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� ;� ! <br /> -�-�' WII�L AND D�CREE R.�CORD No. 10 <br /> 38892-TNEAUGUSTINEC0.6RANDISLANO,NEBR. � <br /> CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE OF 4�ILL <br /> State of Nebraska, ) <br /> ) ss. At a session of the Co�ntp Court held in the Count� Court Roum in Grand Island, in said. <br /> � Hall County, ) _ County, on the 26 day of October A.D., 1926. <br /> Present J. H. MULLIN, Covnty Judge <br /> In the Matter of the Estate <br />, of <br /> HenrY Rohaeder , deceased. <br /> I, J. H. Mul.lin, Judge of the County Court in and for said Connty, do hereby cer�ify that on the 29th day of <br /> September 1926, the instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Henry Rohwed�r, deceased, wa� filed for <br /> probate i.n this Court. That on the 26th day of �ctober 1926, said in$trwaent to which this certificate is attached �ras <br /> duly proved, probated and allowed as the last wi11 and testaanent of the real and personal estate uf said Henry Rohweder, <br /> deceased, and the sa�ne was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesa3.d. <br /> �; IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hane hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Countp Court this 26 day of October <br />'f 1926. (SEAL) <br /> _1.H.Me�]:1 in <br /> County Jud�e. <br /> I IN THE COiINTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> In the matter of the estate ) <br />� of Henrp Rohweder, ) FINAL DECREE. <br /> ) <br /> Deceased. ) <br /> Nc�vr, on this 13 day of Apri1 1927, this cause came on for hearing upon the final report of John C2aussen and • <br /> Henrp Schultz, Executors under the last will and te$tament of Henry Rohweder, dectased, ard the Court having euamined <br /> the records and files and bein,� fnliy advised in the premises, finds that due and le�al notice has been given to all <br /> persons interested in sa3d estate of the time and place fixed for hearin� upan $aid''report, as heretofore ordered by <br /> the Court, and the Caurt, having exam3.ned said final report, to�ether with all other files and the testimvny offered in <br /> support thereof, finds that �aid report is true and correct in all thing�ae�d onght to be allowed �nd approved as and <br /> for the final report af said F,,xecutors. � <br /> The Caurt fur�her finds that said Henry Rohweder, deceased, depa.rted this life �t his place of residence in Hall <br /> Cowrty, Nebraska, on the 17t� day of September, 1926, and wa$ on said date a resident and inhabitant of Hal.l Co�nty, <br /> Nebraska. <br /> The Court further finds that on the 29th day of Septemb�r, 1926, John Cla�ssen filed fn this Caurt hi� duly <br /> verified petitiQn praying for the allawance and probate of ar� instrument purporting to be the la�t will and testa�ent <br /> -2-of Heary Rohweder, deceased, and tke Court thereupon fi.�ced the 26tb day of October, 1926, as the date for making proof <br /> of said last will and testament, and due notice of the filin�; of said petition and of the time and pTace fc�r the hearing <br /> thereon was given by the Court in the manner and form provided by law, s�nd on said date of October 26, 1926, said <br /> instrument aras dulq proven, allawed, and admitted to probate in this Cuurt as and for the last will and testa�xt of <br /> the said Nenry Rohweder, deceased, and 2etters testantentarp were dulp issu�d thereon to John Claussen and Henry Schultz,� <br /> E�cecutors, as named in said last will and testament, and each of them daly qualified as sueh. <br /> The Court further fir�ds that due and le�al notice has been given to all persons ef the time and place f�ed by <br /> the Court for the filing of claims against said estate, and that said Executors have paid all claims filed herein, and <br /> that the tim� fixed for filing of claims has fully �acpired, and th�t all persons having clai�s a�ainst said estate, if <br /> any snch there be, are forever barred and taccluded frcro settire� up vr as�erting any s�ch claims against said estate. <br /> The Court further fi.nds that said Henrp Rohweder died seized as the owner in fee simple of the folla+ing de- <br /> scribed real estate situate in Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit: Lot Three (3) in Block Sixteen (16), in Wallichs Addition <br /> to the citp of Grand Islaizd, Hall Countp, Nebraska; the east half of Lot 62, in Rew l, of the Gra►� Island �emetery; <br /> -3-the south half of the northeast quarter of Section T�renty-eight (28)� i.n To�nship Twelwe (12) North, Range Ten (10) <br /> West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, and Lhe Court further finds that all of said real estate and intert$t <br /> thercin passed and descended, under and by virtue of said last �rill and testament, of Henrq Rohweder, deceased, to ' <br /> Anna Clausaen, Amanda Schultz, Clara Goehring, and Geor�e Rohweder, and the lawful issue ef anq deceased child bp <br /> ri�ht of representation, in equa.l shares, sub�ect, however, tu a life estate i� Gertrude Rohweder. <br /> The Court further finds that there w�s no inheritanee tax due on said e$tate. <br /> The Court further finds that al� property, real and personal, in the hands of said Executors, has been delivered, <br /> under and by the term$ of said last wi11 and testament. <br /> The Court further finds that all debts filed herein a�ainst said estate, aad the costs of this proceedin�, hawe <br /> i been paid, and that nothing further belonging to said estate remains in the hands of sa3d Executors, �nd all claims <br /> a�afnst $aid estate, not filed herein, are foreqer barred. <br /> IT IS� TI�REFOFtE� ORDERED, ADJUDC�D AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the final report of John Clausstn attd Henrq <br />� 3chultz, Executors of the last will and testament of Henrp Rohwed�r, decea$ed, be, and the same is hereby appravtd and <br /> allo�ed �.s and for their final report, said estste is herebp settled and closed, and said Execntors dischar�ed and their <br /> bond as �uch is hereby released. <br /> -4. IT IS•FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDC�D AND DECREED that ur�der and by virtue of said la$t Will and testament of said <br /> Henry Rohweder, deceased, the fee si.mple title to the follawing described real estate, to-Wit: Lut 3, ir► Block 16, of <br /> Wallichs Additioa to the citp of Grand Ialand, Hall Co�nty, Nebraska; the east half of Lot 62, in Rcyw 1, of the Grand <br /> Island Ctmetery, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; tha south half of the nort}aeast quarter of Section 2$, in Tc�m- <br /> ship 12 North, Ran,�e 10 West of the 6th P.M., i.n Hall County, Nebraska, passed and descended, in equal shares, to Anna <br /> Claussen, Amanda Schultz, Clara Goehring, and George Rohweder, and the lawfvl is�a� of any deceased child bp right of <br /> representation, subject only to the life estate therein of Certrnde Rohweder. <br /> IT IS FIIRTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED Al�D DECREED that all claim,s not herein Filed are forever barred. <br /> . H. Nulli�a <br /> cocnvT JuncE. <br /> 5tate of Nebraska, ) <br /> ) SS. In the Co�anty Court of Hall Covnty, Nebraska <br /> Hall Countp ) <br /> I, J. H. MEILLIN, County Jud�e of Hall County, Nebraska, du hereby certify that I have compared the feregoirig <br /> copy of LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT and FINAL DECREE IN THE MAT'TER OF TtiE ESTATE OF HENRY RtlHWEDER, DECEASED, with the , <br /> original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, �nd of the whole , <br /> af such original record; that said Gourt is a Caurt oF Record having a seal, �vhich hereto attached; that sa�id �� <br /> Court has no Clerk autharized to sign certificates in his c� na�e, and t�at I a� the legal custodian of said Seal and <br /> of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoir�g attestation is in due form of la�. <br />