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. <br /> f� � .;s <br /> f`)�� <br /> I L AND DECREE RECORD � <br /> W � <br /> 28081—The Auguatine Co., Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> instrument '�o which �his cer'�ificate is attac3hed was duly proved, probated and allowed as the las'� <br /> will and testament oP �he real and personal estate o.� said E11en Fagan d�aea��d, and the same wa8 <br /> ordered to be recorded in the records of the Cour'� aforesaid. <br /> IN i�ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereun�o set my hand and a�'fixed the seal of th� Goun�y Court, this <br /> 19th day or May 19�+9 � <br /> (3EAL) Charles Hossert <br /> County Judge <br /> HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA F I L E D MAY 19 �9�9 <br /> CHARLES BOSSERT COUNTY JUDGE. <br /> IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL C�UNTY, NEHRASKA. <br /> In �he matter oP the eatate ) ESTATE N0. 4059 <br /> ) <br /> oP Ellen Fa�an, Deceased. ) D E C R E E <br /> This Qause on for hearin� this 5th day pf July, 1950, upon the Pinal report, petltion <br /> Por settlernent and distributl.on and d�termination of inheritance tax. <br /> The Court finds that E11en Fa�an died on April ll., 19�9, and at the time of her dea�h was a <br /> resident and inhabitant of Ha,ll Coun�y, Nebraska. That sh� d3.ed testate and her last will and <br /> testamen'� waa duly filed and admi'Gted to probate herein. That dug notic� wa� given thereQP to ai1 <br /> personB interes�ed �n said est�te. <br /> That du� noti�e was �iven of the Pilin�; of the final report herein All as by law provided. <br /> The Court finds and determin�s tha� E11en Fa�an lef� surviving her, a,s her sole and only helrs <br /> at 1aw the Pollowin�: <br /> John J. Fa�an, a son, <br /> Anna O�Hollaren, a dau�h�er, <br /> E11a Todsen, a dau�;hter, � <br /> William Fagan, son, <br /> all of le�al age. <br /> Tha� �h� said children are also the aole devisees and le�;atees mentioned in her la�t will <br /> and testament. <br /> The Court finds that a11 Pi1ed herein, together with expense of adm�.niet�ring said <br /> estate, have been paid. <br /> IT I8, THEREFORE, ORDERED BY THE COURT that a11 claims not filed hereln, i�' any �uch there <br /> be, are hereby barred. <br /> Th� Court �'inds that a reasonable fee for the exeeutors is �23�F.00, whieh has been paid, and <br /> a reasonable a�torneys ' Pee is $300.J0, which has been paid. <br /> The Court further finds �ha'� � hearin� was held, aPter notice by publication, for the deter- <br /> mination oP inher�tance tax, if any, that due notice was gerved upon the County A��Gorney of Ha11 <br /> County, Nebraska, whieh is flled herein. <br /> The Court finds �hat the real estate devised to John J. Fa�;an was conveyed by deed in 19�+2, <br /> i �hat at �Che time the equity therein was �6000.00. <br /> -2- The Court finds that the real e��ate devised to Anna 0'Hollaren had a� the time of the death <br /> i of the deceased a reasonable market value OP UE�W@82'1 �7000.fJ0 and �7�j00.00. <br /> That the fair and reasonable market value af the residue of the estate was �11,765.0�, whlc:h <br /> was divided equally under the will of said deceas�d between William Fagan and Ella Todsen. <br /> That each of said children was entitled to an exemption oF �10,000.00 each. <br /> The Court Pinds and determines there �.s. no inheritanee tax due Prom said esta'�e or from any � <br /> of said legatees or devisees. <br /> The Court finds tha� E11.en Fa�an died se3zed of the fol2owin� real esta�e: <br /> The center forty-four (�F4) feet of Lot Eight (�) in Block Eighty-two (�2) oP the Original <br /> Town, now Ci�y, of Grand Island, 3n Ha�l Gounty, Nebraska, <br /> whieh was devised to Anna 0'Hollaren and ha$ been se'� aside to her. <br /> That John J. Fa�an and Anna �'Hollaren have by etipulation a.nd agreement, fil�d herein, <br /> assi�ned any ri�;ht, t�.tle, or intere�t they may have had in the re8idue, to William Fa�an and <br /> E11a Todsen. " <br /> ° That all property belon�in� to said estate hae been dis�r�.buted in accordance\with �he last <br /> will and te�tament of said deaeased, and the stipulation and agreement Pi1ed herein. <br /> TT I�, THEREFORE, ORDERED AND ADJUDGED BY THE COURT that the ex�eutors havin� Pully pertormed <br /> all ot' their dutlea and ordera of the Court, they are hereby dischar�;�d and the surety upon their <br /> o�Picial bond is hereby released. <br /> Charle� Bossert <br /> In �he County Court of Hall Coun�Gy, Nebra�ka <br /> Certlfieate � <br /> 3TATE OF NEBRASRA, ) <br /> ) as. T, Charles Bossert Coun�y Judge oY Hall Cot�n�Cy, Nebraska, do hereby <br /> HALL COUNTY ) certiPy t1aa� I have compared the foregoing copy oP Last Will and <br /> T�st�,rnent, CertiPiaate oP Proba�e and Decree - I1V THE MATTER OF THE <br /> ESTATE OF ELLEN FAGAN, DECEASED, with the orlginal record thereoP, now remaining in said Cour�, II <br /> that the same is a correct transcrlpt thereof, and oP tl�e whole oP such orig3.na1 reeord; that said <br />