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�'� <br /> WILI� .AND DECR�� R�CORD No. 10 <br /> � 98892-THEAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLAND,,NEBR. � <br /> were born to the said deceased during her and ahe had no other children othar than those parties as above $et <br /> out. That all af said children are of le�al age. That under the laws of de�cent of the State of Nebraska the said <br /> Edmund Krall, being the father of all the children born to the said Caroline Krall, deceased, inherited an undivided <br /> one-third interest in and to the real estate above s�t out and that each of said other persons above enumerated, <br /> children of said deceased, inherited an undivided one-ninth interest. That all claims against said estate have been <br /> forever barred by lapse of time. <br /> WHEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY Tt� COURT that an undivided one-third interest in the said <br /> Lot Two (2) in Block Ninety-eight (98) in Railroad Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall Countp, Nebraska, did pa9s <br /> and descend unto Edmund Kra11 by operation of law, and that an undivided one-ninth interest in and to said real estate <br /> did pass and descend to the following persons, children of said deceased, to wit: <br />� Margaret Dubp, Beaumont, Te�cas, a daughter <br /> Anna Frances Kral1, Grand Island, Nebraska, a dau$hter <br /> Gertrude Krall, Grand Island, Nebraska, a daughter <br /> Ed�ard Krall, Grand Island, Nebraska, a son <br /> Herman Krall, Grand Island, Nebraska, a son <br /> Robert A. Krall, Grand Island, Nebraska, a son <br />,... � <br />� and that claims against aaid estate �re forever barred. <br /> ° Charles Bossert <br /> County Judae <br /> In the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska <br /> Certif icate <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) <br /> ) ss, I, Charles Bossert County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certifq that I have <br /> HALL COUNTY ) the fore�oing copy of Final Decree entered IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CAROLINE <br /> KRALL, DECEASED, With the original reeord thereof, no�v remainin6 in said Court, that the <br /> same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that said Court is a Court of Record <br /> havin� a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his o�m <br /> name, and that I am the leagal custodian of said Seal and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing <br />, _ attestation is in due form of law. <br /> Co ty <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the�aurt, at Grand Island, this 23rd day <br /> of Februarp, 1951. <br /> (SEAL) Charles Bossert <br /> County Judge. <br /> Filed for record this 23 day of February 1951, at 4;50 ofclock P.M. <br /> ��� <br /> � Re�ister af Deeds <br /> o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o�-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o--o-o-o-ao-c�-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> ���::��c�E <br /> Il� THE COUNTY COURT OF BtIFFALO C4IINTY� �IEBRASKA <br /> IN THE 1�ATTER OF TRE ESTATE ) <br /> ) <br /> �g ) FINAL DECREE <br /> ) <br /> �ERI�AN A. LES[EY DE�EASED ) <br /> Ne�w on this 9tla day of I�iarch, 1951, this caase ec�es on for hearin�, said hearing haring bten adjonrned fro� - <br />� the 29th day of Hecember, 195�, to this date, Said�cans� comes on far hearing upoa the Petitioa for fir�al aettlement <br /> and the fi�al accouating of the Adminiatrator, from tbe evidence adduced, the filea and racords of �afd cise, the <br /> coart ffnds: ' <br /> 1. Thst Hen�aa A. LeskeT depart�d thi lif� at hia residence fn Baffalo Ccnat�, Febraaka, an the 23rd day of <br /> 1►�aT, 1950, seized in fae sfaple title et the �ulla�iug described rFal eatate; Lets 9 aad 10 in B2ock 10, Schimer�s,� <br /> Addition to the' City of Craad Ialaad, l�abraeka� sn;�uttdivided o�e b��l.f iaterest ta� the Sontheaat Qoarter��of Sectioa 1�. <br /> �iorti�east Qaarter of Sectiog 18, South one �slf of Section 7', 1�ortin�est Qnmrter of North�+est Qnarter of Seet�.on 8, � <br /> Sonth oae half oF Aiorth�iest Qnarter of Sectian 8, sad tbe l�orth oae half of the 5o�thvest Qnuter of Section:.8, a7.1 is <br /> To��ip 11, i��r�th �f tt�age 1T in B�uffaio `�c�nntT, Nebraska. <br /> 2. That said deceased left hisi surviving as his aole and oaly heira at lar, no father, no':�setl�r, ao wido�w, ao <br /> leaial deceadants, and the fcllc�ring named brothera and sistera: Willia� Henry Leakey of Aaherat, �ebraska, Dor� <br /> Brccishsx, 1Kaary Leakey, Bertha Leskey, and �a Hole of Tnrlocic, California, Minaie Leakey of Am�erst, l�ebraska, Ben <br /> ; <br /> 4. Leskey of Eddyvi�;le, l�ebraska and �il R. Leakey of Amhtrat, Nebraska. <br /> 3. That��heretofor� nctic� to creditora of the time and place fcr filing claiss againat aaid estate has been <br /> pnblished fn�the arsauer reqaired by lsw and in accordanca �rith tbe ordera of this coart, that all claias fil�d �d <br /> allcrired havt been d�� paid, that all otl�er claf�es have been barred bT the previpna orders of thia co�rt aad the <br /> :tatntes cf linitationa. <br /> 4. That the d3.stributives sharea of said estate are ttot liable for the pay�ent of State iaheritance taxes, <br /> that s�id estate is aot liable tor the payment of Federal eatate taxes. <br /> 5. That the final aceounting of the admiAistrator is tr�e �nd correct and shonld be allared aad appro�ed; thst <br /> there nar reaaias in the hands of the adsi.nistrator after pa�egt cf the smr of �6598.20, for distribution. That <br /> ths s�a�e na'ed heirs at law are entitled to an andivided oae-eight� tlrereof, that �pon distrib�tion of aaid f�ncis <br /> sccordin�.l�, t�e aclsinistrstor shoald be dischar�ed. T)�at the coata of ad�inistration ot tbis eatate ha�e beea f�ll� <br /> psid. <br /> IT I3 T�FAI� 4RD�RED, AHJtTDGED ANH DECREE� by the conrt that aaid decedent departed thia life a reaident cf <br /> Bnffalc Coanty, l�ebraaka, 23 Ma� 1950, that he died seized of the real eatate above described, that ke l�it hf� <br /> survi�in� the above na�aed heira at lav, and noue others, that the clai�a of cr�ditors ha�e been fnily paid, that the <br /> coart ceats ef this action have b�ea fnlly paid, thst claf�s of creditora not ffled �ithi.n the tiaie ffzed by the <br /> ordera of thia canrt are fore�er barred, that tbe distribetive shares, oi t6e heirs at law u� not liable for the pa�►- <br /> �ent ot State iaheritaace taues, tlut aaid estate is �ot li�,ble fo�r tbe pa�nt of Federal estate tszea, that tLe <br /> fisal acc4�tiri�; at t6e ad�afatrator be and it hereb� is a�lared-:�nd appro�ed, that therc nc�r re�ins in the h�ds <br /> of the admiafatrstor the aam of �6598.2i�, and that the adsieiatr�tQr is ordered to pay the same to the abooe �aoed <br /> heirs at law ia eqnal shar�s, that upcn filing of receipts for diatribution of tbe balances in his hands, that safd <br /> ad�i.niatrator be dischar�ed aad his boads�an released for their aaid li�bilit�. <br /> (gg�AL,) B�w �i.�_ <br /> omty . �e. <br /> I ' " -- ` . <br />