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�- - <br /> � <br /> a , � <br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNTY <br /> f�F!>:a <br /> r�al and personal estate of the estate, which under the terms of said las� Wi11 and Teatament passed <br /> to LoRayne Youngclaus, the widow, and that in addition thereto, the said widow has advanced to said <br /> estate f or that purpose, the sum of �3909.06, being the amount named in the Supplemental Final <br /> Report. <br />' The Court fur�her finds tha.t there may be further undisclosed liabilities that should be paid <br /> by the eatate and chargeable to the property passing under �he fourth and fifth paragraphs of the <br /> Will; that so far as now known, the same will consist of a.n undetermined amount of liability <br /> chargeable to �he estate f or income tax and any additional amount, if any, upon f inal determination <br /> of �he Federal Estate Tax; that in the event LoRayne Youngclaus pays the same, as against �he <br /> property passing under the fifth paxagraph of the Will, ahe would be entitled to credit as an <br /> '; advance made to said trust f or one-half the axnount so paid. <br /> The Court fur'�her finds that of the amount of indebtedness due the said LoRayne Youngelaus, <br /> one-ha.1f of the same would be chargeable to herself and the other one-half cha.rgeable to the trust. <br /> IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECR�ED by the Court that one-half of the personal <br /> property be and the same ls her�by set off unto the said LoRayne Youngclaus peraonally, and one- <br /> half is hereby aet ofP unto '�he said LoRayne Youngclau$, as Trustee under the fif�h paxagraph oP <br /> said last Will and T�sta,ment, sub3ect to the terms and conditions of said last Wi11 and Testament, <br /> and sub�ect to �he following; (1) The paym�nt to LoRayne Youngclaus of the sum of �195�•53, Plus <br /> one-ha.lf' of any additional liabilities of the e��ate; (2) The payment of the bequest to Reimer <br /> Jungclaus; the executrix 3.n open court waiving any interest ei�her upon said amount owing to her <br /> by the trust estate or upon any amount advanced by her to pay the indebtedneas of the estate. -3- <br /> IT TS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that said Executrix be and ahe <br /> is hereby discha,rged as Executrix, she having filed her receipt as trustee for one-half of the <br /> property, sub�ect to the charges as aforesaid. <br /> The Court further finds �hat th� said William N. Youngclaus died a citizen and resident of <br /> Hall County, Nebraska, on September 17, 19�9, leaving a last will and testament, which has hereto- <br /> f ore been admit�ed to probate, and that the decree admitting said will to probate has never been <br /> set aside or appealed from and ia now in full force and effec�. <br /> The Court further f inds that the deceased left surviving him as his sole and only heirs-at- <br /> 1a.w, his widow, LoRayne Youngclaus, and a gon, William Youngclaus. <br /> The Court fur�her f inds that the said W311iam N. Youngclaus was the owner at �he time of his <br /> death of the following described real es�ate, to-wit; <br /> 1. Empress Th�atre Buildin�: <br /> South�rly��feet of the Northerly 67� feet of Lot Five (5) in Block Fifty-five (55) <br /> of the Original Town, now, City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />, 2. Husker Buildin : <br /> Northerly 23 feet of Lot F�.ve (5) in Block Fifty-five (55) of the Original Town, <br /> now City, of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> 3. We sterly one-third of Lot Six (b) in Block Fif ty-five (55 ) of the Original Town, <br /> now City, of Grand Isl.and, Nebraska.. <br /> �. Westerly one-half (W2) of the Easterly two-thirds (E-2/3) of Lot Six (6) in� Block <br /> Fif ty-f ive (55) of �hE Original T own, now C i�y, of Grand I sland, Nebraska. <br /> 5. Island Thea�re ; <br /> Easterly � feet of Lot Six (6) in Block Th3.rty-one (31) of the Original Town, now <br /> Ci�y, of Grand Island, Nebraska <br /> � That the Island Theatre is a going concern and consists of the real estate, equipment, furniture <br /> and fix�ure�, and for the purposes of this decree, the whole enterpriee is treated as real eatate. <br /> IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDE�D, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that eaid af ore deseribed real <br /> estate is set off in accordance with the terms of the last will and testament of �he said W�.11iazn <br /> N. Youngclaus, on�-half thereof to LoRayne Youngclaus in fee aimple, to be hers absolutely, and -4- <br /> th� other- one-half is hereby set off unto the said LoRayne Youngclaus, as �rustee, under �he terms <br /> - and cond�.tions of th� fif th paragraph oP said last will and testament; said trust estate, however, <br /> sub�ject to the paym�nt, without interest, '�o the said LoRayne Youngclaus of the sum of �195�.53, <br /> plus one-ha.lf of any additional undisclosed liabilities, and sub�ect to payment to Reimer Jungclaus <br /> of the bequest contained in said last will and testament. . <br /> IT IS FURTHER (?RDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that since a separate trust es�a�e <br /> will be set up, that the ma�ter of any additional undisclosed liablities can be accoun�ed for in <br /> eaid separate trust es�ate, and tha,t th�.s estate should be closed. <br /> And now LoRayne Youngclaus, personally and as truat�e, having f3.led her receip�, <br /> IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that this estate be and the is hereby <br /> clo��d. <br /> Charles Bossert <br /> COUNTY JUDGE <br /> RECEIPT <br /> I hereby acknowl�dge receip� in full of all the assets of said estate passing to me under the <br /> last Will and Tes�ament, a1.1 allowances heretofore made to me, paymen� in full of a11 claims <br /> against the estate, and do hereby waive any elaim f or interest, either upon any money advanced by <br /> m� or the balance owing to me by the eatate, �i�her already ineurred or to be inaurred in the <br /> future. I further waiv� any elaim f or fees as executrix and as trustee. I acknowledge receipt of <br /> �he personal property passing to said �rust, to-wit, an undivided one-half interest.. <br /> Dated this 13th day of September, 1950. <br /> LoRayne Yctungclaus <br /> Personally and as Trustee <br /> .. ... . _._. __ . _ . .... . _ .._J <br />