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<br /> 28081—The Auguatine Co., Grand Ieland, Nebr.
<br /> -of-
<br /> That I, ?�lilliam N. Younecla.us, of �rand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, be�.n° of sound mind
<br /> and disposin�; memory, but not unmindful of the uncertainties of human life, do hereby make, pub-
<br /> li�h and decl�.re this, my last 4Vi�l and Testament; hereby revokin�; all former wills by me made:
<br /> FIRST
<br /> .
<br /> I hereby declare that I am a citizen of ;�rand Island, Ha1.l County, Nebraska.
<br /> SECOND
<br /> I direct that my just debts and funeral expenseg be first paid out of my estate.
<br /> THIRD
<br /> I hereby dive, devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife, LoRayne Youn�;claus, to be hers
<br /> absolutely, in fee simple, the home in which we may be livin�; at the time of my dea�h, all my
<br /> personal effects, ,�ewelry anc� automo�iles, own�d by me at th� time of my death, all furniture,
<br /> fixtures and furnishin�s contained in the home occupied by us a� the time of my death, and in
<br /> addition thereto, I hereby oive, devise and bequeath unto my said beloved wife, LoRayne Youn�;claus,
<br /> all the real and personal estate, of any and all natures whatsoever, located in the State of
<br /> Galifornia, and in addition thereto, any capital stock in, or the indebtedness of, any corporation
<br /> or�;anized under tne laws of the State of California, owned by me at the time of my death; all to
<br /> be hers absolutely.
<br /> FOURTH
<br /> I hereby �ive, devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife, LoRayne Youn6 claus, one-half of the
<br /> rest, residue arid remainder of my estate, of any and all natures whatsaever and wheresoever situa�ed,
<br /> except �he property hereinbefore specifically devised and bequeathed, to be hers absolutely, pro-
<br /> vided she snall survive me.
<br /> FIFTH
<br /> The remaininb one-half of th� rest, residue and remainder of my estate, and in the event my
<br /> , beloved wife shall not survive rne, then �he entire rest, residue and remainder of my estate, I
<br /> hereby �ive, aevise and bequeath to LoRayne Yourrnclaus, in the even� she shall survive me, and in
<br /> �he event she shall not survive me, to Harold A. Prince, in trust, however, to the followin� uses
<br /> and purposes :
<br /> Harold A. Prince . William N. Youn�claus
<br /> �race Lane
<br /> Pa.�;e l. To pay to my beloved niece, Marilyn Junbclaus, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ( �1000.00)
<br /> -2- on or before one year after my death.
<br /> 2. To pay to The Poor Sisters of Saint Francis Seraph of the Perpetual Adoration the sum of
<br /> One Thousand Dolla.rs (�1000.00) on or 'aef'ore one year af'ter my death, f'or the use and benefit of
<br /> the St. Francis Hosp�.tal of �rand Island, Nebraska-. •
<br /> 3. To pav to my wife ' s mother, Lulu Rickert, the sum of Cne Hundred Fifty Dollars (�150.00)
<br /> per month durine her lif etime, for the terms of her 1ife, commencin�; wi'�h th� date of my death.
<br /> �. To pay to my father, Reimer Junoclaus, the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars (�150.00) per
<br /> month d.urin� his lifetime, for tne term of his life, commencinb with the date of my death.
<br /> 5. To pay to my beloved wife, LoRayne Youndclaus, the net income of the trust so lono as ahe
<br /> shall live, and upon her death, to pay the net income to my son, William Youn;claus, and to any
<br /> other child or children who may be born to my wiPe, LoRayne i'oun�;claus, and myself, and the �.ssue
<br /> of any deceased child or children, by rioht of representation; share and share alike.
<br /> 6. This tru5t shall terminate upon the death of my wife, LoRayne Youn�claus, provided at tha�
<br /> time my son, VJilliam Youneclaus, shall have reached the a�;e of thirty (30) ; if he snall not have
<br /> reached the aE;e of 30, then the trust shall continue until he shall reach the aee ofi 30. 2n the
<br /> event he shall die before havin� reached the aee of 30, then said trust shall cease and terminate
<br /> twenty years �fter �he date of the survivor of the said LoRayne Youn�claus, my wi�'e, and the �aid
<br /> '�illiam Younoclaus, my son, unless sooner terminated as herein provided, and the trust estate
<br /> delivered to the persons entitled thereto.
<br /> 7. Upon the termination of the 'trust, the entire trust estate shall bE divided amon;; my
<br /> ehildren and the issue of any deceased child or children by ri�;ht of representation, share and
<br /> share alike.
<br /> �. In the event, upon the death of my beloved wife, LoRayne Youn�claus; . none of our child
<br /> or chilclren, nor the issue of any deceased child or children a.re in existence, then the trust
<br /> estate shall terminate forthw3,th, and in such event, I hereby dive, devise .and bequeath said trus'�
<br /> es�ate as follows:
<br /> (a) To Reimer Juneclaus an�. Lulu Rickert the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ( �10,000) each,
<br /> to abate if the lebatee shall have predeceased my said wife; in any event the monthly
<br /> allowances provided in Section 3 �,nd �- af Para.oraph "FIFTH" to abate upon payment of
<br /> said sums.
<br /> (b) The balance of thP corpus of the trust estate shall pass and descent, and be �ayable
<br /> imme�4iately, to such person, persons, firm or
<br /> Harold A. Prince
<br /> �race Lan� ��lilliam N. Youn�;claus I
<br /> . ,
<br /> � I
<br />