i ���>
<br /> 26081—The Auguatine Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE C�URT that the deeedent� s 1/� interest in
<br /> and to the proe�eda ta the real eata�e hereinbefore deacsribed, did pas� and desaend by opera�ion
<br /> of law to her heir�, naraely, A�ma Lehrnan, M�ta Noffke, Paul� Quandt Mueller and Ella Quandt
<br /> Nattrags, nee E11a �Zuandt, in �qual sharee.
<br /> IT TS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUD�ED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the �11,720.0� remalning in
<br /> the hande of �he said administra'�or should be distr3buted 'by said adminis�rator as follows;
<br /> To Al.ma Lehman �2,93�.01
<br /> To Me�a Noffke 2,93�.�1
<br /> To Paula Quandt Mueller 2,930.01
<br /> To E1,la Quandt Nattrass,
<br /> nee Ella Quandt 2,g30«02
<br /> a,nd 'Ghat upon showing �hat eaid adminlstra�or haa paid said amountg, tha� said es'�ate will be
<br /> settled a.nd closed and Ba.id adminiatrator discharggd and his bond aa such releas�d.
<br /> BY THE COURT:
<br /> Charles Hoseert
<br /> County J�dg�.
<br /> )SSs
<br /> HALL COUNTY )
<br /> I, Charles Bossert County Judge of Ha11, Gounty, Nebraska, do h�reby certify that I have
<br /> compared the foregoing copy of Final Deeree entered IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LIE�ETTE
<br /> q,UANDT, DECEASED, w3.th �he original record �hereoP, now remainin� in said Court, that the same
<br /> is a correct transaript thereof, and of �he whole of auch original record; tha,t said �ourt 1�
<br /> a Court of Reeord .havin� a sea1, which sea1. is here�o attached; �hat said Court has no Clerlt
<br /> �uthorized ta sign certifiQates in his own name, and �hat T am th� le�a1 custodian oP said
<br /> Seal and of �he Record� of sa3d �ourt, and that �he f oregoin� atte8tation ig in due form of law.
<br /> .
<br /> I
<br /> IAT TES�IMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto se� my hand and affixed �he seal of �he County Court,.
<br /> i at Grand Island, this 13th day of October- , 195�.
<br /> (SEAL) Charl�e Boss�rt
<br /> Fi1ed for record this 13 day of Oetaber, �95a, at �; � �oun�y Jud�;e.
<br /> �5 o clo�k P.M.
<br /> �� ��-
<br /> 0-fl-0-0-O-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0--Q-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-Q-0-0-0-d
<br /> I, August F. Buechler, of the city o�' arand Ialand, in Hall County, Nebraska, being of sound
<br /> mind and disposing memory, do make and publish this, my las't w3.11 and testam�n'G, in manner and
<br /> form Pollowing:
<br /> FIRST. - �
<br /> I ctirect that my burial expenses and ,�ust debts, if any, and expenses of '�he administratian
<br /> of my estate, be first paid.
<br /> SECOND.
<br /> In eacred memory of my fa�her and mother, Rev. Christian Buec]�ler and Hannah Niehaua Buechler,
<br />, whv devoted the�.r 11ves to the ministry of the gospel in I111nois, Nebraska, and Ore�on, I give the
<br /> sum of Five Hundred 'Dollars (�50�.00) to th� S'�. Pau1 �s Lutheran Ministerial Penaion and Relief
<br /> Fund, 122� Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Penngylvan3a, to be �ent to it by my pastor, Rev. Dr. John
<br /> B, Rupley, of St. Paul' s Lutheran Church.
<br /> THIRD.
<br /> 1 �ive to my son, Theodore E. Huechler, my set of in�cribed American Legion works en�itleds
<br /> "Source Records of the Great War" .
<br /> FO URTH.
<br /> I giv� to my son, Walter E. Bueehler, my set o�' ir�scribed American Legion works Entitled;
<br /> "America, Great Crises of Our History, Told By Ita Makers°.
<br /> FIFTH.
<br /> T give, devise, a.nd bequeath �o my beloved wiPe, Esther Buechler, my home and residence
<br /> deseribed as Lot One (1) , in Block ��Bp , Boerim�s Subdivision, in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> consisting of the home, garage, ar�d "do11-house" ; with the praviso that eaid home sha11 be open to
<br /> my older son, Brigadier-Genera3 Theodore E. Buechler and his family, as long as he remains 1n �he
<br /> service oP the axmy and has no permanen� home. .
<br /> SIXTH.
<br /> I give to my Tr�ustee, hereinafter named, the sum oP Ten Thousand Dollars (�10,000.00 ) to be
<br /> held in trust, the inc4me theref'rom to be paid to my sister, Mrs. Eda Hawk, No. 5915 N.E. 31st
<br /> Av�nue, Portland, 11, Oregon, semi-annually, Por and during her life, and in the event that her
<br /> needs require it, the Trustee may �rom t�me to time send her additional money and char�e the same
<br /> to '�h� trust fund; and upon her death whatever remains in the trust Pund sha,ll become a part of myr
<br /> reslduary estate and be dis'�r3buted as hereina�ter provided.
<br /> SEVENTH.
<br /> All of th� rest, residue, and remainder of my propez�ty, real and personal, and any re'siduary,
<br /> I �ive, devise, and bequea'Gh to the Pollowin�: to my beloved wife Esther Buechler an undivided
<br /> one-fifth; to my son, Theodore E. Buechler an undivided one-Pi��h; to my son, Wal�er E. Buechler,
<br /> and undivided one--fifth; �o my daugh'Cer, Ethel Roeser, an undivided one-fifth; and to my daughter,
<br /> Catharine Buen�, an undlvided one-Pifth.
<br />