� �`��
<br /> 28081—The Auguatine Co., Grand Ieland, Nebr.
<br /> that the said balance in money representir�g the residue oP the �state should be e�o div3ded and
<br /> distrlbuted to the above named parties. I
<br /> 10. The court Purther finds th�'t the �aid deceaaed died seized and poasessed of �he Sou�hwest
<br /> Quar�sr (8�) of Sec�ion Thirty-�wo (32), Township Nine (9� , Narth Range El�ver� (ll), S�eat af the
<br /> 6th P.M. , 1n Rall County, Nebraska,, which was the homes�ead af the said Clarence Arthur Roberta
<br /> and hia wiPe, Mary E. Roberts, now his w�dow. Th.at paragraph �econd of the last wi11 and testament
<br /> of the said deceased devises a life estat� in and to the said real ea�Gate to the said widow, Mary
<br /> E. Rober�s. That paragraph �hird oY the said last �iZl and testamen� provides tha� aub�ect to the
<br /> said life estate of the said Mary E. Roberta, who i-s now living�, the fee ti�le to the aaid re�l
<br /> property is devised and bequeathed in equal undivided ahares to the following named children oP the
<br /> said Clar�nee Arthur Rabertas Clarenee Roberta, Gladys Mead and Florenee Wade, sbsolutely and �h�
<br /> Pee title there'�o assi�ned to them as hereinbePore Pound.
<br /> 11. That more than six months have elapsed aince the da,te of the appointment and qual�.fiQat3on
<br /> of the executrix; that the esta'�e has in al1 things b�en fully and Qomp2e�tely admi.ni�tered and the
<br /> executrix should be dlschar�ed and her bon�d�men released.
<br /> WHEREFORE, IT IS �R�ERED, ADJtTDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the aboQe tindin�s and each
<br /> of them are hereby made the order of thi� court; that the Final report of the executriA be and
<br /> the same hereby is approv�sd and allowed; tha.t all debts and clalm� not Piled and allowed againat
<br /> the estate of the said deceased are Porever barred; tha'� the e�tate oP '�he said deceased is not
<br /> liable for ar�y e�ta�e or inheritanee taxea under th� laws oP the United 3�ates o�C the sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska and tY�at th� County Attorney of Ha11 County, l�ebraska has been advised oP �his prooeedin�
<br />' and the content of this dec3ree and makes no ob�eetion thereto; that Mary E. Roberts eleet� to
<br /> takc und�r the wi11 ,axid not .under the statute; that the balanae ir� mone in the hands of tk�e
<br /> executrix be paid as provided by the will, one ha1P to the said Mary E. Roberts and the remaining
<br />' one-half in equal one-'Ghir d shares �o Clarenee Roberts, aladys Mead and Fiorenee Wade; that t�ie
<br /> widow, Mas�y E, Rober�� aha11 have a liFe estate in and to �he homestead oY �he said widow and the
<br /> said Clarenee Arthur Roberta, deceaged, '�o-witt Th� Sou�.hwes� Quarter (S1�}) of 9ection Thirty-
<br /> two (32) , Townahlp Nine (9) , North Range Eleven (11) , West of the 6th P.M., ln Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska; that sub�eet to the said life estate the fee title thereto in �caord wlth the terms and
<br /> provisiona oP the said last will atld testament of the said Clarenae �Arthur Roberta, de�eased,
<br /> should be and the sam� hereby 1.s aesigned to and confirmed in Clarence Roberts, Gladys Mead and
<br /> �'lorenoe Wade, absolutely, that the esta�e of the said �larenas Arthur Roberta, deaeased, having
<br /> been fu11y administered and his �rill exeeuted, the executrix be disaharged and her bondsmen
<br /> released upon her filin� in the vfPiee oY this cour� receipts or cancelled vouchera evidencing the
<br /> payment oP a11 alaims, disbursem�nts oP money and dlstributiona hereunder.
<br /> That attached hereto is a true cop� of the last will and testamen� of the said Clarence
<br /> Arth�r Roberts, deeeas�ad, and certific�te of probat� thereof.
<br /> IN WITNE3S WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the County Cour� of Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska at arand Island, Nebraska th� day and da,�� Pirst abc�ve written.
<br /> (SEAL? Charles Hossert "
<br /> �y u e. �
<br /> I hereby aeknowled�e receipt and notice oP the above order findin� r�o inherltance tax due in
<br /> this estate what�oever by said Cour�C in the above d�cres '�his 7th day oP July, 195p.
<br /> Donald H. �Teaver
<br /> oun � orneq o
<br /> Countq, Nebraska.
<br /> In the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> CertiPlcate
<br /> ) as. I, Charles Bosser� County Judge of Ha11 Count�, Nebraska, do hereby
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) oertifp that T have compared the t'o�egoin� copy of Last Will and Testa-
<br /> ment, Certifica'te of Probate thereof and Firr�aal Decree - IIJ THE MATTLR
<br /> �F THE ESTATE �F CLARENCE ARTHUR ROHER'�3, DECEAS�D, w3th the original record thereoP, now remain-
<br /> ing in said Court, that �he eame is a correet transcript �hereaP, and oY th� whole of suesh origi�al
<br /> re�ord; tha'� said Court ie a Court of Reoord having a seal, which sea�l is hereta a�tached; that
<br /> s�.�d Court ha� no CZerk authori�ed to sign certi�ia�tes in his own name, and that S am the legal
<br /> �ustodian of said Seal and o�' the Records oF said Court, and that �he fore�oing atteatation is in
<br /> due Porm ot 1aar.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and aP�'ixed the �eal of �he Cou�nty Court, at
<br /> C+rar�d �sland, this 7th da.y or auly 1950. .
<br /> �s��� Charles soss�rt
<br /> ounty udge.
<br /> Filed Por reco�d thia 7 day o� July i95o, at �#:4� o� clock P.M. „
<br /> � ��� ��-
<br /> eg ster of eeds ,
<br /> o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o_a-o-o_o_o_o-o_o_o-o-o_o_o-o-o-o-o_o-o_o-o-o-o-ao-a o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-.c�
<br />