��� R CORD No. 10 �
<br /> WIL,L, AND DECR�E E�
<br /> Ii� TNF; ?�LITTF..R OF Tii� 1:�T;?Tr ) �
<br /> 1
<br /> c�F j Fr�:�L nrc��;r -
<br /> )
<br /> h1ARY E. PETF:tS� Tl�?;r n crn� 1
<br /> :+'��a, or�-�hi� .�r�d ��ay- �f 1anuarv, 1�51, t11is cause came on for hearin� upon the Final Report of B. J. Cunningham,
<br /> adma.nistrator tYith the �ai7.l annexed, of the estate of Mary T, Peters, deceased, praying for the approval of his
<br /> repc�rt and for his discharge as admini.etrator af said estate, and, it a.ppearing to the court `r�m the groof on
<br /> f�.le tba* thP said I3, T, :u��n:i_ngham ha5 accourzted for all property coming ii�to his hands a� ;:�:�ministrator, and that
<br /> his report is correct a.nd o��ght to be alJ..owed; that due notice was given to all persons interested in said estate
<br /> of the time and �l.ace .�f tht hearin� on sai:� report, as provi.ded��by law and the order of this court,
<br /> Ir as� the.refore, or;�ered by the court that the Fina1 Report of Ii. T. Cunningham, admin.istrator of the estate
<br /> of �Za.ry T:, Peters, decaased, is correct and the same is hereby approved and allowed.
<br /> The court ft+r•t}i�r fi��d.5 that the said Atary� F. Feters departed thi.s life in Denver, L�er.ver County, Colorado, on
<br /> March 17, 1949, ax?d that a* the tim� of her death she ti�as a resid.ent an3 inhabitanx �f Denver County, Coloradq;
<br /> tha� she left a La.st t�'a11 ana Tk�stamei�t which tioas duly pros�en in the County Court of 'Jenver County, C�lorado on the
<br /> lOth day af October, 194��
<br /> The co?irt fiirther fan3s tl�at a dttl.y authentica.ted copy of the I;ast 'ti'i11 ar�d Testament of ?�[ary r. Peters,
<br /> decea.sed, was .f�.1�d ir� the �ffi.ck� of th� " County Jud�e in Hall County, ;�'e�raska; that a getition c,�as filed in this
<br /> .�ffice by '�tarie C, C.:c�ssman, ��lio is named as executra� of said will; that duQ notice of the filin� of said petition
<br /> �aas �i�Fen t�y- publicat:ic+n r,o a1:1. �ersons i.nterested th�rein; that the date for hearing t3�ereon was January 4, 1950
<br /> at 7_Q ��clocic j A, '�t, ; rhat upori sazd date, the dul3r autherticated cop3� of th� Last �'i11 and Testament of Ttary F.
<br /> Peters, deceased, was �-��al� prc?i-ert a.r�;� admitted to probate in this court; t�at in acccrdance �ti�ith the prayer of the
<br /> pet�ti�r,er thereir., ii. J. ;"�inni.tigham was r�- this court appointed administra*or ���ith the tai11 annexed, of the estate
<br /> of '�tary r, Feters, c�eGeased; t�ha4 }x�> ft�rni.,Ahe� Lond in the sum of ?�2,n00, in accc+rdance with the order of this
<br /> cnurt, ar,d �aid bc�nd t+as arprn�°��;1�
<br /> The court: furth��a� fir,�s th�,r ti�.c said �tary F„ Feters was at the time of her death the ewner of the following
<br />' deszribed r�al ���t1t� i.r, H<�lJ Cc�c:rit�`, `:�brasica to—jo::t:__
<br /> I ;1.1. �f tl��. ji'est Ha7.f (tti7�1 c�f S�ctaon Twenr.y—�ne (27�) in Township Fleven (17..), ;�'orth, Range Eleven (11),
<br /> [ti'c��t of �he £*1z P.*t,, a.�� Hall C�t�ntv, NeL�r�aska, cunsisting of 320 acres, a little mor? or less;
<br /> i
<br /> and that under �:h� term.s ar�� �r��;�3sa�r� of rhe LaSt ?4'il.l and Testament of '�ary E. Peters, deceased, all of said real.
