<br /> 5
<br /> T:� THE COI'NTY C�t'RT OF HALL C�?('I�TY, �FI3Rt1SKA.
<br /> In the n�atter ef the estat� ) F_.STATr �`(?. 4p41
<br /> )
<br /> of ) FI\.!1L nF..CRT'??.
<br /> )
<br /> I�`ettie Sterne, Deceased. )
<br /> This cause came or fer hearing upon the f�nal report of *�'abel Sterne idilliams, exec�stxix of the last ��ill and
<br /> testament of \ettie Sterrie, deceased, fer findings, ord.4rs, iud.gmen±s, and decree as follows:
<br /> The Court, having exami.ned the records, files, and the e�-idence, finds that legal notice has been given to all
<br /> persons interested in said esta.te af the time and placc f;lea. f01� heariro upon sai.d report as ordered b}• the Court, and
<br /> no ane apFeai•ing t� object., the Court finds that said report is *rue ar,d. correct a.nd is hereby approved and allowed as
<br /> and for the final report ef sai.d executrix.
<br />�, � The Court finds tha.t '�'ettie Sterr�e �ied on the �Gth aav of February, 194�, an3 was then a resident and inhabi.tant
<br /> of Grand Isla�zd, in Nall Caunty and sta.te �f '�ebraska, le��•ing a 1a.st ttiill �nd testament, �ahich c,�as allowed and admitted
<br />" to probate herei.r on the 6 da3• of A.pril, 1949.
<br /> i
<br /> That upon the allowar:ce and admission of said last will and testament, letters testamentary were issued to Mabel
<br /> Sterne �t�iiliams, as eYecutriti as nam2d thereir., and she thereupon qualified as slzch.
<br /> The Court fi.nds that 3ue ar.d legal norice was giver, to all persons of the time and place fixed for filing claims,
<br /> that all c,laims file�? have beer; Faid, arjd the time fixec? for filing claims h.as fully expired.
<br /> The Court finds t.hat all administratiori eapenses ha��e be�n paid; that the F�cecutrix has ���aive3 her fees.
<br /> Tha.t a fair ar.d reasoriable attorney fee is �990.00, which has beer. pai3.
<br /> That the fun�ral e�penses have been paid in the amount of �895.00, as evidenced by recei.pt on file. -2-
<br /> IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERFD, An�tmrFn a!�'D DFCREF.D that all. claims a.�ainst said estate not filed herein, if any such
<br /> there be, are fore�er barred.
<br /> The Court finds that said �ettie St�rne left her survi�ing, as her sale and only heir at la�+�:
<br /> Mabel Sterne iJilli.a.ms, a. da.ubhter, of legal age.
<br /> The Court further fiiids� that Ra:y *t. Higgins was duly appainted appraise: of said estate for inheritance tax pur-
<br /> poses, that upon hearing therean he fi.led his report, appraisi.ng said estate, and sai.d report is hereby approved and
<br /> allowed.
<br /> IT IS, THEREFORF, ORDERF.D, ADJt1DGFD AfiD DF,CREI:D that the inheritance tax be, and hereby is, fixed and determined
<br /> in the amount of �541.70,
<br /> The C�urt finds that said ta�c has been pa.id.
<br /> The Court finds �hat a Federal estate ta.t return was file� in said estate, that said estate tax return and tax
<br /> liability Lhereunder has been appro�ed and accepted by the T?nited States Treasury Department, and such tax liability
<br /> has b�en paid.
<br /> The Court furtl�er finds tha.t r'ettie Sterne diec� seized of the following described real estate:
<br /> The southe:ly forty-four and one-half (44z) feet of Lot Five (5) in Blocic Fifty-five (55) in the
<br /> Origiiia3 Town, now City, of Grand Island, in Hall County, state af Nebraska.;
<br /> Lot Six (6) in Block One Hundred Fourteen (114) in Railroa.d Addition to the city of Crand Island,
<br /> in Hall County, state of Nebraska.
<br /> The Court finds that all property belonging to the estate has been assigned, transferred and delivered to Mabel
<br /> Sterne kTilliams, sole legatee and devisee under said last will and testament,
<br /> The Fxecutrix having fully performed all of her duties, -3-
<br /> IT IS, T�{EREFORE, CRDFRED, 9nJt?DGED Al�'D DECREF,D that said Executrix be, and she hereby is, released and discharged
<br /> and said estate is hereby settled and closed.
<br /> �,. Charles Bossert
<br /> In the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> Certificate
<br /> ) ss. I, Charles Bossert County Judge of Hall County, �'ebraska, do hereby certify that i have
<br /> HALL COUI�TY ) compared the foregoi.ng copy of Last �t�ill and Testament, Certificate of Probate thereof a,nd
<br /> Final Decree - II� THE �IATTER OF THE I?STATE OF NETTIF. STF,RNE, DECEASED, with the original
<br /> record thereef, now remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such
<br /> original record; that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Caurt
<br />, has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am the leagal custodian of said Seal and of
<br /> the Records of said Court, a.nd that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br /> IbT TF,STI;�fOKY WHt�.REOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, at Grand Island, this
<br /> 26th day of ,january, 1951.
<br /> (Si:AL) Charles Bossert
<br /> County Judge.
<br /> Filed for r•ecord this 26 day of J�ivary 1951, at 4;45 otclocic P.M.
<br /> " �aC��d �L��'��i
<br /> y Register of Deeds
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