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<br /> �
<br /> �� A D DECRE�E RECORD No. 10 .,
<br /> �VILL� N
<br /> 2 That the funeral expenses have been paid in the amount of $1187.50, as evidenced by the receipt on file.
<br /> IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDFRED, ADJUDGED A1�D DECREED that �11 claims against said estate not filed herein, if any
<br /> such there be, are forever barred.
<br /> The Coi�rt finds that said Albert J. Denznan left him surviving, as his sole and only heirs at law, the following:
<br /> Augusta M. Denman, surviving widow,
<br /> Florence Ida Denman Zdells, a daughter,
<br /> Gertrude Maxine Imepcoven, a daughte�r,
<br /> all of legal age.
<br /> The Court finds that Bayard H. Paine, Jr, was appointed appraiser of said estate for inheritance tax purposes,
<br /> that upon hearing thereon he filed his report, fi�cing and determining inheritance tax in. the amount of $183.63,
<br /> which has been paid, and said appraisement is hereby approved ai�d allowed.
<br /> The Court finds that a Federa,l estate tax return was filed in said estate, that said estate tax return and tax
<br /> liability thereunder has been approved and accepted by the United States Treasury Department, an.d such tax liability
<br /> has been paid.
<br /> The Court finds that Albert J.� Denman died seized of the following described real estate:
<br /> �ot One (1) in Block Three (3) of Elm Place Addition to the city of Grand Island, according to the recorded
<br /> plat thereof, and its complement described as f ollows: a triangular piece of ground in the southwest
<br /> corner of Lot Twelve (12) in the County Subdivisior. of the southeast quarter of the southwes�t quarter of
<br /> Section Sixteen (16), in Township Fleven (11) North of Range I�Tine (9) West of 6th P.M., described as
<br />' follows, to-wit: commencing at the zron pin in the southwest corner of said Lot 12; thence running north
<br /> along the west side of said lot, 16.7 feet; thence south on a line parallel with the west line of Block 3 ,
<br /> in Elm Flace Addition to the city of Grand Island, 19.2 feet to the south side of said Lot Twelve (12);
<br /> thence west 9.5 feet along said south line to the place of beginning, being a rig�t angle triangle with a
<br /> base of 19.2 feet; all in Hall County and state of Nebraska.
<br /> The Court finds that aIl property belonging to the estate has been assigned, transferred and delivered to
<br /> Augusta M. Denman, sole legatee and devisee under said last will and testament.
<br /> 3 The Executrix having fully performed all of her duties, �T IS, THEREFORE, ORDERF.D, ADJTJDGED AND DECREED that
<br /> said Executrilc be, and she hereby is, released and discharged and said estate is hereby settled and closed.
<br /> Charles Bossert
<br /> )�S•
<br /> HALL COUNTY )
<br /> I, Charles Bossert County Judge of Ha11 County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing
<br /> copy of Last Will and Testament, Certificate of Probate thereof and Fina1 Decree - IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF
<br /> ALBERT J. DENMAN, DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct
<br /> transcript ther.eof, and of the whole of such original record; that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal, �
<br /> which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name, and that
<br /> I am the leagal custodian of said Seal ��d of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestatinn is in
<br /> due f orm of law.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, at Grand Island,
<br /> this 16th day of February, 1951.
<br /> (COURT) Charles Bossert
<br /> (SEAL ) County Judge.
<br /> Filed for record this 16 day of February 1951, at 4;W5 otclock P.M. � //
<br /> � ��
<br /> Reg's er of D eds
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<br /> Now on this 21st day of February, 1951, this matter came on for hearing on the petition of Robert A. Krall for a
<br /> determination of heirship in the Estate of the said Caroline Krall, d�cea�ed, and was submitted to the Court.
<br /> And it appearing from the evidence and the records and files in said matter that notice of the tin�e and place fixed
<br /> for the heari.ng on said petition has been given by publication thereof as by order of said Court heretofure made and
<br /> entered. On consideration of the evidence adduced at said hearing, the Gourt finds as f ollows, to wit;
<br /> That the said Caroline Krall died on the 14th day of Febrnary, 1928, and that at the time of her death she was a
<br /> re�ident of the city of Grand Island, Hall Countp, Nebraska. That she died seized of an estate of inheritance in the
<br /> following described real �state, to-wit:
<br /> Lot Two (2) in Block rinety-eight (98) in Railroad Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> That at the date of her death her only heirs at law were as follo�+?s: Edmund Krall, Grand Island, Nebra�ka, widawer;
<br /> Marga.ret Duby, Beaumont, Texas, a daughter; Anna Frances Krall, Grand Island, Nebraska, a daughter; Gertrude �Crail, Gr�nd
<br /> Island, Nebraska, a daughter; Edward Krall, Grand Island, Nebraska, a sun; Herman Kra11, Grand Island, Nebra�ka, a son;
<br /> Robert A. Kra11, Grand Island, Nebraska, a son. That more than two years have Clapsed SinCe the date of the death of the
<br /> said Caroline Krall, deceased. That she died intestate and that no application for the appointment of an administrator
<br /> of her estate has been made in this state by any heirs or anp peraons claiming to be creditors of said deceased. That
<br /> there were no issue of any deceased children living at the date of death of said deceased, and that no other children
<br />