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�v_� <br /> NO. 9 HALI� COUNTY <br /> STATE OF NEBRASRA ) <br /> ) se, CERTS�'ICATE OF PR�BATE 0�' WILL <br /> HALL C�iINTY ) <br /> At a Sessian at the County Court held in the County Cour�C Room in arand Ieland, in aaid County, <br /> on �he 16th day of l�ovember A.D., 194g <br /> � Present Charles Bc�asert Coun'Gy Judge <br /> In the Matter oP the Esta�e of � <br /> Clarence Arthur Roberts , Deaeaeed - <br /> I, Charlea Bossert, Judge oY' the County Court, in and for said County, do hereby certiPy that <br /> on the l9th day of Ootober �g�9, the inatrument purporting to be the last �vill and testa.ment of <br /> Clarenee Arthur Roberts deceased, �ras Piled for probate in this Cour�. That on the 16th da� of <br /> November �9�+9, said in�trument to which this certificate is attaahed was duly proved, probated and <br /> allowed as the last will and �estament of the real and peraonal eatate of said Clarence Arthur <br /> Roberts deceased, and the same was ordered to be recorded in the r�corda oP the Court aPoresaid. <br /> IN WIT1�E38 WHER�OF I have hereunto set mq hand and aYfixed the seal of '�he County Court, this <br /> 16�h day of November 19�9 <br /> (g�,) Charles Bossert <br /> HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA F I L E D �tov 16 �94g �°°u�Y u e <br /> CHARLES B08SERT COUNTY JUDE�E <br /> I1V THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> IN THE MATTER �F THE ESTATE ) <br /> � <br /> �� ) FINAL DECREE <br /> ) <br /> CLARENCE ARTHUR ROBERTS, ) <br /> DECEASED. <br /> BE IT RE�SEMBERED that o� this 7'th day oP J�ly, 1950, continued from the 5th da.y of July, 1950, <br /> �his cause came or� to be heard beYore fih� court upon the Piles a�d records oP this aase, the final <br /> repor-t of the execu�rix, the petition of the executrix Por final deoree and the evidenee, upon con- <br /> stderation whereof the eourt Yindst <br /> 1. That due notiee oY the time and place of this hearing has been gieen to all peraons <br /> interested as provided by law and the aourt has ,�uriadiotion herein. <br /> 2. That the above named Clarence Arthur Robert� departed life on the 14�h day of �ctober, 19�+9 <br /> and was on the cl�,te of his death and had been for many years prior �hereto, a bona fide resident <br /> and ir�habi tant of Ha11 County, �iebraska. <br /> 3. That the said Clarence Arthur Roberts, deceased, leYt an inatrument pu�porting to be hia <br /> last will and teatam�n�; that �pon petitivn duly verified, after notice oP hearing thereon had <br /> been given ta all persons interested as provided by law, the said instrument �tae then proveM and <br /> admitted to probate aa the last will and testament of the said Clarence Arthur Roberte; that on the <br /> date oP the admissian of the said will to probate, to-witt on the 16th day oP November, 19�9, <br /> F'lorence Wade, a daughter of the said deveased was appointed and qualified as executrix tYiereof <br /> and hae been a� ail times since said d.ay and date and is now the duly appointed, qual.ified and <br /> acting exei=utr3x oP the said last will and tes'�ament oP the said deaeased. <br /> �. That on �he date of his death the said Clarenee Arthur Roberta was a married man and left <br /> aurvivin� him as his sole and only heirs a� law the following named peraons, to wit: his widow, <br /> Mary E. Roberts, who was the seQOnd wife of said deceased and not the mother of any of his children, <br /> his former �ife having previoual� died; the Pollowing children by the former marriage, to-wit: <br /> Clarence Roberts, Irma Dreblow, aladys Mead, Florenee Wade and Glenn Roberts, all of xhmm are of <br /> l��ai age and said deceased left no other child or children nor the child or children oP any deeea$ed <br /> eh11d or children surviving him; that the widov�n, Mary E. Roberta has eleated to take under th� wi1.1 <br /> and waived any elective to take under the statu�es of descent and distribution of the state of <br /> N�braska. <br /> , 5. That �he executrix has prepar�d and filed herein her final report of her receipts axld <br /> disbureements as aueh exeeu�rix which is in all things true and correct and which shotald be apprmeed <br /> and hereby is approved and allowed as her Pinal report. ' <br /> 6. That a time waa Pixed by the court Por the Piling of claims again�t the estatea of the eaid <br /> deeeased and due notice g3.ven to a11 persons interested by publication ae provlded by law;that the <br /> tlme fiaed for filing of claims has f�lly elapsed and two clalm only were filed, namely elai� of <br /> Hall County, Nebraska in the sum oF $10,00 and the elaim of aler�n ,Arthur Rmberta in the sum oP <br /> �2�3.60, which alaims have been alla�red by the court and all other alaims are baxred by prooess of <br /> law. The court further Pinds that all deb'�s and claims of the Baid deceased, ir�cluding expenae� of <br /> last illnese, burial and proba,te of the will have been fully paid. The court Pinds that the expenses <br /> of last illness and burial have been paid by the widox, Mary E. Roberts, from her own pereonal funds <br /> by her own desire and at her own request arid tha� the said Mary E. Roberts has waived any alaim <br /> against the eatate for reimbursement of the amount so paid by her. <br /> 7. That due to the worth and value of the said estate aa diselosed by the inventory on file <br /> herein and the degree oY kinship of the heirs, devisees, legateea and benePiQlaxisa under �he will <br /> of the said deceased, the estate is no� liable for any estate or inheritanee taxes under the l�s <br /> of the United 3tgtes or the s�a�e oP Nebraska. <br /> 8. The court further finds that para�raph fourth of the las� will and testament of said <br /> deceaeed provides that certain real property in Wheeler County, Nebraaka be devised and bequeathed <br /> to the five children of sai d deceased in equal ahares; that the said property was sold prior to the <br /> death of said deaeased and the proaeeds o� said sale in the sum of �4,000.00 were in hi�.�.pos$eesion <br /> at the tlme of hia death and that the said proceeds have been reported in the Y3na1 report o� the <br /> executrix as having been distributed to the �'ive children oP the said decseased in equal shares, <br /> whieh dlstr bution is <br /> i hereb a roved b the court. <br /> Y PP Y <br /> 9. The court Purther Pinds that the report oP the executria show� a balance remainin� in her <br /> handa in the su�ar of $3, g6g.60 which by virtue of the terms and provisions of the eaid last �111 and <br /> teatament in paragraph fifth thereof ia devised ae Pollows: One ha1P therecf to the widow, Mary E. <br /> Roberte, one-ha1P th�reof 3n equal sharea to Clarence Roberts, aladgs Mead and F�.orenee Wade, and <br />