�t����ut oteasr'�nB�T��� �. .
<br /> .• t
<br /> ;,,'•,,`,..._:.:::.,_::�- any a011gadon,[t�ay make ar do iP�e sama In sucb manner and ta suab�eutemas a1th���e�� M��d by BeneficiarY in ->
<br /> . ' hereof. 7n�stcr shaU,Mmedtately uAan demand.ttteretar by Benatft�Ear71.t�V `''
<br /> . , :"°� ccnnectian witn the exercise by Beneficiary of the tomgAi�lq�ripht�►,inaGcding withoat timftatior►c:osis oi e�ldence ot title,caiut �t;�
<br /> � , costs,aPAraisals. sunreYs and attomeys' tees. . "-� ���
<br /> _ � ..'`;,n t� F, ::.
<br /> 5. Emlannt DomaJa: tf the Tnist Estate.an am!�patt diereot or intc3rest t9lerein.bD taken or dama8ed by reason ot s,. ,
<br /> _ , .. .....,. anY pubfic improd�ec►t or eondemnatton proceeding. or•ip�at►yother manrtar inctud3n8 deed inlleu therenl t'Condemnattcn'1. or
<br /> . � � it TcusWr recetvas�tty notice ar othet information cegatdfn8 suah�ptaaesdln9.Tivatur shall 9ive VsomPt wdtten notice thereof to ;.� �
<br /> . ',��. �• ��:,
<br /> • Bese�fl�iary. Trusmr shal16e emitled to alt companEetfaa.awb�48 antf other payments or re!}at�th8teol and shatl 6e eMtded axiz� --
<br /> : •" �:°••-� •� .��r,�a to commenca,aPO���and prosecuta in its own�nama any aatEon or prnceed+ngs. Trussa�shat!also be ent1tled to��
<br /> �, �•, i; � ...��ompramise or setttem�ic�connectian with suab�tal;tnp�un damaBe. • lc;;'
<br /> - �:r.r iF.:•. - . .. . .
<br />�;��`:`? .�.. (`� . ... ,
<br /> :..f.,`. � �. �f;4:� ' - .�{,4��
<br /> .r, �• < � ' atmerrt�f�Srrccessar r�steo• ��Rfiata�y,�rta�►,from ttme to time,by a vVdtte���st�$nt executed and 5'l•
<br /> :,,;-' , �c� 6. qPA� F�.,
<br /> `';�,�r:;. :f,rs:L.: <�� acknowtedged by Beneftctary.maiisd to Truamr.and�f@RlltdRd,io�th��um11 in whict►the T�us1�stata is tocated and by otheiw3se �':�`.•�-
<br /> (sr succassors w the Trustes �. ,•.
<br />--- .'-'�{:'..�:., �'� camptying witA the provisiorts��of the aPPnaahl�r ta�v.otitt1p�Stater of�Nebraska sul�stituto e suGCes��ca. . , ;!;.:-
<br /> . . � �"f;:
<br /> . �a�+Ed herein ar actin8 her��Ard�r. , . , j,;•
<br /> •'�;; , , f
<br /> ' 7. Succsssoisan�Ass19�►s- This Sec°nti�Dee�tt�oi�Truat�apptisa te.iaures to th�a bEnsl�n oi and bind5�lrpardes herato. L" _
<br /> �,
<br /> their helra,tBBa�.Qevisaea,parsonat reDresenlativea,.suaGaESate anQ•asstgns. The t�rm�Q8sr4f��+e�Y shall mean the owner an�d
<br /> � :j . �;. hotder of any proTiissory nuta given to beneticiary. fu►h������na��Bd as BenefEciary hae�.
<br /> , :,:, .
