<br /> It is therefere ordered, ad�udged and decreed by the court that the said instrument, af oresaid, be and the same
<br /> is hereby admirted to pro�ate ir t'�is cot�rt as the La.st ?ti�ill ar.d Testament of Carl Menssen deceased, and that the
<br /> same be ertered of record herein.
<br /> It i.s fur~her cor.sidered a.r.d or�ere� by the Court that :lrthur ��enssen be and he is hereby appointed FYecutor of
<br /> the I,ast ?�'ill and Testament of Ca,rl �Terssen deceased, upon his takin� and subscribing the Oath required by law an.d the
<br /> filing ar,d approval of his Tiond in *he penal su.m of Twenty—nine Thousand Dollars, conditioned according to la.w, but
<br /> without sureties, tha.t being expressly waived by the terms of said decedentts will.
<br /> � �nd r.ow from the eviclence a.dciuced in open court a.s to the heirship of said Carl Menssen, decea.sed, which
<br /> evidence has been dulp certif ied to by this court, an.d the court being fully a.dvised in the premises doth find that
<br /> rhe said Carl Menssen left him suri=ivir.g the following children, to—wit: Arthur Menssen, Sophie Remmert,
<br /> Frieda Hart���ig, �.ti'alter Menssen, �rwin ��enssen and ISarl �+�enssen, as his sole heirs at law.
<br /> It is therefore, on considera.tion, ordered, adjudged, and decreed by the court that the sa.id Carl R4enssen at his
<br /> deatl�, as aferesaid, left him surviving his heirs as above found and declared, and that this order be recorded.
<br /> ' Don I�. Fioletti
<br /> F.NDO`�S?,'�:A'T: �:state 1�?0. 5254
<br /> QRD��R. A.DMITT Ir?G
<br /> t-e�ILL TC FP4Ci?�T�,.
<br /> ?�'state of �
<br /> Carl �lensser
<br /> . �T'.�T'�tCi;,jJ .
<br /> I'iled this 17th day of
<br /> Ai.pril. �'�. D. 1950
<br /> S. �:. hTaffzi.ger
<br /> Clerk
<br /> Record 0 Page 265
<br /> ??eok 43 Page 44£3
<br /> I,�S T j��ILL AR'D T t,S TA:KF.Ir T
<br /> I, CAI�L. MFI�SSEI�T, of Secor, Illinois, make and declare this to be my Z�'ill, hereby revoking all former wills made
<br /> by me.
<br /> FI?;ST: I direct that m,y funeral expenses and just debts be paid a.s soon after my death as conveniently may be done.
<br /> S�:�Or;D; .^,fter the payment of such fureral eacgenses, just debts and the expenses of administering my estate, I give,
<br /> devise and bequeath al� vroperty that I may own at the time of rny death, both real and personal and wherever situated,
<br /> to my children in eq�.zal shares. In the even.t of the death of any child prior to my death, then the share of such
<br /> deceased child shal.l go to his or her child or children, but, if he or she lea.ve no child, then such share shall go
<br /> to the sL�rviving l�rothers ard sisters in eql�al shares, the children. of any deceased child to take the share their
<br /> deceased parent would have taken, if living,
<br />� L.�'fSTLY; Z hereby namin�te and appoinr., my son, t^.RTItUR T�;fiSSFl�?, to be the executor of this will and direct that no
<br /> l�ond be required of him as such executor other than his personal obligation. In the event of his inability or refusal �
<br /> to act as such exectitor, then I nomina.te and appoint my son, ERt�TII� �tiF:NSS�;I�T, to be the executor of this will and direct
<br /> that no bond be required of him other Y,han his personal obligation.
<br /> In �aitness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 7th day of Tune, 1948.
<br /> Carl Menssen (SE�I,)
<br /> Sr.
<br /> The foregoing instrument wa.s on the da.te thereof subscribed by the said CART_ '�I!�;1�TSST��' in our presence and was at the
<br /> same time declared hy him to be his last 6ti'ill and Testamen.t; and we, at the same time, in his presence, at his request
<br /> and in the presence of �ach other, havehereunto subscribed our names as attesting wit nesses, hereby acknowledging that
<br /> we believe the said CARL r�I�SSrr; to be of sound mind a.nd m�mory and that, in signing said will, he has acted without
<br /> undue influence, fraud or coercion. '
<br /> �'Fances Surd uist residing at ?°ureka, Ill. ,
<br /> F' q �
<br /> F�dward I?iley .Tr , residing a.t rureka, Ill.
<br /> George u. F?il� , residing a.t I;ureka, Ill.
<br /> (Filed ard 2�mitted to T'robate; �spril. 17, 1950)
<br /> �LE?^�{tS C�;�'TII'ICATFI C�I' CCP'Y T1TT� ?t??7G^tc �Ir;��IFIC",t�TIOT;
<br /> �TATr (�F ILI.7NC�IS, )
<br /> 1 ss. I, c, T'. I�'affziger Clerk of the County Court in and for said County, in the state
<br /> tG'GOnFC�'D Cdt?I�TY, ) aforesa.i.d, do izereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of
<br /> "I'etition for Probate of �Jill. and I,er_ters Testamentary�r, ttrntries of Appearancer',
<br /> '+Order �dmittirg ?�'ill to Proba.te", and 'T.T_ast T�'ill and TestamentTt in the Matter of the (�,state of CA�;L MFIeSSEi�, Deceased,
<br /> ?�'.state P�o. 525�, as the same appears from the record. �nd files in my custo�y remaining.
<br />� IN TFSTI2��OT'Y ���?�+1�TC�F, I hat�e her.eunto set my hand and affixed the sea.l. of said Court, at my office in �;ureka., in �
<br /> said County, this 29th d.av of Novemrer, A.D. 1950
<br /> (�r�;l) S � naffziger, Clerk
<br /> ST�`_TI� CF IL:LII�GI�S, )
<br /> } ss. I, Don !?. Fioletti ?udge of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that
<br /> tdoodford County, ) �, �:, Naffziger whose na.me is subscribed to the f oregoing Certificate of �ttestation,
<br /> now is, ar.d was at the time of sigr.ing and sealing the same, County Clerk of the County
<br /> Court of t:�'eodfortl County aferesa_id, ard keeper of the I�ecor�s and Sea.l thereof, duly elected and qualified to office;
<br /> �nd that f�all_ fai*..h and credit are ancl ef ri.ght ought to be given to a.]_l his official acts as such, in all Courts of
<br /> Record an� else�ahere; ar,� that his said attestation is in due form of la�a and by the proper officer.
<br /> Gi_ven under my hard and seal, th.is 29ti1 day of I�'ovember, ^;.D. 1�50
<br /> Don fi. Pioletti _(SEAL)
<br /> �,oun .y u ge.
<br />