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��� <br /> WII�L AND DECREE RECORD <br /> 280S1—The Auguetine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> that said Frank C. Albee, deceased, was a widower at the time of his decease, his wife, Ethel Boyae <br /> A1bee, havin� passed away on Au�ust 29, 1932, mnd said Frank C. A1b�e had never remarried; and tha'� <br /> the above named five children were the gole and only children of said Frank C• Albee and tha�t there � <br /> was no other child or children of a deceased child of the deceased livin� at �he date of his death, <br /> --2- and that all of said children are entitl�d to share equally in the estate of the deeeased. <br /> 7. At the time of his death, Frank C. Albee died seized and possessed as �he owner by fee <br /> simpl� title absolute, of the followinr� described real estate: <br /> The Eas� Fi�ht (�) acres of the West Twenty (20) acres of all that part of the Southeast <br /> Quarter of �he Sou�heast Quarter (SE�SE��-,) of Section Twenty-one (21) , in Township Eleven <br /> (11) , North Ran�e Nine �9� , West of the 6th P.M. in Hal1 Coun�y, Nebraska, which lies <br /> South of Pleasant Home Subdivision of art of the East Ha1f of the 3outheast Quarter <br /> (E�-SE�) of said Section Twenty-one (21�, more particularly described as follows: <br /> Be�inninm at a point in the South line of said Section whieh lies Twenty-four (24) <br /> rods and Six (6) feet East of the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter of the <br /> Southeas� Quarter, runninc� thence North para11e1. with the West line of said Southeast <br /> Quar�er of the Southeast Quarter Seventy-ei�ht (7�) rod� and Thirteen ( 13) feet to the <br /> South line of said Pleasant Home Subdivision, thence East alon� said Sou�h line, Six- <br /> teen t16) rods and Four (4) feet thence South Seventy-ei�ht (7�) roda and Thirteen (13) <br /> f eet to the South line of s�.id Section, and thence Weat Sixteen (16) rods and Four (4) <br /> feet to �he place of be�inninn�, containin� Ei�t ( �) acres, be the same a little more <br /> or less, accordin� to �overnment survey. <br /> to�ether with the houses and hatchery buildin�� and other 3.mprovem�nts thereupon located and that <br /> the title to said real estate upon the death of the deceased, passed to the Yive� children <br /> of the deceased heretofore named, share and share alike. <br /> �. On June 22, 1950, the above named heirs in their individual capacities, sold the abqve <br /> described real estate to Edward D. c�uzinski and Teckla A. Guzinski, husband and wif e, and the pro- <br /> ceeds of said sale and the proceeds of th� sale by th� individual heirs in such capacity is to be <br /> paid to Harold C. Albes, as escrow a�ent and by ac�reement of the said heirs was reported to this <br /> Court in the Supplemental Account of the adxninistrator for dis�ribution by him as thour�h said cash <br /> proceeda were a part of this estate. The report oP said administrator of his accounts as such <br /> admin�.strator and as such escrow a�ent and the distribution and the statement of debits and credits <br /> to which each of the chil.dren is entitled as embodied in his Supplemental Account is hereby ex- <br /> -3- pressly ap�aroved. <br /> 9. There is due to Harold C. Albee the sum of �1,271.90, to Irene t�. E�elston the sum of <br /> �2, 431.22, to Haz�l C. Rowland the sum of �2,177.33, to Helen B. Rhoads the sum of �2, 4�4.8I, and <br /> to Bob R. Albee the sum of �z, 233.66. <br /> 10. The said Frank C. Albee, c�eceased, was also known as Frank Albee; and the said Harold C. <br /> Albee, adminigtrator herein, is also known as Harold Albee; and the respective names in each of <br /> the above ina�ances refer to one and th� same respective individual, notwithstandin� the discrepancy <br /> in names. <br /> 11. Th3a estate is not sub,�ect to the payment of either a Federal Estat� tax or a State <br /> Inheritance tax. <br /> IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDt�ED AND DECREED BY THE COURT tha'� �he aforesaid final report, <br /> filed herein by Harold C. Albee, administrator of the esta�e of Frank C. Albee, decea�ed, be and <br /> the same is hereby in all thinr�s approved, confirmed and allowed as and Por the said administrator' s <br /> final report. <br /> IT IS FURTHr'� ORDERED, ADJUDt�ED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the aforesaid Supplemen�al Fina1 <br /> Account, filed herein by Harold C. Albee, administrator of the estate of Frank C. Albee, deeeased, <br /> be and the same hereby is in a11 tninms approved, confirmed and allowed as the said administrator �s <br /> Supplemental Final Account, and the said es'�ate is hereby settled and closed, and sub,ject to the <br /> f i1in� herein of the receipts of the adrninistrator in both his capacity as said admin3.strator and <br /> in his capacity as escrow a�ent, showin� distribution to the heirs of the follow3.n� sums : to <br /> Haxold C. A1bee �l 271.90, to Trene G. E�elston �2, �-31.22, to Hazel C. Rowland �2, 177.33, to <br /> He7-en 8. Rhoads �2, �-�4.�1, to Bob R. Albee �1,233.66, and showin� payments of the expenses of both <br /> the administration of the estate and the sale�, said adminis�rator is hereby released from his <br /> trust, dischar�ed as said adminis�rator, and liability upon his bond upon such showinr� shall be <br /> terminat an <br /> ed d his bond and the suret thereon shall b e <br /> Y e releas d. <br />-4- IT TS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDC�ED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that no claima hav� been filed <br /> a�ainst said estate; that all expenses connected with the funeral of the said Frank C. Albee, <br /> deceased, have been paid in full; that aIl other expenses of said estate, includin� Court costs, <br /> publication fees, A�torneys ' fees to Paine & Pa�ne, Attorneys, in the sum of ��77.�5, and adminis- <br /> trator ' s f ee to Harold C. Albee fixed by the Court �.n the sum of �163. 45, have been paid in full; <br /> that a11 persons havin� claims aaainst said estate, not filed wi�hin �he tim� fixed by the Court, <br /> if any such there be, are forever barred, excluded and en,�o�.ned from settin� up or assertina� any <br /> claims wha�soever a�ainat said estate. <br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that Frank C. Albee passed a.way on <br /> the 12�h day of June, 1949, intestate, bein� at that a citizen and a resident of Ha11 County, <br /> Nebraska; that he lePt survivin� him �.s his heirs-at-law, and sole and only heira-at-law, the fol- <br /> low3.n�, who are all m4re than twenty-one years of a,�e, namely: <br /> Harold C. Albee, a son, of Stolley Park Road, t�rand Island, Nebraska; <br /> Irene G. E�*elston, a daur�hter, of. �604 North l�th Street, Phoenix, Arizona; <br /> Haze1 C. Rowland, a dau�hter, of Willow Sprins�s, North Caxolina; <br /> Helen B. Rhoads, a dau�hter, of Birney Star Route, Sher�dan, Wyomin�; ' <br /> Bob R. Albee, a son, of 1115 West . 9th Street, arand Island, Nebraska; <br /> that the said Frank C. A1bee, deceased, was a widower at the time of his decease, his wife, Ethel <br /> Boyce Albee, havin� passed away on the 29th day of Auaust, �.932, and he had never remarriedr <br /> IT SS FUR.THER ORDFRED, ADJUDC3-ED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the said Frank C. Albee, deceased, <br /> at the time of his death, was seized and possessEd, by fee simple •title absolute, of the followin� <br /> described real estate, to-wit: <br />