<br />� ��tat� �id pas� a.r���l descerid t.� }�E�x� ��ac�ce, Mar�iE C. Gt�ossman, subjeit, h.ot+�ever, to th.e p�yment of al1 debts and
<br /> funer�l e��ectse, the ct�st of administrati�n and subj�ct ftzrther to bequests .i.n favor of:--
<br /> Frank Peters, ��00, Tl�omasiz;� Fra.cices C1alZa�}ir�r, �200, '�trs, Catheri_ne .4. Grossman, $200, )ohn T4, Gallagher,
<br /> �200, Gez����eti=e F1ei��rich., `���!C, nonal.d Gr�ssr�an, �200, Fra.n:c Grossman, �20Q, Edward C.rossman, $20�, The � �
<br /> �+ssumptia�� of the.Fil.�ss�.� �'it-�ir. ?tary* C'iurch of Churct�wri.11e, Iewa, �2d0, Father Flana�ans Boys Home, Oma�ra,
<br /> �ebr{ask�� �?0�,
<br /> Tl�e c��ur°r fesrtt.cr firx:ls tl�:.�� eertifi,Ad copies of reeei.pts fr�m �ach of the legatees named above, to—wit;--
<br />�'�I Frar,l� Petc:rs; T,i��ttas�?�� Fr ;�rc.�� �w�3_a�he:r, *irs, C:�,theri.ne A. Grossman, JoIir '�i, Gal.laghr,:� Genevze-.�e H4;n��ch,
<br /> Dor,dld r:;�,��mara, T'::a:^+!: �,r�s,;F„a,�, T�'�3�Yari� Grossnzan, Th� ?'tssi.in�p�ioit of tlie ?3lesseci �'irgin Mary Church and Father
<br /> � F1.�r,a�a��� �?,�;�� ?t��rr�e, h,::�4 �.eei; ��1�,-a �u� t.}tis office s�:owin� �hc pavm�nt of the lenat�es as pro��id_e�i in said tt'ill,
<br /> at�;� t?�a� �y r�R�4�s��r, C�i�t°e.c?r ti�<� c'.a�,r,� at�d lic�ns cf sai:� 1?�atees lia�-c beer� paid and sata.sfied and that the above—
<br /> cit�s�ra��.�;3 r��1_ ��sta�� cii;l p�.��,� an�i� v�?�s��t��;� rc� thk� rai.d. '�larie C. G,assma.n frec anc3 c]eai° aP aIl liens ��r claim5 c�f
<br /> r�lt li'�.'1,±"(`P5� 'I�'J�"t;? t�S`Sf'.""<1'��� c;S�;� fr^L, f;"i�Stl C�dl.TiiS ilI?C� �;OStS "l1f i�t�.1111117St"Cut]CI1,
<br />, T?�,:� cc�urt fsz:~�h��r fi.rz4�:� t'�<,t. ^.�:r-l�ur (', *td�-er �aas �i�13- argointed �+pprazser af the es*ate of �1ar3� r. ?'eters for
<br /> Y,hc det�z�minatior c>f �_�?:�.r �_�ac��e �:ax; tha.t he fi_l.ed his rep:�rt as apprai.s�r, an:� an amen:imer�t theret�, t��at he
<br /> fo,..:�u t;herc� ��f�:s ;it,e t,. "':�� Caur� ,r,.,� of 1-Tall fcr inh�;r i.ta�le� tax on th�� property bequeathe� te ?�1ary C. Grossman the
<br /> s�am rf �'�2,5�E,C`�; �.}�a� s�a_d s��_;a I���c� l��^n paid t� rh� Coti;.t3- Tz~�asrz,-er of fia1.1 County, a�Id_ th� receipt there£or has
<br /> ��c.r; f;i.c,? :r: °:'.i.Y .�ffi.; , •
<br /> T.'."2a i.:'i:EY'*' ,fl,�t'1"1",�•- �'ii1;:��i i�,:d.!' Siil�j v°z±ctf i'. �tBS S�1�?�jt'Ct L(` t;i?t� �1i3�'Tl'l;Ilf° Of FE�EI"i#Z �t1.�lE?'1ti�tiC(.' `rdY l.I^e Pt,'Itt"�I")
<br /> ??et:ver C�°�w1t��, ��1.��r�.a1:-, aii.i �,��.* u. pl,ot�static copy of the �°��eipt s�:�t,�ino sai<� inherit,an�:e ta� t� hav� l��en paid, ;
<br /> ieit;i ii;;T: ���.i;.� 2I"', t'}Yi� C�7iii'C;� �Lt'.'� :;''tu�: �}lt' .��'�`�'t;--:�t',.�il:.11��iii x'�'di f'Sfir.l�'iL uii� �c1S5 d2Y:� ijBSCCi�a TQ 1T�7I'1C' �. �Y'��S5iT$I�
<br /> , ,.�,a , � t • , , � � ��„ c±a�4 .f ",;4;;ra:�i�a ai;d a�s� tlie ['t��ttd '
<br /> fi�c�c, �,,u cl��;• 4f 3x�,�::x �L��� ;,L . a:. �E«� � �.*,ates �f 1mer�ca.
<br /> Tli3i C;C13!"t: fV,it"1`11C'.T' �Ili�S r�.ii��" 'cll.+_ �;isi1.I',1J fl�.t:i� ii';�1175� vu.lu -L'Stcltc',� t}7i,'. 1coc2C1E:S �'!t"0\'1C�E;C� lY? S�l"1C� �dl�_1.� 'I"{1C
<br /> I 1',]I,t�T'?t'u11t't� }�l.?;� f:1',.' �..�';22`t C�?St�a �'�t1i� �:.��i`1"Tt,;,l° fCc.S �7ii1'�,' ''�t?11 �ct7:� clY',i� 4-}lilt 1f �"jl�,'X°� c7f'C', 8C?�` OUtStcli'Cjlrio CZcL7.1iiS
<br /> cl,;illi'ta� 5dlt� t.;;��1'°,l:i l.;d,,9. r�a:,,; �;±�'�1�1' f:�1P ..`_.T?i', fl;it''� �?�' ��l'c` futlT"1'� c`�?ut ���E' !:ur?lt' 3i'(? i��I°t'.�'i.i r2„T'7'C�:�. 1T1� �?T'`.'.('ZU:�t'C�.
