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�►�dJ <br /> WILL AND DECREE RECORD <br /> 28081—The Auguatine Co., Grand Ieland, Nebr. <br /> DECEASED, with the ori�inal record thereof, now remalnin� in said Court, that �he same is � corr�e't <br /> transeript thereof, a.nd of �he whole of such original record; that said Court is a Court of Record <br /> ha�rin� a. seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk autY�orized to �i�n cert�- <br /> ficates in his own name, and that I am the lea�al cuatodian oY sa3.d Ssa1 and o� the Records oP said <br /> Court, and that the foregoin� attestation ia �n due Porm of 1aw. <br /> IN TESTIMON'Y' WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and af�ixed the seal o� the County Court, at <br /> (�rand Island, this 9th day of Au,�ust, 1950. <br /> ( SEAL) Ch�,rles Bossert <br /> ' County ud�;e. <br /> Filed for record this 9 day of Au�ust 1950, at 4�:50 0 �clock P.M. <br /> � e�is er ca Dee e <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--C-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-a-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0--0-0-�-Q <br /> WILL AND DECREE <br /> LAST WILL AND TEST.AMENT OF EMMA DEI�L� KOEHLER <br /> I, Emma Dekla Koehler, of Q-rand Island, Nebraska, bein� desirous of makin� my 1as� Wi11 and <br /> Testament do hereby declare this to be my last W111 and Testament, revokins� any and all wi11s by <br /> me here�ofore made, in words and fi�ureg, as follows: <br /> l. <br /> I direct that a11 expenses and debts which I mi�ht owe be paid aB soon aPter my death a,s <br /> possible. <br /> 2. <br /> I direct that there be paid out of the assets oP my es�a.te the sum of One Hundred Dollars (�100) <br /> to my �randson, Edward Koehler, and One Hundr.ed Dollars (�100) '�o the three children af my �;rand�on, <br /> Robert Koehler., The 5um of One Hundred Dollars ( �100� to the last three is �o be the ,.t�;ross sum <br /> of �100 to be divided between th� three of them. In the even�G there is not suff'3.cent cash in my <br /> estate to pay the�e two bequests of �100 each, then said sums shall be paid in one of the �wo � <br /> followin� manners: <br /> a. Tf my seven survivinp� children. each desire to contribute per capita that amount, <br /> they may do so, or, <br /> b. If fewer than seven of my children desire to advance said sums, euch ones as may <br /> advan�e the money are to have a lien upon the balance of my estate to secure euch <br /> payment. <br /> �j, . <br /> The re5t, residue and remainder of my property, both real and personal, I �ive, devise and <br /> bequeath, share and share alike, to my seven children now livin�;, sub,�eet to the followinp_� con- <br /> ditions : � <br /> My son, Bernha.rt, has erected a �ara�e at 703 Sou�h K�mba11 out of his own funds and the sum <br /> of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars (�15�) is 'Go eonstitute a lien 3.n his Pavor a�ainst that property <br /> to �uaran'�ee payment �o him of tha� amount, provided he haa not been previously paid by me. The <br /> real property of which I may die seised shall not be sold unl�ss a ma,�ority of my children shall <br /> desire �ne sale o� such property, and shall so indiea,t� their wish in wri'�in�. Zn �Ghe event any <br /> of my children shall precede me in dea�h havin� no children, then their share sha11 revert equally <br /> to the survivin� children; should any of my children now livin�* precede me in death, but havin� <br /> children livin� a'G the of my death, then the share a:P such child shall �o to the children of <br /> such deceased ch�.ld by ri�ht of representation. <br /> 4. <br /> I direct that the Court appoint my son, Arnoid Koehler, executor of this, my last Will and <br /> Testament. <br /> WZTNESSES: <br /> Harry q�rimmin�er Emma Dekla Koehler <br /> Ruby Waddin�ton <br /> We, whose names are hereunto subecribed, do h�reby certi�'y that Emma Dekla Koehler, the above <br /> named Testatrix, si�ned her name to the above and foremoin� ins�rument this 13th day of January, <br /> 1g43, in our presence and in the presence of each of us; and at the same time in our �presenee and <br /> hearina declared this said instrurnent, and none other, was her last Will and Testament; and we, <br /> at her request, and in her presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto s�.�ned our <br /> names as attestin� witnesses, and it is our bel3.ef that she is of sound mind and competent to make <br /> a last W111 .and Tes�ament on this date. <br /> Harry arimmin .,er <br /> o�Gran�a an , Nebraska <br /> Ruby Wadd�i�n to__n • <br /> Of Grand s� land, Nebraska. <br /> HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA F I L E D D�C 19 1949 CHARLES BOSSERT COUNTY JUDGE , <br /> CER�'IFICATE OF PROBATE OF WILL <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ) ss. CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE �F WILL <br /> HALL COUNTY ) <br /> At a Session of the Coun'�y Court held in the County Court Room in Grand Tsland, in said Coun'Gy, <br /> on the 11th day of January A. D. , 1950 <br /> Present Charles Bossert Coun�Gy Jud�e <br /> Tn the Matter oP the Estate of <br /> _ Emma I3ekla Koehler , Deceased <br /> I, Charles Bo�sert, Jud�-e of the County Court, in and for said County, do hereby cert3.fy that <br /> on the 19th day of December 19�-9, the instrument purportin� to be the las'� will and testament of <br /> Emma Dekla Koehler deceased, zaas filed for probate in this Court. That on the 11th day of January <br /> �950, said instrument to which th�.s c.ertificate is attaehed was duly proved, probated and allowed <br /> as the last will and testament of the, real and personal estate of said Emma Dekla Koehler deceased, ', <br /> and the same was ordered to be recorded in '�he records of the Court aP�resaid. j <br /> ,I <br />