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��� <br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNTY <br /> IN WITNESS ti+IHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand ar�d affixed the seal of the County Co�rt, <br /> this llth day oP January 1950 <br /> ( SEAL) Charles Bossert <br /> HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA F T L E D JAN 11 1950 County Jud�e <br /> CHARLES BOSSERT COUNTY JUDGE <br /> IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> In the Matter of: ) <br /> ) <br /> THE ESTATE OF ) <br /> EMMA DEKLA KOEHLER, ) FINAL DECREE <br /> ) <br /> Deceased. ) <br /> Now, on this 2nd day of Au�ust, 1950; this cause came on for hearin� upon the final report <br /> filed herein by Arnhold 0. Koehler, �he duly appointed, qualified and actin� executor of the estate <br /> of Emma Dekla Koehler, deceased, to�ether with the petition for the approval and allowance of said <br /> report, settlement of sald estate and his dischar�e herein, and the Court hav�n� examined the <br /> records, pleadins�s, and files herein, includin� said final report, h�ard �he evidence in support <br /> thereof, and bein� fully advised in the premises and from proof on file, finds that: <br /> 1. Due and le�al notice of the time and place of this hearin� has been �iven to all persons ' <br /> interested in said esta'�e, by publication in the arand Island Daily Independent for three successive ' <br /> weeks, in the manner required by law and the order of this Court. <br /> 2. The final report is true and correct in all respects, and is hereby approved and allowed <br /> as the final report of administration, the estate is hereby settled and closed, and, upon the <br /> filina; of his final receipts herein, said executor should be dischar�ed, and the liabillty oP <br /> gaid executor and his surety on his official bond should be terminated and his bond should be <br /> releas�d. <br /> 3. Due notice was �iven to all creditors and all persons havin� claims a�ainst said estate <br /> of the time and place fixed for a hearinr� thereon by publication in the arand Island Daily Inde- <br /> pendent for three suceessive weeks , as provided by law, and a decree forever barrin� and excludin�r ', <br /> claims a�ainst the estate was duly entered herein on the llth day of May, 1950. ` �� <br /> �F. Only one claim wAS Piled a�ainst said estate, which was for money peraonally advanced by ' <br /> Arnhold 0. Koehler, the executor herein, for expenses for the last illness, funeral, and other ' <br /> expenses of the sa�d Emma Dek1a Koehler, deceased, in the sum of ���0. 71, which claim was duly -1_ ', <br /> allow�d and has been paid in ful1. A11 expenses in connection with the funeral and last illness <br /> of said Emma Dekla Koehler, deceased, have now been paid in full. In addition to other e�epenses <br /> in said c1a3.m bill, there was also included an advance o� the sum of �100.00 made by Arnhold 0. ' <br /> Koehler to the eetate for the deceased' s �randson, Edward Koehler, �.nd an advance oP �100.00 by I <br /> the said Arnhold 0. Koehler to :the three children of said deceased's �randson, Robert Koehler, I <br /> namely, Joyce Caroline Koehler, Jeannine Irene Koehler and Robert Joshwa Koehler, minors, in ', <br /> accordance with the provi5�.ons of Para�raph Two (2) in the Will and Testament of Emma Dekla , <br /> Koehler, deceased. By payment of said claim these two advances were reimbursed to Arnhold 0. ' <br /> Koehler, the said two bequeat8 in the sum of �100.00 each have now been paid to the respective , <br /> persons, to-wit: the sum of �100.00 to Edward Koehler �.nd the sum of �100.00 to Thelma C. Cohee !, <br /> as mother and na'�ural �ua.rdian of said three minor children, said payment havin� been authorized <br /> by this Court without the neces�ity of appointin� le�al �uaxdians for them, because of the fae'� <br /> that the sum �oin� to each minor was only 1/3 of the amount of �100.00. The estate has also paid <br /> out the sum of �150.00 to Hernhardt Koehler, thus removin� the lien in his favor set out in Para- <br /> �raph Three (3 ) of said Last Will and Testament af E�nma Dekla Koehler, deceased, which sum of <br /> �150.00 was owed to Bernhardt Koehler by said deceased for a �arage constructed by him Por said <br /> deceased. The Court further finds that Arnhold 0. Koehler should be allowed an executor �e fee in <br /> the sum of �150.00. The Court further finds that Paine & Paine, Attorneys herein, should be <br /> allowed attorneys fees in the sum of �432.00. The Court further finds that the Court costs herein, <br /> includin� publieation fees, ahould be allow�d in the sum of �71.60. Amonp� receipts in said estate <br /> the executor has receivec� from Bernhard� Koehler the sum of 300.00 as payment in full Por the <br /> purchase of a lot sold to him by the said deceased prior to her death, but which had not yet been <br /> paid for. <br /> �j. Emma Dekla Koehler passed away testate in Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska, on the <br /> 2�-th day of November, 194g, bein� at that time �6 yeara of a�e, and bein� a citizen and resident -2- <br /> of the County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, and pogsessin� property in said State of Nebraska, <br /> and leavin� a Lag� W311 and Testament, which will has hereto2'ore been admitted to pro�aate herein, <br /> �hat her husband, Oscar Koehler, preceded her in d�a�h, that she was unmarried at the time of her <br /> death, and that she left survivin� her as her sole and only heirs-at-law, and the sole and only <br /> beneficia.ries named in her will, the follow�n� namely: <br /> Anna Fletcher, a daup�hter, of lemal a�e, oP 5557 Biloxi Avenue, North Hollywood, California; <br /> Mari�e E. Wo1f, a dau�hter, of lea�al a�e, oP 2010 Curlew Lane, Omaha, Nebraeka; <br /> Bernhardt Koehler, a son, of le�a1 ar�e, of 703 South Kimball Street, arand Island, Nebraska; <br /> , Albert Koehler, a son, of le�al a�e, oP 70� South Rimba.11 S'�reet, arand Island, Nebraska; <br /> Arnhold 0. Koehler, a son, of 1.e�;a1 a�e, of �21 Sou�h Pine Street, (�rand Ialand, Nebraska; <br /> Robert Koehler, a son, of le�^al a�e, of 217 Occidental 3treet, Santa Ana, California; <br /> Amanda D. Schmidt, a daur�hter, of le�al a�e, oP 710 South Kimball Street, (}rand Island, <br /> Nebraska; <br /> Edward Koehler, a �randson, who is the son of Frank Koehler, a deceased son of F�nma Dekla <br /> Koehler, of 1e�a1 a�e, oP 1912 West 12�h Street, Grand Island, Nebraska; <br /> Robert Ko�hler, a �randson, who is the son of Frank Koehler, a deceased son of Fmma Dekla <br /> _ Koehler, of le�al a�e, of Hastin�s, Nebraska; <br /> Joyce Carollne Koehler, a �reat-�randdaup�h'�er, who is a dau�rhter of Robert Koehler, the <br /> �randson of grima Dekla, Koehler, a minor 14 years of a�e, of �Fll lOth Street, C�rand <br /> Island, Nebraska; <br /> Jeannine Irene Koehler, a �reat-�randdau�hter, who is a dau�hter of Robert Koehler, the <br /> n�randson of Emma Dekla Koehler, a minor 13 years of a�e, of �11 East lOth Street, (�rand <br /> Island, Nebraska; � <br /> Robert Joshwa Koehler, a �reat-��randson, who is a son of Robert Koehler, the �ranc7.s.on of <br /> Emma Dekla Koehler, a minor 11 years oP a�e, of �-11 East lOth 3trest, Grand Island, <br /> Nebraska. <br />