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�..� <br /> WILL, AND DECRE� RECORD No. 10 <br /> 38882�THEAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLAND.NEBR. � � <br /> I:� tdITNFSS t4'TiF;RT:OF, I have hereunto set my hand thi.s Bth day� of December, 1945, A. D. <br /> �4ary F. Peters <br /> Testatrix <br /> t�'e, the unders:igned disintc?restr.d H itz��:sses, do hereb3� state that the foregoing ta'ill was signed by the testatrix, <br /> ?�GARY ;�:, PF,TFRS, in the presence �+f each of us; that at the time of sign�in; said ��IILL said testatrix did declare it <br /> to be her I.ast titi'i11 and Testament, an� that each of us, at t}ae request of the testatrix and in the presence of the <br /> testatriac, and in the gresence of each �f t�.s, do as witnesses heretc�. Said tti'ill consists of Three sheets of. <br /> paper. <br /> ( Helen L. �Jarren ' <br /> � <br /> tF'TT�F.SS�'S ( Mrs. F. C. Rauckman, Jr. <br /> ( <br /> ( William A. Jerdan <br /> In the Matter �f the ??state of <br /> :�:o, £�?361 <br />� Mar}- I:. Pet�rs, �?ecf>ased, <br /> I ?�c�a on r,his da��, at bei.r:g the t-�ay heretefore fixer by the Court for the hearin� on the application for the <br /> probate �f an instrument of iaritin� filed purp¢,�rting � to re the Last i�'ill an3 Testament of said decedent, <br /> the C'ourt fincls that ��ue servi.ce l�as �ean had up�n a11. parties in interest in accordar.ce �szth the law and orders of <br /> this Courr; rl�at Clr���e M. ?+taer, ,Tr,, �squzre, guardiai� ad litem, was present at the hearing; and upon testimony the <br /> Court further finds t}�at said inst:z•umert dated necember S, 1945, is the Last �1i11 and Testamer,t of Mary E. Peters, <br /> deceased; <br /> IT 1S QRPrRT:P That said tdill be admitted. to probate. <br /> 87361-3 <br /> C^.SF. '�0. 87361 <br /> CTT:ITICN TO :'ITT::P;D PROBI�TF, QF WILL <br /> STr1TF: OI� GQLORr1D0 ) <br /> 1 ss. <br /> Gity and County of Denver) <br /> In the County Caurt No, �?7361 <br /> In the *4atter of the F.state of �tary E, Peters, 'De ceased. <br /> The PeoFl.e cf the State of Colorac�c�, <br /> T�; <br /> F�ank F�ters, 6�14 So. ].;�th St. , (�maha, :�ebr., no rclationship, Le�atee; <br /> Thama.sine I�rances Galla�her, Bevinbton, Ia, �'iece, HEir ard Legatee; <br /> Catherine :4. Grossma.n, Kress, Z'�Yas, Heir an� Legatee; <br /> T�hn ':�t.�hrr, Trinchera, Colo,, �3rather, t�eir and Le�atee; <br /> Cenevieve Hei.nrich, R. 7 , Slaton, ' Texas, Niece, Legatee; <br /> Donald Grossman, 3?�6 ^�'�rrnan�ly, Dal.las, Texas, �'epltew, Le�atee; <br /> Fr�nk Grossr�ar., Kress, Texas, ?�eph��,, Le�atee; <br /> F.di,*ard Grossmar., Kress, Te,c�s, '�ephe�+, Legatee; <br /> ^:sstunption of the Fi.r�in �tar3� Church, Churchville, Ia., no relationship, Legatee; <br /> Father Flanni.�;ants �3oysf Home, Oma.ha, ?�eb., no relationship, Le�atee; <br /> Mari.e C. CrosSman, ��3 S�. �' SL., nem74vr, Golo., \i.ece, Lebatee; <br /> I�Tilliam Ca7la�her, resid�nce unknown 1/'Z tiephew, H�ir; <br /> L�o �Galla;hcr, resid�nc� i��lknoi��i�, 1�2 !