<br /> %, ' 8. y,��ger.�aie�!lQatfor� Sales cs la�tat� 1'rustcin apumiCtrts tltat Tn stor will rwt sell,teasa o�othsnivise dispose
<br /> ...,5,., . °. ,�.:, �° cf any parc of she Trust F.scate.BeneHciary
<br /> ,s..;;��; .� ,.,. af anyr ot the Trust Estate. Qa tlh�event that 7�usia�se114�,:te�Be.a ur�athorwtae d1sg�• �ether or not any detault exists. -
<br /> . ,... .,.;,,.,s�,- :'
<br /> .,,��'�, m a y 8 t i t s o p t l o n dectate tita 9ndebtedness sacura0�hereby�itnm�diuusiy.dua arr�Av�yabte, . _
<br /> ., i!},"c��� ' .Beneficiary shaSl conseni to a transter oi�tha Trust�stota w s thkd�p ony!c o t h e e u t e n t s u c fi t t�s�!p a r t l l m e e t s the re qulrements
<br />_ , �f�;1, � . cor►tatned in.acx�assumea ths obUgatio�set tarth in the Fitgt�QeBd�af T�us� The covenants car+II�ained herein s�ai!run with the : , `
<br /> _-�`�,;�:'„ ::".;�t P�apeRy and 5:taD remalac��ir�l•torca and eftecruntitltha lndpbtudrtesfl ia PBid•�.tuU. ;;��
<br /> �� ' 8. Everrts of�Referd� Any ot the fotfowina�overtta sholl�be deemed�an�avent o!defautt herewu:�e:
<br /> '. ,���Fi��:+; ;,j
<br />_;.,;� � �,;�.ti;�;;4,-�.1 , q�} detautt sha0 ba made in the paymsnt ot�tltia Ondebtctdneo3 or any oth8r eum secured hereby wt�e 0re;
<br /> _ ,.�,`{°'}��;'�`", � or � .
<br />-_-':�.�:.,�,'�,;. . .
<br /> a , ; ip;� . (p) Yrustor shalt pedorm any nct in bankruptcy;�or
<br /> _ .,,..ts�t';S�f��; :
<br />--- ::�,i«;t�!v�,:s;.; ��
<br /> ,,;�1;;�1+;�;. (c) a couR ot competent Judsdictian shail enter as�oNer,iucyr-.�r�n ar Q�aoprav�ng a podtloa tite�agatnst
<br /> ..�.4.;.
<br /> lit84i8 OC Ot316E 828LiJQ8•
<br /> • Trus��s�e�ing any reorganisat�on� dissotution or stmitar retiet under any Rresont cr fu�r�tadarai.
<br /> � Iaw cs c,�Aation�a8ng to baa�kruptcy, insolvenay or other�eliet for deOLara,an�surL�ccder,ludgmang oc decree sttial! ;;:'
<br /> -' � r e m a:r e c�.�^r v a�a 4 2 d�u�ta yed for an agpregato 01 sixty(H01 days(whe�,ea ss not consec+nhie)Iram tfle tirsadata of enary 4�,.,�
<br /> -'. �;.n>..
<br />-`� � � ' there�s ar 2ny trvs��e.�ecelver or IiQuldatar or T�ustor ar of e t l or aoy�o f t h e 7 r u s t E a t a t e,o r o 0 a n y o r.a l R o!t'�e ;f�,�.
<br /> � , .. �. r uyat�. tment shatl e�m n u va ie�a e�a�ns�vsa io son agt�8 te of sixN(��days twhlhsr ot not�consecuti e1; .
<br /> ' s ch at,�� •
<br /> -- . ' or
<br /> . 2
<br />-.�; � . . .. . . . . .
<br /> • •
<br /> . . , .. . . . . . .. .
<br /> , . , . . . . . . . , .
<br /> , . .. .: • _ . , • �. .� " .. . . . , ,;,. . . . - . :. . �
<br /> .. . . �. , , • . , � . - , : �. • " •. ' : �,,. .
<br /> ' • . . , . . . • . . . . • .. � � : • . . `, . .
<br /> �� .. � � . , , . s,. � . . � .
<br /> • , . .. , .... . ' : • � . • • , �. � .. ' ' . �. . � ' ' .
<br /> . ,.., . . . . .
<br /> , . . . . .
<br /> .
<br /> . . . . . . � � ... - �-<-;.
<br /> . �� - ..,�... ^_",,.-4' .:,, ...:., �....,�.._...._,3i"-� �';�' "'t'•,.� :�t'� �1 y.
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