<br />' T11t' 4�`7?!'*' ��2Y'�t;i:.i ��" ?.' ��;..a. 1.i.:^ �n.i"�,��Y?il.� �C\���rt�•� C'i'.'j1�`lYl� O� f'lf±'C'C'i7 t'4':�S Of c�l.fiil_fc1� �1E1Y)� t�li (1I1�.�
<br />� _ `
<br /> 1 '
<br /> r'..^2`��C'��� � .`,"'+.��`-k'Y't'V'� �7! ?r:l�� �C�'tlf�!"�1`� ".e.''i �.v1��u� :�1:j �i:5:�i d.T1� ��3SrnIi�=� tCi t2�1�_' ye�.l:�. ��i;i2°1_� (�;. �ii2'C?SS1�l�,Il� �It?'��T' t�18 �L1:'T?1S i?t
<br /> . . -
<br /> i"f;i.' *.ti 1�� ��f �{i�."�- r. �','t.i`7". 1,�, �� .,.a
<br /> � .. .. ,
<br /> �'�" C^P1:"'�: F`�1•`It'3' cs:;,l :: f-j,ct`., '' �';'::i;' Y';�*n�;7t";;a ll^ t�l'' Ili,lr'�?S (\�' s-�'!:� d,��1T:1i'.1atl"�1t(�!' C�?lt�l ��1£ i�li1_ it71C1E'Xf';� t'.l FT'O�ny�r3s
<br /> • � � �_?.,r, c1:�tli?k �� ��":`T' �l t''�r' 1±'l ,7_ u,?1; �:.(: 1'ci5 C ,'.C� 1 }lc' �^_
<br />�I �r:.' '�l:i�t."1�`3�f"'S.C'.i� i'1,a �' �a �?� "'�' �_ � iC �� { i!_!";°,_� i ?t. r `' �'R16 Qf .`,}1C Z,�St' �t'111 F111C�
<br /> Tcstament af the said hiar3� F.,. Peters ir.sofar a� i± a.ffects �}��� prOCC3.r_'!'.y owne3. ;��• }.�r ii� Ha�1 Cou:i*g, ���r,�ska;
<br />� t2lct�; �3�.�.. C:i`;�t`i .1? ui�.l'?�, � . .. { °�'�"' tti.;;l ']:.t� t?S=+.t S�ll_.� €,�,i.�,te-• c�lviti� �� C�iCSQ;"�.
<br /> TT TC mi�i;?'F'(.pr� �nnr-r�.r.t`, :1nTi'!1;;*?Ilt .".',�:Tl T,�,.;�",'rt� rY T)iT� Cc?• r'?" t?t�t t17.e F1_ ��. P�nz t � �2, (z� c� t
<br /> . . .
<br /> ,.
<br /> a. i.�. , x,�.r �f J, r�rizx���art, as
<br /> n-lp,, l.:,`� .,..s�t..,- . �.�r-, y-.t .. .•. ?� . .. ' � ' .5i�. �.C, (. {' i.'�i '�Ci.i�icJ C �-'r2' ;"''a t3. it� t'�l.il.t l,� ],l` 7"E`—
<br />� r,.. �1.Pi ..iu. .. . �tl - . ..-1�.. +�1.�._� e�[•� � � . �� Ui. �,.flC'�` i. .s t �f' ��c1,T`1' !r',• j'ti '!,.� �. cnrA� � t'i 11 <.v� �� .
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<br /> . .
<br /> ,
<br /> a _ , �� ;, L�� t3;4 r�a ���: F�_r�a , �1 'PfiF EST,� ...
<br /> ' .
<br /> PrTT.'-?t"., T1T'(�`.T.:'�`�T� S�': �.�: i;�_ �': 3 ':e:l� f'�'�'.l;i"��. �it?I'::l�f 11014 1°i','ll'cl.)2?1I:1"T '11: SiL7..:j ''4''O'_1:'r i: �c1t t'!1� S8.*TTe 15 t CLT1"�C� t c...
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<br /> ]1'? ':i`, u:l� ��:`s 9'.; O� 1,<1`:°.
<br /> ;;* �rnSTP'rl:``� IF?L�]',ii'(1T' � �1<t';� y2i';='E'Llt?!;i S:� iT�" '�?aYla �3Tia �a�r'._�.°'� ��]e 5�'�li C�f tt2P �Ol1ll±y' �:OUT±� c�t GrariU ISI�t?;��
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<br /> Coui�ty Jti3�e, �
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<br /> � �
<br /> R�g�st�r of Peeds
<br /> (1..,!l ,(1�r� ,'� '1 rl �l � n � n .� "�� i`. "`,..,..:�',...n i'1 `1 .� i, '1 n -� ��-'1 �1 '� ..!1_�'1_�1�,..n (� n !1 n,,,,(� .1 (1 rl
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<br />