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��� <br /> WILL AND DECREE RECORD <br /> zeosiFIRSTguBtinICdirectl�my executrix hereinafter named to pay my just debts including funeral expenses and expenses of <br /> administration as soon after mg demise as conveniently can be done. <br /> SECOND; I give, devise and bequeath unto my wife, Ada Belle Quigle, all of the rest of my property whether real <br /> or personal and wherever situate to her use, benefit and enjoyment for and during her natural life and after <br /> Pg. 2. Decree. Charles Henry Quigle, dec�d, cont- <br /> the deathoof my said wife said property devised to my children as follows: <br />� THIRD: I give, devise and bequeath to my daughter, Ava June Gebert, of Nebraska City, Nebraska, the Northeast . <br /> Quarter of Section 16, Township 9, Range 9, Hall County, Nebraska,. <br /> FOURTH: I give devise and bequeath to my son Vaughn E. Quigle of St. Louis, Missouri, the South Half of the <br /> Northeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 9, Range 9, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> FIFTH: I hereby nominate ar�d appoint �y daughter, Ava June Gebert of Nebraska City, Nebraska, as executri.x of <br /> this my last will and testament, hereby revoking any former wills made by me. <br /> Dated at Hastings, Nebraska., this 17th day of May, 1949. <br /> Charles Henry Quigle <br /> We, whose names are hereunto subscribed do hereby certify that Charles Henry Quigle, the testator, subscribed his <br /> name to this instrument in our presence, and in the presence of each of us, and declared at the same time in our <br /> presence and hearing, that this instrument was his last will and testament, and we, at his request, sign our names <br /> hereto in his presence as witnesses. <br /> Walter M. Crow <br /> Of Hastings, Nebraska <br /> Ida Batterman <br /> Of Hastings, Nebraska <br /> Certificate of Probate. <br /> Tl�e State of Nebraska,) <br /> : ss At a session of the County Court, held in and for said County, a.t the County Court room <br /> Hall County, ) in Grand Island, on this 31st day of May, A.D. 1950. <br /> Present, Charles Bossert, County Judge. <br /> IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ) <br /> ) I, Charle� Rossert, County Judge, in and for said county, do hereby certify that <br /> Charles Henry Quigle, Deceased. ) on this 31st day of May, A.D. 195Q, the instrument purporting to be the last will <br /> and testament of the said Charles Henry Quigle, .ieeeased, which was filed in this Court on the 4th day of May, 1950, <br /> and being the instrument to which this is annexed, was duly proved, approved, probated a.nd allowed as the last will <br /> and testament of the said Charles Henry Quigle, deceased, and for the State of Nebraska; and it was ordered to be <br /> recorded in the records of the County Court aforesaid. <br /> IlV WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and the Seal of said County Court at Grand Island this 31st <br /> day of May, A.D. 1950. <br /> (SEAL) Charles Bossert, Countp Judge. <br /> That on the 31st day of May, 1950, Ava June Cebert was by this Court duly appointed as executrix of said estate <br /> and she duly qualified a.s such and has been. acting in that capacity since. <br /> Pg. 3, Decree. Charles Henry Quigle, dectd cont- <br /> That said deceased left surviving him as his sole and only heirs at law, next of kin and the onlp persons <br /> interested in his estate, the following named persons, to-wit: <br /> Ada Belle Quigle, his widow, of Doniphan, Nebraska., <br /> Ava June Gebert, a daughter, who resides at Nebraska City, Nebraska, <br /> Vaughn E. Quigle, a son, who resides at St. Louis, Missouri. <br /> and that the above named heirs at law are more than 21 years of age. That he left no other child or children, nor the <br /> issue of any deceased child him surviving. <br /> That said deceased died seized a.nd in possession of the following described real estate, to-wit: <br /> The rorthwest Quarter of Section 16, Township 9, Range 9, Hall Countp, Nebraska. <br /> The South Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 9, Range 9 Hall Count Nebra,ska. <br /> , Y, <br /> The Court further finds that there is in the hands of the executrix certain personal property as income from the <br /> real estate, that under the terms of the will goes to the widow after expenses of administra.tion have been paid. <br /> The Court further finds that all necessary proceedings have been had for the administration of said estate and <br /> that all debts of the decea.sed and costs of administering his estate have been paid in full, and that all <br /> filed a ain <br /> g st said estate have been paid in full, and that all claims not filed should be and hereby are forever <br /> barred. <br /> The Court further finds that said estate is not subject to the payment of Federal estate or State Inheritance tax. <br /> IT IS, THEREFORE, CONSIDERED, ADJUDGED AND DE�REED: <br /> That the report of the eacecutriac be and the same is hereby approved and confiremd and allowed as her final report; <br /> that the real estate described in the findings hereof be and thessame is hereby set over and assigned as follows: <br /> The Northeast Quarter of Section 16, Township,9, Range 9, Hall County, Nebraska, to Ava June Gebert. The South <br /> Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 9, Range 9, Hall County, Nebraska, to Vaughn E, Quigle, each <br /> tract sub�ect to the life esta.te of Ada Be11e Quigle, <br /> Pg. 4, Decree, Charles Henry Quigle, dectd conc.- <br /> the widow, all in accordance with the terms of the will of said deceased. <br /> It is further ordered that the report of the executrix be approved, confirmed and allowed and that she be <br /> discharged, her Letters cancelled and her bond released. <br /> It is further ordered that said estate is not subject to the payment of Federal estate or State Inheritance tax. <br /> That all claims not filed against said estate are forever barred. . <br /> IA' TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court at Grand Island, this <br /> 8th day of November, A.D. 1950. <br /> (SEAL) Charles Bossert <br /> County Judge <br />