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<br /> � NO. 9 HALL COUNTY �'�-
<br /> The csourt having carefully examined the reQOrde and files in this proceeding, and being Pully
<br /> adviaed in the premises, finds that due notiee of thia hearing has been given by publioation Por
<br /> the period oP time and in the manner and form provided by law and the order of this court; and Proffi
<br /> the testimony and evidenae introduced at thia hearing, the court finds:
<br /> 1. That the final report of the administrator is true and correct in a].1 respects and should
<br /> be approved and allowed.
<br /> 2. That the coat ot administration due in thiB estate is:
<br /> Charle� Hoesart, County Jud.ge, for court costa ��0.00;
<br /> Cairo Record, publication fee 16.Q�;
<br /> For filing certified copy oP decree in Register of
<br /> Deeds oPfice in Hall County and Laneaster Cour�ty,
<br /> Nebra�ga 4.00;
<br /> Hubka & Hubka, attorn�ys fees 464.�0;
<br /> and that said itsms ahould be ordered, paid by the administrator; and said Mlllard F. Thompson,
<br /> administrator in thie cause, in open court waives administrator feee and expenaea.
<br /> 3. That nobioe to creditors has been given as required by law and the order of this court,
<br /> and that the time for filing alaima against this esta'�e expired on the llth day of May, 195o and
<br /> that all olaims filed against the estate have been paid and settled in full.
<br /> 4. That Harrle'� F. Thompson died, intestate, on the 19th day oP June, �g�+9, and at the time
<br /> and prior to her death for many years was a resident of Hall County, Nebraska, and l�ft as her sole
<br /> and only, heirs at law her sons Lorin W. Thompson and Millard F. Thompson, eaah being over twenty-one
<br /> years of age and competent persons; and at the time of Harriet F. Thompson's death she wae a widox
<br /> and single peraon. That Harrie� F. � Thompson during her life was also known as Hattis F. Thompson.
<br /> 5. That at �he tirne oP the death oP Harriet �'. Thompson she was the owner and in rightful
<br /> possession of tihe followir�g described real esta�e, to-wit:
<br /> TRAC� I. Lots 17 and 1�, in Block 10, original town of Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska;
<br /> TRACT II. Lots l5 in Block 7.0, original town of Caira, Ha11 County, Nebraska;
<br /> TR.ACT III. Lots 1 and 2, except �he south six inches of Lot 2, in Block 10, original town of Cairm,
<br /> Ha11 County, Nebraska; and
<br /> TRACT IV. Lots 20 and 21, in Block 22, Woods Brothers Addition to Havelock (AO� Lincoln) in
<br /> Lancaster Coun'Gy, N�braska;
<br /> and that said r�al estate should be assigned to Lorin W. Thompson and Millard F. Thompson, in equal
<br /> shar�� and propor�ions.
<br /> 6. Tha.t there remains Mo personal property in this eata�e except the su� of ��3.27 in the
<br /> ha,nds of the ad�tinistrator after payment of all items as set forth in Paragraph 2 of the findings
<br /> herein, and said QaBh ahould be assigned by the administrator as f'olloWa: to Lorin W. Thompson the
<br /> sum oY �41.6�, and to Millard F. Thompson the sum oP �41.63.
<br /> 7. � �'hat Donald W. Weaver, county attorney of Hall County, Nebraska, hae t'iled Waiver of
<br /> Notiee and voluntary appearanee consenting that State inheritance tsx hearing be had"and heard
<br /> be�ore this court, and the court having �jurisdiotion proceeds, and evidence is introdueed an� pre-
<br /> sented to th� oourt and the court finds there ia no 9tate inheritance tax due and payable in thie
<br /> estate.
<br /> 1. That the final report oP the administrator be, and hereby is, approved and allowed in all
<br /> respects.
<br /> 2. That the administra�or be, and hereby is, ordered to pay .all items as set Porth in $�'
<br /> Paragraph 2 of the findinga herein, and pr�ocure and file receipts. �
<br /> 3. That notioe '�o creditors has been given as required by law and the order of this Qourt,
<br /> and that the time for filing claims a�ainat this estate expired on the llth day of May, 1950 and
<br /> that all elaima filed against the estate have been paid and s�ttled in full.
<br /> 4. That Harriet F. Thompson died, inteatate, on the 19th day of June, 194g, and at the time
<br /> and prior to her death for many years waa a resident o�' Hall County, Nebraska, and lePt as her aole
<br /> and only heira at law her sons, Lorin W. Thompaon and Millard F. Thompson, each bein� over twenty-
<br /> one ysars of age and competent persons; and at �he time of Harriet F. � Thompson's death ahe was a
<br /> widow and single person.
<br /> . That all the real estate deseribed in Paragraph 5 of �he findings herein be, and hereby is,
<br /> aesigned to LORIN W. THOMPSON and MILLARD F. THOMPSON, in ec�ual shares and proportiona.
<br /> 6. That aPter payment of all the items as set forth in Paragraph 2 of the Pindings hereSn,
<br /> there remains the sum oP ��3.27 eash, and the administrator be, and hereby is, ordered to pay to
<br /> Lor1n W. �hompson the sum of ��+1.6�+ and to Millard F. Thomp�on the sum of ��1.63, and prooure and
<br /> file receipts. ,
<br /> 'j. There is no State inheritance tax due and payable in thia Qause.
<br /> �. That upon payment of $11 cost$ and 3tems herein ordered to be paid, and filing of reoeipta
<br /> ordered to be Piled, said administrator shall be discharged f'rom hia truat.
<br /> .Gharlee Bossert
<br /> . oun y u ge
<br />