. ,_ �.,, ,:_,
<br /> WILL AND DECRE� RECORD No. 1 � ��
<br /> To Hulda Eickhoff - Distributive share $991.48
<br /> To Fred Eickhoff - Distributive share 949.98
<br /> To Ed Eickhoff - Distributive share 949.98
<br /> To Marie Klein gqg.gg
<br /> and that there; remai.ns no property in her hands belonging to said es:tate for distribution.
<br /> IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECRFED BY THF. COURT that any clai.ms outstanding against this estate,
<br /> if anq there be, are hereby barred and the hol3ers thereof enjoined from setting up ar asserting the same against
<br /> this estate ar the assets thereof.
<br /> ZT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY Tf{E COURT that the Final Report of Hulda Fickhoff, Administratrix
<br /> herein, be and the same hereby is approved and allowed as such; further that Hulda Fickhoff, widow of said decedent,
<br /> and Fred Eickhoff, F,dward Eickhoff a.nd Marie Klein, children of said decedent , are all and the only heirs-at-law
<br /> of said deceased, , and that the property described in Paragraph Fifth hereof descends according to the laws of
<br /> descent and distributfon and the la�rs of joint tenancy with right of survivorship of the State of l�Tebraska as found
<br /> in Paragraph Sixth of this Decree; that said Administratrix has made full and complete settlement and distribution
<br /> of this estate according to law, and has filed receipts herein showing such payment, and that she therefore hereby
<br /> be and is hereby discharged as Administratrix, her bond released and said estate fully settled and closed.
<br /> IrT WTTNESS WHF.REOF I have hereunto set my hand and the seal. of the Countp Court of Hall County, Nebraska, this
<br /> 4th day of April, 1951.
<br /> (SF.AL)
<br />, ( Signed) Charles Bosser.t
<br /> County Judge
<br /> ) ss,
<br /> HALL COUNTY )
<br /> I, Charles Bossert County Judge of Hall County, Nebra.ska, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing
<br /> copy of Final Decree entered IN THE MATTER OF THE F,.STATE OF AUGIIST FICKHOFF, DECF:ASED, iaith the original record
<br /> thereof, now remaining in sai.d Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such
<br /> original record; ;that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court
<br /> has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am the leagal custodian of said Seal and
<br /> of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br /> IN TF,STIMONY 4aHERF.OF I ha.ve hereunto set my hand and affixed the sea,l of the �ounty Court, at Grand Island,
<br /> this 4th day of April, 1951.
<br /> (COURT) Charles Bossert �
<br /> (SEAL ) County Judge
<br /> Filed for record this 5 day of April 1951, at 9:55 ofclock A. M. �d�,� a�/
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> �
<br /> a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-�-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
<br /> At a session of the County Court, held in and for sai.d Coun*y, at the County Court Room in Kearney on this
<br /> Feb�y. 26�h, A.D. 1901.
<br /> Present, Chas. F. Yost, courzty Juage
<br /> In the matter of the Estate af F. G. `��Carlson late of said county, deceased
<br /> BE IT REME?�IIiERED, That on the llth day of Februa.ry, A.D. 1901, S. G. Carl.son, Admir. of the F,state of said
<br /> �. G. Carlson, filed in this Court his final account as such Admini.stra.tor, and a petition praying for the settlement
<br /> and allowance of said account as filed., decree of heirship and distribution of estate, and for a discharge fram his
<br /> trust as such Ad.mi.nistrator and that, for these purposes, a time and place be fixed for examining, settling and
<br /> allawing such aceount and making said decrees, and that no notice be given thereof there also on said. day being
<br /> filed a waiver i.n wri.ting of any notice of hearing, all of said heirs being of full, legal age.
<br /> Th�.t on said da3* last aforesaid, an order of this Court was made herein, assigning the 26th day of February,
<br /> A.D. 1901, at 2 ofclock P.M., at the County Court Room, in and for said County, as the time and place of hearing the
<br /> said petition; and requi.ring na notice of the said heari.ng be published or given, on account of said waiver.
<br /> �hat on this, the said day of hearing, all of sai.d parti.es being present either in person or by attorney,
<br /> thereupon, after an examina*ion by the court of said account and after due consideration thereof and of the vouchers
<br /> in support thereof, and on due consideration of the agreement and stipulation herein filed, signed by all. said heirs
<br /> and the widaw of said decedent, the Court finds as follows: lst: That said decedent departed this life at his
<br /> residence in said county, on or about June 29, 1890, leaving no la�t will and testament, and leaving as his sole
<br /> heirs and next of kin the follawing and none others, towit: - F..va �t. Carlson, his widow, Seford G. Carlson, Carl F..
<br /> Carlson, his sons, and Carolyn Carlsen and Leda C, Wyman, his daughters, all of legal age.
<br /> 2nd: That he died seized of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 f� 6 in Block 2, in Hull+s Addition to Shelton, Buffalo
<br /> County, Nebraska, which under said agreement of said heirs is set aside to said widow for the term of her natural
<br /> life in lieu of all her right of dower, homestead, portion, allowance for support, and distributive share of the
<br /> personal:..property of said estate, excep� household goods, 1 horse, buggy, harness, double harness, corn in crib,
<br /> wagon �� spring wagon. ,
<br /> 3rd; That he also died seized of Lots 1, 2 �� 3 in Block 14, in the LTnion Pacific Addition to Shelton:
<br /> 4
<br /> Also the S.F,. 4, Sec, 1, T�. 10, R. 13; all in Buffalo County, Neb; A1so the F,2 of S.W.4 and W2 of N.W.
<br /> of Section 32, and the r.�:. of Sec. 31, all in Tp. 11, �. 12, in Hall County, Nebraska, in which said
<br /> widok* has quit-claimed all her right, title and interest.
<br /> 4th: That said final account is just, true and correct, and there remains i.n the hands of the administrator,
<br /> after �aying all costs and expenses of administration, there bei.ng no clai.ms filed and time limited for filing
<br /> same havitig expired, the sum of $2453.74, the same being in cash and notes and bank stock as shown�by said final_ :
<br /> account.
<br /> IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGFD AND DFCP.EED, That said final account be and the same is hereby approved, allowed and
<br /> confirmed, 2nd; That in lieu of dawer, homestead, portion, allowance and distributive share of personal property,
<br /> the said Eva M. Carlson, widaw of decedent, take a.nd have the real estate described in the second of above findings
<br /> of fact by the court, for the term of her natural life, the same to descend at her death, share and share alike to
<br />