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� �'� VVILL AND DECREE R�CORD No. 10 <br /> 38892-THEAUGUSTINfCO.GRANDISLAND.NEBR. <br /> The above and foregoing instrument, cemprising two pages, this or.e incl.uded, typewritten on one side only, signed I <br /> by the testa.trix, Tena. Hanssen, a�ove and or. the margin of the first page whereof she has also signed, was by said Tena <br /> Hanssen signed, declaxed and pu�lished to be her will a.nd testament, in our presence and in the presence of each <br /> other, who, at reqjaest air�. in her presence and in the presence of other ha.�•e hPreunto set our hands as witnesses <br /> in duplicate this 9tih day of F�*bruary, 19�14. <br />, A. G. Abbatt of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> Richard W. tJul.f of Grar.d 1s7.a.nd, Nebraska. <br /> Fndorsement: Last t�'ill and Testament of T�na Hanssen, <br /> 929 South Locust Street, <br /> Grand. Island, :�ebraska.. <br /> HALL COUI�?TY, NE�iRASKA F I L F, D M:1R 21 .1952 CHARLES I30SSERT CQUNTY JL'DGF <br /> CERTIFICATE OF PROBATF, OF WII.L <br /> STATE OF NFBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. �1t 1 Session of the Coianty Court held in the County Court Room in Grand Island, in said <br /> HALL COUNTY ( County, on the 16th day of Apri.l A. D. , 1952. <br /> Present Charles �3ossert County Judge <br /> In the Matter of the F..state of <br /> Tena. Hanssen Deceased <br /> - I, Charles �ossert, Jud�e of the County Cot�rt, in and fer said County, do hereby certify that on the 21st day of '' <br /> March 1952, the instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Tena Hanssen decea.sed, was f iled for probate <br /> in this Court. That on the lhth day of April, 1952, said instrument to which this certificate is a�tached was duly <br /> proved, probated and allowed as the last will and testament of the real and personal estate of said Tena Hanssen <br /> deceased, and the same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid. <br /> I1`' WIThFSS WHERFOF, 7 have hereunto set my hand and a.ffilced the seal of the County Court, this 16th day of <br /> April 1952. <br /> (SEAL) `Chatles Bossert, County Judge <br /> HALL COUNTY, NI:BRASKA F I L E D APR 16 1952 CHARLES BOSSERT COUNTY jUDGF. <br /> IN COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NF.BRASKA. <br /> IN THF. MATTER OF THE FSTATF OF ) Fstate No. 4421 <br /> ( FINAL DECRE�. <br /> TENA HANSSFN, DECr.ASED. ) <br /> This cause coming on for hearing April 16th, 1952, on the petition of Arnold H. Hanssen for the probate of the <br /> last will and testament of Tena Hanssen, wit�out administrati.on, the pleadings, process and evidence heard in open <br /> court, on consideration whereof the court finds: <br /> That notice af the time and place of hearing on said petition w3s given to a11 persons interested i.n the estate <br /> or will of the deceased, both credi.tors and heirs, legatees and devisee� of the deceased and the executor named in said <br /> will, for the time and in the manner �rovided by law as appears from the proof of publication on file herein; that the <br /> testatrix Tena Hanssen di.ed testate, a resident of said Hall County at the time of her; that she died June 21, <br /> 1949 and that more than two �ears have elapsed since the date of her death; that she died seized in fee simple of Lot <br /> Eight (8) in Block Sixteen (16) of South Grand Island, an addition to the City of Grand Islanc� in Hall Countp, Nebraska; <br /> that no application has been made t o admit said last will of the deceased to probate ei�her by the creditors, heirs, <br /> legatees, devisees or the executor named in said will or other person interested in the estate or in the last will <br /> of the decea.sed; that J. M. Hanssen, husband of the testatriac and Arnold H. Hanssen, son of the .deceased are the sole <br /> heirs at law and sole devisees under said' last wihll� that�sa�i��i������t filed herein with the petition purporting <br /> �a r t tr w� r u � <br /> to be the last will and testament of the d��eased�an �as; een u y proved according to law and has been allowed and <br /> I admitted to probate herein as the last will and testament of the deceased; that said lot above described passed and <br /> descended under the laG'- will of the deceased to J. M. Hanssen for life, remainder in fee to Arnold H. Hanssen, that <br /> the court costs and expenses of this proceeding have been paid in full; that administration should be dispensed with <br />� and the estate closed. <br /> IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, AD,)UDGED AND DECRE:F.D BY THF. COURT: That the deceased died testate, a resident of said Hall <br /> County on June 21, 1949; that more than two years have elapsed since the death of the testatriac, that the instrument <br /> purporting to be the last will and testament of the deceased, filed herein, be and it is admitted to probate as the <br /> last will and testament of the deceased; that the deceased died seized in fee simple of Lot Eight (8) in Block <br /> Sixteen (16) of South Grand Island, an addition to the City of Gra nd Island in Hall County, Nebraska, that the same <br /> passed and descended on the death of the testatrix under said Iast will and under the statute of wills of Nebraska to <br /> Arnold H. Hanssen, subject to a life estate in said J. M. Hanssen and is hereby so awarded to them; that all court <br /> costs and expenses af this probate proaeeding have been paid in full, <br /> The court further finds that said estate and the succession thereto are not sub�ect to an ihheritance tax under the <br /> laws of Nebraska a.fter due notice to the County Attorney of said Hall County and it is therefore further ordered that said <br /> estate descended free and clear of inheritance taa�es under the laws af Nebraska; that administration of said estate be � <br /> dispensed with and that said estate be and it is closed. <br /> (SEAL) Charles Bosserty County Judge <br /> In the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska <br /> Certificate <br /> STATE QF N'EBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. I, Char].es Qossert County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that I have <br /> Hall Eounty ) compared the foregoing copy of Last Will and Testament, Certificate of Probate and Final <br /> Decree II� THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF TENA HANSSEN, DECEASED, with the original record <br /> thereof, now remaining Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such <br /> original record; that said Court is a Court of Record havin seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has <br /> no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his vwn name, an that I am the legal custodian of said Seal and of the <br /> Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law. I <br /> I1� TESTIMONY WHERFOF I have here�nto set �y hand and affi�ced the seal of the County Gourt, at Crand Island, this <br /> 16th day of April, 1952. <br /> (SEAL) Charles Bossert, County Judge <br /> Filed for record this 1? day of April 1952, at 8:30 o�clock A. M. � � <br /> _ Reeister �f Depdc <br />