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<br /> �� WII�L AND D�CR�� R�CORD No. 10
<br /> The Fast Half af the '�outhwest �uarter (E2S[ti'1) of Section Thirty-one (31), in Township T�velve (12) North, Range
<br /> 'I'welve (12), West of the 6th P.*�. in Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> Tr�e East Hal: of the Southwest Quarter (E2SW�) of Section Thirty-three (33) in Township 1'welve (12) North,
<br /> Range Tw�lve (12), West of the 6th P.M. in Hall �ounty, Nebraska
<br /> �,n undivided one�half interest in the South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S2SF4) of Section Thirty-three
<br /> (33), i�: Township Twelve (12) North, Range Twelve (12) �ti'es* of the 6th P.�i. in Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> Ar. undivided one-half interes* in the Northeast Quarter (�?E4) of Section Twelve (12) in Towr.ship Ten (10)
<br /> North, Range Twelve (12), i�est of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska;
<br /> Chattel Propert,y of the value of $9,345.98
<br /> and the following real estate the titl.e to whYCh was held ,jointly Uy said decedent with Hulda Fickhoff, his wife,
<br /> The East Nalf of the Southeast Quarter (E2SE��) of Section Twenty-one (21) in 'Township Eleven jll) North,
<br /> Range Twelve (12), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> The Southeast Quarter (SE�) of Section Seven (7) in Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (I1) West of the
<br /> 6th P.M, in Hall County, *;ebraska
<br /> Lots �le.ven (11,� and Twelve (12) in Block 11T:T` i�i MacColl and Leflangts Seeond Addition to the .�own of Wood
<br /> River, in Ha1J. 0 nunt3•, Nebraska, �ahich property was the home of said decedent and his wife at the time of his
<br /> death arid constituteci their homestead;
<br /> Chattel property he1.d ,jointly by said decedent with Hulda �ickhoff, his u*if.e, ef the value of $26,985.46.
<br /> S IXTH
<br /> Tt�e �ourt further finds th�t accordin� to the laws of descent and distribution of the State of Nebraska, said
<br /> property descends as fa].lows:
<br /> The East Half af the Northwest Quarter (F.21��I�',�-�) and the West Half c�f the Northeast Quarter (W2NE4) of Section
<br /> Six (6), in Townshi.p Ele�-en (11) Norx:h, Range Twelve (12)� ' . �v'est of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska;
<br /> The East Half of the Southwest Qu�,rter (�;1SW-,��) of Section Thirty�one (31), in Township 'I�aelve (12) North, Range
<br /> Twelve (12), West of tk:e 6tk� P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> The F.ast Half of the Southwest Quarter (F25W'�) of Section Thi.rty-three (33) in Township Twelve (12) North,
<br /> Range Twelve (Z2), tdest of the 6th P.M. in Hal.l Gounty, Nebraska
<br /> t1n undivi.ded one-half interest in the South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S2ST:-�-�) of Section Thirtq-three
<br /> (33), in Townshi.p Twelve (I2) Nor�h, Range Tweive (12) West of the 6th P.M. in Hal]. County, Nebraska
<br /> An undivi.ded one-half interest in the !�`ortheast Quarter (NE4) ef Section 'Iw►elve (12) in Townshi.p Ten (10)
<br /> North, Ran�e Twelve (12), West of the 6th P.M. in Hall Geunty, ?��ebraska
<br /> Chattel ��roper±y of the val ue of �g,345,98,
<br /> an undividecl ene-�hird share to Huida Fickhoff, an undivided two-ninths share to Fred Fi.ckhoff, an und�vided two-ninttts
<br /> r , F' k � r Marie K in• -
<br /> sha e to Fdward .�c noff an urdivided two-ninths s�ta e to �e title to the followin descr.ibed ro ert
<br /> , , g P P Y �'
<br /> passed upon the death of said August rickhoff, in fee, to Hulda ,Eickhoff, to-wit:
<br /> The East Half of the Southeast Qua.rter (E2SF,�-�) of Section T'wenty-one (21.) in Township Fleven (11) North, Range
<br /> Twelve (12), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> The Southeast Quarter (SF.i) of Section Seven (7) in Twosnhip Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the
<br /> 6th P.M. in Hall County, �lebraska
<br /> Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) in Block ��Ett in MacColl and Leflangts Second Addition to the Town of Wood
<br /> River, in Hall County, Nebraska, which property was the home of said decedent and. his wife at the time of his
<br /> death and �onstituted their homestead;
<br /> Chattel Property held 7ointly by said decedent with Hulda Fickhoff, his wife, of the value of $26,985.46;
<br /> SEVENTH
<br /> The Court further firids that on the 17th day of Octc�ier, 1950, Gerald B.Buechler, was appointed appraiser for
<br /> inheri.tance tax purposes in said estate, that he took his oath and after notice and hearing, as by law required, on
<br /> the Z3th day of November, 1950, filed his report as such appraiser finding the value of the estate of said decedent
<br /> in the sum of ��51,545.98, and the v�.lue of property held by said decedent jointly with others of the value of
<br /> $55,995.46; that the property passing to Hulda Eickhoff subject to inheritance ta�c was the total sum of $44,352.36
<br /> and the property passing to each of the said children of said decedent, �subject to the payment of inheritance taac,
<br /> was of the value of �612.07; that on the 21st day of November, 1950, this Court entered an order assessing inh�ritance
<br /> tax herein as follows;
<br /> From Hulda F.ickhoff $444.00
<br /> From Fred Fickhoff 7.00
<br /> From E3ward Eickhoff 7.00
<br /> From Marie Fickhoff 7.00
<br /> I
<br /> all of which inheri.tance ta.�c is payable to the County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska and which has been fully paid.
<br /> EIGHTH
<br /> .
<br /> The Court further find tha h ime h now lon i .
<br /> s t t e t as g s �ce expa�ed for the filing of cla�.ms against th�.s estate,
<br /> that notice of the time so fixed by this Court for filing cZaims was du2y given as by law required and that all claims
<br /> and debts of said esta.te, including the costs of last illness and burial and of administering this estate have been
<br /> fully paid; that sa.i.d inheritance tax due and owing in this estate has been fully paid and that this estate is subject
<br /> to the payment of na Federal Estate Tax whatsoever; that said Administra.trix has filed with this Court her waiver of
<br /> all Administratrix� fees due her herein and has made full and complete settlement and di.stribution of all property
<br /> in her hands belonging to said estate according to law including the sum of $4,141.42 set forth by her as cash on
<br /> hand on March 6, 1951, having distri.buted sai.d balance as follows:
<br />