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�- �'� CORD No. 10 <br /> WILL AND D�CREE RE <br /> 38892-THEAUGUSTINfCO.GRANDISLAND.NEBR. <br /> The Court further finds that all of the claims a.nd expenses against said estate been paid by said Administratrix. <br /> IT IS THF.REFQRE ORDFRFD, ADJUDGFD ArD DFCREED BY THE COURT that the heirs at law and only heirs at law of John <br /> A. Snearly, deceased, are as f ollows: Clara �'. Snearly, widow; Reuben L. Snearly, brother; Robert W. Snearly, brother; <br /> and I�ellie Johnson, sisrer. ' <br /> IT IS FtJRTHER ORDERED, ADJi?DGril AND DF.CRFED BY THE COL`RT that all persons having claims against said estate not <br /> filed and allowed within r,he time fi.xe3 hy the Court, if any s uch there be, are forever barred, excluded and enjoin�d ` <br /> from s�tting up or asserting anv s��ch cl.aims against said estate. " <br /> IT IS FLTRTHT�'R ORDERP,D, AD,Jt'DGF.D A�D DI;CRF,ED BY THE COIJRT that the fi.nal report filed herein by Clara F. Snearly, <br /> Administratrix, ��e an� the same is hereby in all things approved and allcwed as and for said Administratriac�s final <br /> report, said �:state settl_ed �nd clos�ed and said !1dm.inistratri�c and her official bondsmen discharged from any fur�her <br /> l.iahilit3 in said estate, <br /> IT IS P'IIRTHER ORDERi:D, :1D,jt'DC�FD A'�'I3 DFCRFrD BY THF. COt'RT that the real estate owned by the deceased at the time of <br /> his deatt� and hereirbefore de:scril�ed, did uass and descend under and b3r virtup of the laws of the State of Nebraska as <br /> hereinbefore found bti� th� C�urt and distribtation thereef is accordingl_y made. <br /> TT TS 1'U�tTHT;R c�P.DT'lt^D, :1D�ji'DC.r.n, A�n Drcrtrr� r�Y THr CC?t.'RT that the value of the personal prQperty did not excee3 <br /> the exempti��ns as se* fci°th iindez- r..h� R�vise�� Statutes of Nebraska, a7lowable to the wido�.. <br /> IT TS Ft?RTHF:R (�RP.?'P.T'D, AD,�i?�GrP, .1�D DFCRF�D TiY TNF CQt'RT that there is no inheritance tax dtze the State of <br /> Nebr�asha, or the t'<^.�� St�*e� cf :'lmerica. <br /> ':3Y TIiF. COt'RT; <br /> (Si AI:) Charl�s tiossert <br /> COt"�'TY Ti'DG�, <br /> Tr� �-.he (`.ot.tnt3 �'�t�rt of Tia11 County, �ebraska <br /> �:�rtificate � <br /> ST:\T�: (??' '�^I�?t�1SK:t } <br /> ) s�. T, ^l���ries T?osser* Cet.nty J�ibt of Hal.l Court3•, �'ebz�a�;a, �o hereby cer�if3r that I have <br /> }It1T.L C(?IT\TY 1 ;�;,rpar-�.:1 �:,�e f�re� �r,�* ct��y of Dec�°e� erltere� T^; THE '�t1TTF.R CF TF!E I�:ST_1T1' OF �OHI� ra. <br /> �';r',`:^L:Y, P!'�.'-'<��''D, t,�i*h the ori;inal rec�r;�. there,of, i�c�w� remaining in said Court, that <br /> the �x�n�c: is ��. r.�t��-ec.t *�r,�r�c_ri�t "h�z•���?f, ar�3 ��f the wh�7.e e,f �uch origina'_ recor;�; that sai.d C��urt is a Court of <br /> R�eerd ha:�irs�� a s<���1 , �'^,i;'� 4ea?. i�; her��ta attarlied; *hat sai�.� Cutart ���s no ��c.rk authori�ed to sign certificates <br /> ir ha,s o��r name, ;�r,� ttz;:t T a^�, t?7r• ?��a1 �u�to;3aan .�f said �eal a,n3 of the Recer��s of sai.3 Coizrt, and. that the <br /> fc�regc�iT;� a�;*estataeT, :�� i.� :?�ae fc��°� c�f le�:a, <br /> I'� TT'ST?"�iC"�`.r ;��??'RT:C'�' T l�a�-e !�f_>r�i�nt� set ms- ��ana an:i affixed the �ea1. of the �ovnty Court, at Grand Isla:�d, thi.s <br /> 23r�l. ���a.v e� :'��ril., ]�?�2. <br /> (S^-'�L) Gharles �iossert, Cour_ty Tu.d�e <br /> File�j f��r rec��r•�? t!:�s 24 ,':��- �f :�pri.l 1�?52, r�t 4:45 o�cl..�cl: P. '�t, �,��D-LvY✓ <br /> .".ebister of Deeds <br /> �.�i��.u��-�C-��4_��_Q_G�G._�._��.i�_��_.;�_.`,.����.�._^__('__(��.�w.,�.�.�?_C?Ti�_.�-(�-Q--O�p_C�����..,��.0-(`-C�-O_O-C--C�-O-i,-C!-(`-�-O-c-C-0-0-o-0,-Q-0-Q-a-O- <br /> WILL AND DECREE �/ <br /> LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF JAMES R. TRAVIS <br /> I, James R. Travis, being a resident of Grand Island, Hall Covnty Nebraska, and considering the uncertainty of this <br /> frail and mortal life and being possessed of sound mind and memory, Blessed Be God for same do hereby, publish, <br /> utter and declare the following to be my last will and testament. <br /> 1. I order and direct that �y eaecutrix hereinafter named sha11 pay all t� just dehts and the e�penses incident <br /> to my last illness and burial as soon after my decease as conveniently may be. <br /> • <br /> 2. All the rest, residu� and remainder of my estate, real, personal or mixed whether naw awned by me or hereafter <br /> acquired and �rhereve���situate, T hereby give, devise, and bequeath to my wife, Myrtle L. Travis. <br />' 3. Lastly, I name, nominate and appoint mp► wife, Myrtle L. �ravis, executrix of this mp* last will and testament and <br /> request that no bond be required of her. <br /> I hereby revoke a� and all previous wills by me made. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereby set n�p► hand and seal at Grand Island, Nebraska, this 3Qth day of June, 195�.. <br /> .Iaffies R. Travis <br /> Testator <br /> We, whose names are hereunto affi�ced do hereby certify and attest that James R. Travis, the above named testator <br /> signed the within instrunient in our presence and declared at the same that the said instrwaent is his last will and <br /> testament and we at his request and in his presence and in the p�esence of each other have hereunto affixed our names <br /> as attestin� witnesses. <br /> Mar.j�orie F3tzpatrick <br /> Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> W�. P. Mu�:en <br /> Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA F I L E D A UG 28 1951 CHARLES BOSSERT COUNTY JUDGE <br /> CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE OF WILL <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. At a Session of the County Court held in the Countp Court Room in Grand. Island, in said Eounty, <br /> HALL COUNTY ) on the 26th day of September A. D., 1951. , <br /> Present Char�es Bos�ert County Judge <br /> In the Matter of the Estate of <br /> James R. Travis, Deceased <br /> I, Charles Bossert, Judge of the County Court, in and f or said County, do hereby certifq that on the 28th dap of <br />