� �v�
<br /> 28081—The Augustine Co., Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> -said instrument to which this certifica�e is attached was duly proved, probated and a1low�d as the I
<br /> last will and testament of the real and personal estate of said Juergen Rief deQeased, and the �ame
<br /> was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid.
<br /> I� tdITNEBS WHEREOF, T have hereunto set my hand and af'f'ixed the seal of the County Court, this
<br /> 24th day of.September 1g�47
<br /> ( SEAL) Charles Bossert
<br /> ounty udge
<br /> Tn the matter of the estate ) � ESTATE N�. 3�74
<br /> �
<br />� o� ) FINAL DECREE
<br /> �
<br /> I Juergen RieP, Deeeased. )
<br /> Tnie mat�Ger came on Por hearin� upon the Pinal r�port, and supplement thereto, of Ella S.
<br /> Hehnke, ac�ministratrix w�.th will annexed of the estate of Juergen Rief, deceased, and upon her
<br /> petltio_ for final settlement as administratrix with will annexed of said es'�ate.
<br /> The Court, having examined said reports and �Ghe records and Piles in said estate and bein�
<br /> duly advised, finds that legal notice has been given to all persons in said estate oP the time and
<br /> place fixed �or hearing upon said final report, a$ heretofore ordered by the Court, and no one
<br /> appearing to ob�ect, the Court examined the eame, • �ogether with supplement thereto, and the vouchere
<br /> on file and testimony ln support thereof, and being duly advised, finds that said reports are true
<br /> and correct and are hereby a.pproved and allowed as a.nd for �Che Pinal report oY said admini��ratrix.
<br /> The Court finds that Juer�;en Rief disd on the 21st day of Jul�, 1947, that at th� time of his
<br /> � death he was a resident and inhabitan� of Ha11 County, Nebraska; tha� a petition was Pi1ed in the
<br /> Coun�y Cour'G of Aall County, Nebraska, on the 29th day of Auguat, 1947, praying for the allowanee
<br /> and probate of an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament oP Juergen Rief, deceased,
<br /> and the Court thereupon fixed the 24th day of Sep'te�ber, 19�7, as the date Por making proo�' thereon;
<br /> tha� due and legal notice was given thereof, a.nd on said da'��, the 24th day of sep'Gember, 1947, said
<br /> ins'�rument was duly proven and allowed and admitted to probate; 'Chat on ae�ount oY the phy8lcal
<br /> inability of Anna Rief, who was named as exeeutr.ix, she declined to serve, and Ella S. Hehnke was
<br /> appointed �o serve as administratrix de bonie nor�, with w1ll annexed; that she furnished bond as
<br /> such and as required by the Court,and quallfied as sueh.
<br /> -�- The Court Yinds that due and legal notice was given to all persons of the time and place fixed
<br /> for filin� of claims, that all claima Piled against said estate have been paid and the tlme �or
<br /> f'3.ling clalms has fully sxpired. -
<br /> I IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED AND DECREED that all claims against s�id e�tate not filed herein, if
<br /> any sueh there be, are Porever barred and excluded.
<br /> The Cvurt finds that all court casts, and the feea of administratrix w3.th will annexed, and
<br /> a�torneys, have been paid; as evidenced by the receipts on file.
<br /> The Court Pinda that said Juergen Rie� left survivin� him, as his sole and only heirs at law,
<br /> lega.tess and devisees, the following:
<br />, Anna Rief, survining widaw,
<br /> E11a Hehnke, c�aughter,
<br /> iie�man RieP, son, �
<br /> �red Ri f, son, '
<br /> Yo�a��a.�au�r��n�rand-daughter, and
<br /> Lue11a Sho2'sta.11 (formerly Luella Rauert) , a grand-daughter;
<br /> that said Anna Rief, wiPe o� said Jue�rgen RieP, deceased, died on �he 4th day of �atober, 19�+9+
<br />, The Court finda that said Ju�rgen Rief died �eized of the following deseribed real es�Gates
<br /> ot x 6
<br /> L Si in Bl � n 1
<br /> ( � oc Six�ee 6 in South Grand Is1 nd an a di� o h
<br /> � ) a , d i n to t e eity of
<br /> Grand Island, in Hall County, state of Nebraska;
<br /> The northwest quarter of the northeast quart-er and the south half of the northwest
<br /> quarter of Seotion Shree (3) in Township Ten (10) Nor�Gh, Range Nine �9� West of 6th
<br /> P.M, , 1n Washington Township, in Ha11 County, state oP Nebraska;
<br /> Lots 31x (6) and Seven �7) and �he sou'Gheast quarter of the sou�hwest qua.�ter oP
<br /> See'�ion Ten (lp), Township Ten (10) , Range Nine �9�, in Hall County, state of Nebraska;
<br /> tha.t the land devised to George R�ef was erroneousl.y deaeribed as the northeast quarter oP the
<br /> northwe�t quaxter and the south half of the northweet quart�r of section 3, Township 10 North,
<br /> Ran�e 9 West of 6th P.M. , in Washington Town$hip, Hall County, Nebraska, in the tsstator�s will.
<br />-3- The Court finds that said es'�ate has been duly appraised for inheritance 'Gax, the report of
<br /> said appraiser is hereby approved and allowed, and �here is no irtheritance tax, sta�e or Federal, �
<br /> due from said estate or f'rom any o�' said 1ega�ees and de�isees.
<br /> The Court finds that the special legacy �o Ella Hehnke in the sum of �500.�0 ae provided in
<br /> paragraph Fourth of said will, has been paid and has been deducted �'rom the shar e of Herman Rief
<br /> aa provs$ed in said paragraph Fourth.
<br /> The Court finds that distribution of the reeldue has been made as provided in said will and as
<br /> heretofore ordered by the Court.
<br /> administra�rix with wi11. annexed, and suppiement thereto, be, and the same are hereby, approved �.nd
<br /> allowed as her final report, and said estat� is hereby aettled and cloeed, and said administratrix
<br /> with will a,nnexed d.ischarged and released.
<br /> Charlea Bosser�
<br /> � OUN Y ,
<br />