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� �� <br /> WILL AND D�CRE� RECORD No. 10 <br /> 38692-TXEA�IGUSTINECO.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. <br /> THIRD: To my beloved wife, CAROLYN B. VEEDER, I herebp will and bequeathe all of the rest and residue of my <br /> estate, whether the same shall consist of real, personal or mixed property, and wherever situated, this to incl.ude, any <br /> family home in which we may �e residing and of which we may be the owner at the date of � decease, together with all <br /> of the household furniture and equipment in such home contained, all cash on hand or money upon deposit in any bank, <br /> all stocks and bonds, all notes and accounts receivable, all of my personal jewelry, clothing and effects, it being <br /> the intention of this Will that my said wife sha11 be sole legatee hereunder other than as to the provisions contained <br /> in paragraph SECOND above: <br /> FOURTH; I hereby nominate and appoint my wife, CAROLYN B. VEEDER, sole Executrix of m,y estate and direct that <br /> she shall serve without bond, and without the intervention of any Court before whom this Will may be my estate she <br /> shall have full right and authority to se11, mortgage or otherwise encumber and/or dispose of the while or anq p�rtion <br /> of my estate in any manner which her best judgment shall suggest, no Court orders of any kind to be required of her � <br /> for that purpose and no confirmation of any such transactions necessarp: � <br /> PROVIDED HaWEVER, that in case of the simultaneous death of myself and my wife from any cause, or if she shall � <br /> have pre-deceased me then and in that event I will and bequeathe to n�y daughter, JEAN K. DECKER a life estate in all - <br /> real property of which I may be seized and possessed at the date of my death; at the date of this Will I am the ewner � <br /> in my separate right of the following described real estate in Hall County, Nebraska: � <br /> The West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W2 NE4) of Section Twenty-nine (29) Tawnship 'lwrelve (12), North of R <br /> Range 1`welve (12), West of the 6th P.M., subject to the life estate of Bertha M. Veeder � <br /> having acquired the same through inheritance, such real estate being subject to a life estate in mp mother, BERTHA M. <br /> �EEDER; ALSO I own in mp separate right, a.cquired in the same manner a mortgage upon the follawing described real <br /> estate in Hall County, Nebraska; <br /> EAST Half of the Northeast Quarter (E2 NE4) of Section Twentp-nine (29) Tawnship 1�elve (12) North of <br /> Range Twelve (12) West 6th P.M. Subject to the life estate of Bertha M. Veeder. <br /> said Mortgage in the sum of Fifteen Hundred ($1500.) Dollars, payable as written in the instrUment, si�c months after <br /> the death of my mother BERTHA M. VEEDER, and in which real estate she has a life estate: <br /> In such eventuality I hereby will and bequeathe to my daughter, JEAN K. DECKER, a life estate i.n the above <br /> described real estate or any portion thereof which I may awn at the date of my death together with a life estate in <br /> anp real estate I may, at that time, own in King County, Washington or elsehwere and particularlp any family home in <br /> which my wife and I were at the time residing; said daughter, Jean to come into irmnediate ownership of all of the <br /> household furniture all of my personal jewelry, clothing and effects. <br /> In such eventuality it is my will that after the payment of all my debts, funeral expenses and costs of admin- � <br /> istration, all cash in bank, Government Bonds or other liquid assets shall descend to n►y two grand-children, JERENE M. � <br /> DECKER and KATHERINE J. DECKER and to any other grand-child I map have at the date of my death, such �randchildren to 0 <br /> share my estate equally and such sums of money to be held in trust by my said daughter, JEAN K. DECKER, as trustee and �' <br /> deposited in a r�liable bank until the said grandchildren shall have respectivelp attained the age of 21 years; any � <br /> increment from the real estate together with the bonds, the Mortgage above described or anp other investments of which� , <br /> I may be the owner I bequeathe to my daughter, Jean, retaining the principal for mp grandchildren. <br /> — w <br /> � <br /> To my said grandchildren, JERENE M. DECKER and KATHF.RINE J. DECKER, and to any ather �ranchild I may have at the '° <br /> date of my death, children of � daughter Jean, I will and bequeathe the lands above described in Nebraska or any other ' <br /> real estate which I may own, wherever located and including my property in King Countp, Washington, subject to the <br /> provisions hereinablve mentioned vesting a life estate in their mother, mq daughter, JEAN K. DECKER: <br /> In such eventuality I hereby nominate and appoint nq� daughter, JEAN K. DECKER, sole Executrix of mp estate, she <br /> likewise to serve without bond and without Court Intervention, and I hereby nominate and appoint her as trustee to have <br /> the possession, ma.nagement and control of the money, other liquid assets and real estate hereinabove referred to and <br /> bequeathed to my grandchildren. <br /> FIFTH: I hereby revoke any and al]. former Wills by me made: <br /> IN WITNESS WHERFOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 29th day of October, 1949, at Seattle, Washington, <br /> Frank A. Veeder (SEAL) <br /> T e s t a t o r <br /> The foregoing document, consisting of t�is and three pages, was at the date thereof, by the said testator, FRANK <br /> A. VEEDER, sip,ned, sealed, published and declared to be his LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT in the presence of us, who at <br /> his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witneeses thereto. <br /> � <br /> Thomas S. Silvers Residing a.t 4828 California Ave. � <br /> Seattle , Washington o <br /> Myra V. Smith Residing at 4503 48th S. W. �w � <br /> Seattle, Washington � <br /> C OPY � <br /> VOL 556 PAGE 368 a <br /> IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON <br /> • IN AND FOR THF COUNTY OF KING <br /> F I L E D <br /> 1951 JUL 13 PM 12:00 <br /> NORMAN R. RIDDELL CLERK <br /> KING COUNTY WASH <br /> IN THE MATTER OF THF, ESTATF ) <br /> of ) ORDER OF SOLVENCY <br /> FRANK A. VEEDER, Deceased ) <br /> The above matter on to be heard upon the Petition of CAROLYN B. VEEDER, as Fxecutrix of said estate, asking <br /> that an Order of Solvencq be signed herein, and it appearing to the Court from the records and f9lings herei n that said <br /> estate has been appraised at the sum of $12,616.06. <br /> That the estate is being probated under a non-interventi.on Will, and that the funeral expense of the deceased, <br /> and the expense of sickness, have bee paid, and that there,.are no outstanding claims against said estate, accordin� <br /> to the best knowledge, information, and belief of the petitioner. <br /> NOW THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that said estate is hereby declared to be entirely solvent. <br /> DOATE Il� OPEN COi1RT, this the 13 day of july, 1951 <br /> Donald A. Arnold <br /> J U D C E <br />