<br /> 28081—The Auguatine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. I
<br /> and costs of administration, have been paid, all claims not Piled againet such estat� are barred by �
<br /> la.w;
<br /> The court Pur�her finds that Pearl Elliott, one of �he lega�ees named i,n the will of decedent,
<br /> died on January 23, 1947, leavin� her survivin� the followin� named children, namely: Anna Belle
<br /> Smith, Qeor�;e A. Dunkel, Tnez �. Hanna, James M. Dunkel,. Joseph 4J. Dunkel, Wilmer J. Dunkel, and
<br /> Robert D. Dunkel, who pursuant to Sec. 30-22�, R.S.19�F3, take and divide amon� them, �har� and share
<br /> alike, the le�acy herein to Pearl Elliott; such Anna Hell:e Smith and inez �. Hanna axe th� same
<br /> per8on� as th� residuary devisees and le�atees named in th� will of decedent; pursuant �o ord�r
<br /> of �his court and due notice such esta'�e has been appraised by an Tnheritance Tax appraiser and his
<br /> report duly filed herein; the "E" .bonds belon�ing '�o such �state were cashed for less than Face,
<br /> namely �822.50; '�he amount of residue sub�ject' to state inheritance tax is �252.50 less �han the
<br /> appraiser reports; the shares of remaindermen in legacy to Pearl E111ott are not sub,jeet to tax;
<br /> �he lee�acy to Ernma Coons ia sub,�ect to tax in the �um of �30.00; the one-half of residue to Tr�ez -
<br /> M. Hann� in sum of �33�.95, and to Anna Be11e Smith in the sum oP �33�•95f �h� executor is requir�d
<br /> to deduct such tax from their respective le�acies and shares; the real property described in the
<br /> inventory should be a�s�.�ned to Anna Belle Smith and Inex M. Hanna, in equal shares.
<br /> Such estate and the shares of the devisees and le�*atees, other than Emma Coons, Anna Bel.le
<br /> Smi�h, and Inez M. Hanna, is and are not sub,�ectto inheritanee tax under the laws of Nebraska.
<br /> I The share and le�acy to Emma Coons 3.s hereby determined to be taxed in the amount oP �3�.00;
<br /> the shares of Anna Be11e Smith and Inez M. Hanna respectively �.n the amount o� �33�.95 �ach, �he
<br />� executor shall deduet such amounts Prom such shar es to b� paid by the execu'�or to the Treasurer� og
<br />�� Hall County, Nebraska, as inheritance tax; the appra3ser shall be paid by the County Treaeurer out
<br /> of such tax the sum of �60.00 as his reasonable f�e for such appraisement. -
<br /> The account oP such executor ia hereby approved, confirm�d and allowed.
<br /> The southweat quarter of Sec'�ion Twenty-three (23 ) in Township Twelve (I2) North of Ran�e
<br /> Twelve (12) in Hal1 County an d state oP Nebraska ls .hereby assigned, pursuan'� '�o the terms of �he
<br /> will vf decedent, to Inez M. Hanna and Anna Be11e Sm�.th, share and shaxe a�.ike.
<br /> The surviving ch3.ldren o� Pearl E1liott, legatee, are Anna Be11e Smlth, Geor�B A. Dunkel,
<br /> Inez 1�, Hanna, James M. Dunk�l, Joseph W. Dunkel Wilmer J. .Dunkel, and Rober'� D. Dunkel, and the
<br /> le�acy herein �o Pearl E1liott in the amount oP �1000.00 descenda to and sha11 be divided by the
<br /> �xecutor share and share alike amon� s�ch persona.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that upon the executor filin� receipts herein for payment of the speci�'ic
<br /> le�;acies and showin� payment of �he Nebraska inheritance tax that such executor sha11 be discharped
<br /> from his trust as such �xecutor and the surety upon his of�icial bond ahall be released.
<br /> BY THE COURT:
<br /> Charles Hossert
<br /> O N Y DGE
<br /> � Tn the County Court oP Ha.11 County, Nebraska
<br /> Certificate
<br /> ) ss. I, Charlee Bosser� County Jud�;e of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) certiYy that I have compared the �'oregoin� copy oP La.st Will and Testa-
<br /> men'�, Certificate oP Probate thereoP and Decree - IN THE MATTER OF THE
<br /> ESTATE OF OLIVE FRANCES STOLLEY, DECEASED, with the orlr�inal reeord thereof, now remainin� in said
<br /> Court, that the same is a correc'G tran$crip� thereof, and of the whole of such original. r�cord;
<br /> that said Court is a. Court of Reeord havin� a seal, whioh sea.l ia hereto attach�d; that said Cour�
<br /> has no C1erk authorized to si�n certificates in hia own name, and tha� I am the leagal' cuatod3,an
<br /> of said Seal and of the Recorda of said Court, and that the fore�oin�; attestation is in due Porm
<br /> of law.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I hane hereunto set my hand and aPfixed the seal of the County Court, at
<br /> C+rand Island, �his 7th day of Au,?;ust, 1950.
<br /> (SEAL) Charles Bo$sert
<br /> ounty u e;e.
<br /> Filed for record this 7 day of August 1950, at 4: 40 o 'clock P.M. _��������
<br /> Re�ister o eeds
<br /> 0-0-0-0_0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0- -0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
<br /> DECREE
<br /> Now on thi8 9th day oP Au�ust, 1950, '�his cause came vn for hearing upon the �inal repor�
<br /> filed herein by W11ma D. McCartney, Administratrix oP the Estate of Ol�a F. Wilhelmi, also known
<br /> as 01�a Wilhelmi, deceased, and upon her peti�ion for the approval and allowanee of said report,
<br /> settlement of said estate, determination of the heirs and her disahar�e herein, and the court
<br /> having examined the records and files and bein� fully advised in the premises findss
<br /> That Wilma D. MeCartney filed her peti�ion in this court on �he 23rd day o�' February, 1950,
<br /> alle�in� amon� other thin�s tha� Ol�a F. Wilhelmi, also known as Ol�a Wilhelmi, departed this life
<br /> intestate on or about the 17th day oP February, 1950, and was at that time a resldent and inhabitant
<br /> o�' said county and state and was the owner of an estate to be adm3ni�tered in said county; that
<br /> upon readina and filin� said petition, an order was entered fixin� the time and plac� fvr hearin�r
<br /> the evidence in support of said petition, �iv1n� notice therevf to all int�res�ed parties by pub-
<br /> liahina said notice for three successive weeks in the c�rand Island Daily Tndependent, a le�a1
<br /> newapaper published and circulated ln said county.
<br /> That said hearin� was held, as heretoPore ordered by the caurt as by law required, and Letters
<br /> of Administration �ver� €�ranted to Wilma D. MeCartney upon the Pilinp� of her bond in this court, a�
<br /> required by law.
<br />. �
<br />