<br /> all situated within the state of tiebr°aska and that the said real estate and all of it should be assigned to Lizzie
<br /> Hinrikus� mother of the said ��alter Iiinrikus, deceased, in fee simple.
<br /> 6. That all of the personal property in this estate has been disposed of and that after payment of all sums
<br /> ordere3 and appro�ed to be paid the ad.ministrator has in ��is:possession the sum of $9,354.97, which sum should be and
<br /> the same is hereby ordered to �e pai3 to the said Lizzie �Hinrikus.
<br /> ?. That upon due consi3eration the court finds inheritance tax to be due upon the said estate in the sum of
<br /> $488.43, payable siact�en per°cent thereof, $�^.15 �o Hall County, I�ebraska and eighty-four percent thereof, $410.28
<br /> to A�ams County, �ebraska, wliicli sums have been paid.
<br /> l. That the final reporC of the administrator be and ttie same is hereby ap�croved a.nd allowed as filed.
<br /> 2. That the paymer,t �y° the admin�strator of the costs, fees and expenses and the items shown itn his fa.nal
<br /> ' r�eport are appra�ed and that recei.pts fdr eacl� item of disbursement have been properly filed,
<br /> 3. That �11 e�aams a�aa�.crst this est��e have been paid, settled and s�tisfied in fu21,
<br /> 4. That i.nheri.tance t� as faund. by the court to be due has been ful.ly paid.
<br /> S That the r���l �srate hFr�a.n�iefore desGri,bed in the fi.ndings of this decree be and the same is hereby assigned
<br /> to Lizzi_� Hinrilr�s i.n fe� si.mple, ai�soli�tely.
<br /> E�, That the adma.nistra.tc�r a.s hereby ordered to pay the balance in money in his possession in the sum of
<br /> $9,354.9? �t� I.izzie Hinr�.ku� and fa.7.e her receipt for the said paymer.t with this court.
<br /> 7. That th� �state �+f the said. is�al_ter Hinrikus has been in all things fully and completely administered and
<br /> that upon filing of i•eGe.i.�t as crdered to be pracured the administrator shall be discharged and his bondsmen released.
<br /> SN �JIT;�'ESS t�FIEREOF I have hereur�to set my hand and Seal. of the County Court of Adams County, Nebraska this
<br /> 30th day of June, 1951.
<br /> (seal) .Tohn F,. Ray,
<br /> County Judge
<br /> In the Coun�y Caurt of �'1dam� i,ounty, Nebraska.
<br /> State of Nebraska, Adams County.ss
<br /> I, John F„ Ray, Count�r Jud.ge in and for said County and State, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is
<br /> a true and coY•rect copy of th� FJNAL DF,CRFF .isstted a.nd filed in the matter of the estate of Walter Hinrikus, deceased;
<br /> as the decree a.ppears of record and in the files of this office.
<br /> In witness whereof, T ha�r� hereunto set my hand a.nd affiaced the Seal of the County Court at Hastings, in Ada.ms
<br /> County, Nebraska, thi.s 2nd day c+f Ju1y, 1951.
<br /> (SEAL) lohn E. Ra3r.
<br /> County Judge
<br /> Filed for record. th�.s 7 day� cf July 1951 at 8:30 otclock A, M. ����
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> 0-0-�-Q-O-OaC►-�Oa0�0-0-C-0-0-�Q--(?-•�;-0-Q-0-0-Q-0-0--Q-�-0-0-0-Q-Q-O-�-�-0-Q-0--0-0-Q-0-Q-(`-0-Q-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-Q-Q-0-0-Q-0
<br /> ) F.STATF '�TO. 4325
<br /> OF )
<br /> FRt�ItiK SA'L'nERS, D£:CI�;AST:L�. �
<br /> Thi:s matter came �n for hearing the llth da� of July, 1951, up�n the petition of Thorwald A. Christensen and was
<br /> su�mi.tted to the Crurt.
<br /> The ^ourt bc�ang fullv ad�-i.sc�� in the premises finds that; ]�'etice of si�ch petitian has been given to all persons
<br /> interested; b�th creditors at�d heirs; the all.egat.ions af such petition are true; such Frank Sanders died intestate
<br /> Qctober 2, 1929, seizecl in fee of the rea2 property herei.nafter described,; such deGedent w�s a resident of the State
<br /> of Nebraska and no admi.nistrator has beer. appointed in Nebraska; such Frank Sanders left�,him surviving Eliza J. Sanders,
<br /> his wife, and Floyd Sanders, C,eot•ge Sanders, Art:hur Sanders, Harry E. Sanders, Cliff ord Sanders and William San�?Ars
<br /> and Sadie Walker, the sans and da.ughter cf such Frank Sanders and Eliza T. Sanders, as his sole and only heirs at law.
<br /> The Court further finds that: A11. claims or demands against such estate are paid or barred by the statutes of
<br /> non-claims; the real property hereinafter described descended to the heirs a� law herei.n determi.ned in the proportions
<br /> hereinafter set f�rth.
<br /> IT F F ' T
<br /> IS THER_FOR C�?�SIDERED DETFR*fI.'�'ED AI�D DECRF..FD that Frank Sanders ciied in n
<br /> , , , testate o OctoUer 2, 1929; the
<br /> heirs at law of such deceder�t are: the persons herein�efore enumerated a.nd they are the wife and sons a.nd daughter,
<br /> resgectively, of the decedent, the real praperty belonging to decedent, namely, Lot Five (5), in Bl:�ck Ten (10), in
<br /> Jahn Voitle�s Additi�n to the City of Crand. Island, Hall County, 3.n the State of Nebraska, belonging to the �ecedent,
<br /> descended. as follows: Ta Fliza J, Sanders, wife of decedent, an undivided one--third interest; to Floyd Sanders, George
<br /> Sanders� Arthur Sanders, Harry E, Sanders, Cliff ord Sanders, Willia.m Sanders, and Sadie Walker, the sons and daughter
<br /> of such. Frank Sanders and F.liza J. Sanders, an undi.vided twa-twenty-first (2/21) interest each.
<br /> IT IS FllRTHER CONSIDERFD AND ADJUDGED that a11 cla.�ms or deraands against the estate of such deceased, whether due
<br /> or to become duP, whexher abso�ute or conti.ngent, shall be forever barred.
<br /> BY THE COURT;
<br /> Charles Bossert
<br />