<br /> A atine o I1 d Nebr
<br /> 28081—The ugu C ., Grand a an , .
<br /> IT IS Ft7RTHER ORDERED, ADJUDf}E7J, AND �E�REED, by the Oourt, that th� Pollowing names are tYie
<br /> heirs at la� and or�ly heirs at law and-next to kin of the daceased:
<br /> • .
<br /> Maxine Bus].er, xidox, Robert Husler, son, a minor, and Carolyn Busler, da�ghter, a minorj
<br /> a11 oY York, Nebraska.
<br /> that �he fallowin� deseribed real estate, to-wi�: -
<br /> A� undi�rided l/3 oP Lot IJine (9) in Block 8eventy-seven (77j in Wheeler and Benne�t�s
<br /> Third Addition to the City of arand Island, Hall Count�, Nebraska.
<br /> did pass and descend in undivided shares to th0se named above, ahare and share alike to said helra;
<br /> IT I3 FUR'fHER ORDERED, ADJUDGE�, AI�D DECREED by the Coc�rt, that the Final Report as filed byr
<br /> Maxine Busler, administra�rix, be and the sa�e is hereb� approved and allo�ed, that the aaid esta�e
<br /> is herewi�h settled and cloaed; that upon the gilin� oP the receipts as above ordered, that said
<br /> adminiatratrix and sure�y on her official bond be disaharged.
<br /> ( �EAL) BY THE COURT:
<br /> H ERMAAT�V aL0 C�
<br /> o�n y udge.
<br /> ) ss. I, Hermann Glook County Judge oP York Gounty, Nebras�a, and Ex-
<br /> Y�RK CDUNTY. ) OPfiaio Glerk thereof, having by law the eustody ot' �h� seal and
<br /> all the recc�rds, books; documenta and papers of or per�ainir�g �o
<br /> said County �ourt Por said York County do h�reby certify that I have compared the toregoing
<br /> annexed copy oP FINAL DECREE - In the Matter of Lhe Estate oP Aaymond Robert Busler, DeQeased,
<br /> with the original reeord thereot' now remaining in this offiQe, and have found the same to be eor-
<br /> rect trans�ript therefrom arid oP �he whole oP ��ach origina.l reQOrd, a11 aa the same appears f'�offi
<br /> �he records and files in my offiee.
<br /> IlJ TESTIM�PIY WHERE4F, �1ltness my ha�d and the sea2 of the Coun�y COUrt of York Count�r,
<br /> Nebraska, this 27th day of June, A.D. , 195�.
<br /> ( SEAL) Hermann Glaak
<br /> oun y u e o�' or ounty, : e ras a,
<br /> and Ex-Officio Clerk 0f the County Court.
<br /> Filed for record this 7 day oP July 1950, at 9:30 o �clock A.M.
<br /> . C�'-��
<br /> eg s er a eer�.a'
<br /> O'�Q�Or O�ll^O�V.�O�0'���Q�Q�Q�O^0.�.O'�Q�Q�O'�O�Q�O'�Q'�O�'O�0`O'�O'�O'�O'.�0�0"'�0�0��Q�V'�O�Q�Q.O.�Q.�O�Q�"Q..Q"�O�Q�'Q'n4
<br /> WILL & DE�REE
<br /> S, CLARENCE ARTHUR ROBEftT3, on this date a res�dent an8 inl�abitant of Woodriver, l�ebraska,
<br /> bein� of sound mind, memory and understanc�,,and mind�ul ot the uncertain�ies of llt'e, do therefore
<br /> make and declare thia to be my last �vill and testa�ent in the manner t'ollowing, tc�wit:
<br /> FTRST: I direc� tha�G an� �ust debts ar�d claima whiah may exiet against �y sstate, ineluding
<br /> �he expensea of my last lllnees and burial shall be p$ld Prom my per�onal property as soo� aPter
<br /> my death a� may be convenient.
<br /> SECOND: I giQe, devise and bequeath to my faithPul and beloved wife, Mary E. 'Rober�s, a life >
<br /> estate in our home farm, legally d�scribed as the 9outhxes� Quarter (81�}� of 3ection 32, Township �9,
<br /> North Ra,nge 11, Hall County, Nebraska. -
<br /> THIRD: 3ub�eet to the life eatate oreated in the next reQeedi�g paragraph, T g�ive, 8eeise
<br /> and bequeath the said Southwest Quar�er (SW�) of Sec�lon 32,�o�nsFifp 9, Ncr�h Range 11, Hall
<br /> �our�ty, Nebraska in equa.l undivided shares �o my ahildren Clarenee Roberte, alad.ys Mead and
<br /> Flor�aae Wade, and to their heirs and assigna forever. It would be my wish that thie Parm might
<br /> remain in the poe�ession oP my heirs or some of thea, and that na hasty sale '�o any v�tside party
<br /> be macle wi�Ghout first giving my children opportunity to arrange a�ong themse3vee �o keep the
<br /> prc�per�y for their own use or benefl� or Por the u�e and benePlt of �ome o� the�. .
<br /> FOUR�.'Ht I �ive, deviee and bequ�ath the �outh One-half (S�) of 8ection 33, 2o�rr�shSp �2, North
<br /> Aange 11 in Wheel�r County, Nebraska, whieh I ov�n, to my Pivs children, Clarence Roberts, Erma
<br /> Dreblo�r, E�lad�s Mead, F�.orenae Wade and alenn Roberts in equal undivided eharee, to be theira and
<br /> �heir heirs and assi�nB forever.
<br /> FIFTH: All of the rest an d regidue of my estate of whatsoever r�ature and wh�r�soever situa�ed,
<br /> I �iv�, devise and bequeath absolutely, an undivided one-ha2f therevf to my beloved and faithPul
<br /> wiPe, Mar� E. Roberts, and on�-half thereof in equal undivided aharea to C]arer�oe Roberts, aladye
<br /> Mead and Florence Wade, to be �helra and their hes.rs and aesigns torev��r«
<br /> LASTLY, I na.me and nominate Mary E. Roberts and I�7..orenee Wade a.s Exec�tricea oY this my last
<br /> will and testament.
<br /> DATED this 30th day oY Oc�ober, 1947. �
<br /> Ciat�e�►ce Arthtar Roberte
<br /> We whose names ar� hereun�o subecribed, do e�er�ify tha� Cl�,rence Arthur Roberts, the testator,
<br /> �sub� scribed his name �o this instrumer�t in our presence �d i� �he presence of each o�Gher, and
<br /> deelared�ie same in our presenee and hearirrg that thia ins�PUment was �is 1a$t �ill and te�'�ament,
<br /> and we a� hia request, si�n our namea �tereto in hi�a presenee as at�Geati�� witnes�e�. -
<br /> Harr F Rue�ell oP Has�3ngs, Nebr�ska
<br /> ro � a oran of Hasting�a, Nebraska
<br /> H�1LL COC1�tTY, NEBRA9KA F I L E D o�T �9 19�9 cr�ax��s Hoss�T C�UIdTY JUD(�E •
<br />