��phe�s, Iie�ir; � <br /> Ilnknowr, I�Ieirs, resz.��ric:es unirr�ot,m, relatzonsk�i.p unknown; <br /> Claude ?��aer•, tl•., Dr�nv�r, Ccic�„ r.o relationshzp, Guardian ad Litem. <br /> Y�ct and each O� 3'OLl ��,re hereby r� to attecid the probate of the instrument pur;por.ting ,' to be the last will <br /> an.d testament of the decedent above named before the County Court of t;�e City and County of Denver, Stat� of Colorado, <br /> at t}�e City ai�d t ounty t3uildin� in sai:� Cit3 ard Couilty� of Denver, on Monday, the lOth day �f October, 1949, at <br /> 1t� O�G�.OLI� A.M. <br /> �ti'.it�ess my si�nature anc� s��_l. �f s<�id Court tt?is 2�th day �f August, 19�9. <br /> ,jOHI�' L. GRIFFITH, <br /> Clerk of the County Court. <br /> By R. C. PHILLIPS, <br /> (SF;,AL) Deputy Clerk, <br /> tti'illiam .!1. )or°dan, At�;urne3`, 'Ql F, �- C, C.ldg. T.A. 1073 <br /> First Putili.cation S��tc�mt��r .3, 1.949. <br /> Lasr, Publi�ation (�ct;���ei^ I, 1��9. <br /> Put?lishe�� ii7 Tl.� Denver T eac��r, a Le�al for Le�a3 I�eticcs, IQ30 Curtis St,, Dial Keystone �257 <br /> � � .� _ _ .� _ � .� _ _ ._ ,_ _ ,� ._ _ ._ _ _ � <br /> PRQOF OF PUBLICATIO;�: � <br /> THT? DF.'�'�'EP. I,r:�DrR <br /> ST.�TF. OP' C(�I.�R!iPl� 1 <br /> C4(,nVTX �F PI;:�t'?:1:, ) SS. <br /> I I, G��orSC*. J. �4.z.��ua �o s�lemn�.S- ��+-ear �31at I am puUlisller c�f THI; DF.�'�TR LFADrR; that the same is a weekly news— <br /> F��A�'I` F�'�-n��+�. i_n `�hol�; �. i.r? par°t, an.d publi.s�:���i i.n the County of Denver, Stat� of Colorado, and has a be�ierai <br /> circulati��i ttt�i•eic2; tl��.t sa,id ne��rs�aper has been published continuously and uninterruptedly in sai3 County of <br />� Dei�v�r f�r a, perin� �f *rnre tti.�n fift�--v�ao c�nsecutive weelcs next prior to the fi.rst publication of the annexed legal <br /> notice or advert;is�mtr�t; t11�3.Y 5a.i.d �d�:aspaper has been admitted to the (Jn.ited States Mails as se�und—class matter <br /> un3�r thc pY��-�� of the Act of Mareh 3, 1�379, �r any �,mendznents thereof, and that nej�spaper is a w�elcly <br />�sp.�p�r duly quali_fie�3 fux• Fu`�lishing legal notices and advertisemen*s uithin tI1e meaninb of the Iaws of the State <br /> of Culnra��iv. <br /> That th� ar,r��xeci le�al n�tice c�:� a3vertisement w�s pu�lishe��i in the regular and entire t�ekly issue of every <br /> numLer of saiij we�kly ��e�,��paper for the period of Five �onsecutive insertions; and that the first publication of <br /> said noti.ce �vas in tl�e issue of sa:id n�iti�spaper dated SFP 3 1949, A.D, and that the pu�lic�tion of sai3 notice was <br /> in thP issu� �f sai.d ne,��apaier dat�.:3 C�CT I 1949, t1.D. <br /> Tn saitn�ss �ahereof 7 ha�� hereunto s�t my harid thi_s OCT 1 1'J49 � <br /> C.eor;e G. Mangui <br /> Subscribed and stiaorn tc '��f�r�e me, a nutary public in and for the County of Denver, State of Colorado, this <br /> OCT 1 194� <br /> (S�:E1L} Harold N, t4'oodum <br /> '�1y cammzssiori axFires :�pr 2, 1953 ?�otary Public <br />