<br /> � 1�7
<br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNTY
<br /> �
<br /> The Cou,r� t'ind� that notice was �i4en t4 all creditora of the said James T. Brett, deceased,
<br /> of '�he time limited and place appointed �or filing elaims against hia estate, that the time al�owed
<br /> for Yiling claims has eapired, that all �laims Piled and allowed against said est�te have been
<br /> settled and reaeip�s therefore have besn Piled in this Court, that all elaim� oute�anding agaiast
<br /> sald esta�e and no'� Bo Piled, if any stiQh there be, are for ever barred and prealuded.
<br /> It is, therePore, considered and ad�udged by the Court that al1 person� are forever barred
<br /> Prom filing or settin� up any claima or demand againat the estate oP James T. Brett, deceaaed.
<br /> The Court Purther finda that the a�,i8 Jamee T. Brett depa.rted thie liPe intestate on the 20th
<br /> day of Deeember, 1g47 and that he waa, at the time of his dea'�h, a resid�nt ot Hall County,
<br /> Nebra�ka; that the said James T. Brett was never married; that hie mother and Pather predeceased him
<br /> in death ar�d tha,t his sole and only heirs-at-law were as follows:---his nephews and niecea, Mamie
<br /> S�rove, Rose MeDonald, K�te Hrett, Benny Brett, Bessie Brett Calian, Monica Brett and John Brett,
<br /> Pormer addrea� wa� �tood River, Nebraaka, sole surviving children and heir�-at-law of John Hrett,
<br /> deceased, a brother oY Jamee T. Brett, deceased; hie nephews Thomaa Ryan and John Ryan of arand
<br /> Island, Nebraska,, sole survivin� childrer� and heira-at-law oP Mary Ryan, deoeased, a sister of
<br /> James T. Bret�, deceased; his nephewe and nieces Henry Maughan, Ella Connor arui Kathryrn Connor,
<br /> Wood Riner, Nebraska, aole surviving children and heirs-at-law of Kate Maughan, deceaaed, eister
<br /> of James T. Brett, deceased; his nieee, arace Hausler, sole and onlq criild and heir-at-law of
<br /> Thomas Br�tt, deceased, a brother oP James T. Brett, deceased, Chica�o, Illinoie, and his nephexa
<br /> Martin Brett and James Brett, sole aurviving children and heirs-at-lax of Pa1��icsk Brett, deaeased,
<br /> brother oP James T. Brett, decea�ed, �Tood River, Nebraska..
<br /> The Court further finds that the Puneral eapense, the expense oP the last illnesa of said
<br /> deceaeed have been paid �nd dist�ibu�ion has been made to the creditors on a basie oi 64$ oP the
<br /> amot�nt of 'their claims filed and allowed, and that e�aid sums have been aQeepted by said areditors
<br /> and reaeipts filed in tl�ia Court for the payments ao made•
<br /> The Co�tr�G further finds that the said James T. Brett, deoeased, was at the time of his death
<br /> the owner ot the Pollowing desoribed real eatate, to-wit:--
<br /> All oP Lot Thre� (3) ar�d the North 81xty-two and one--fourth (62 ) feet and the South
<br /> Thirty-se�en and three-Pourths (37 3/�) feet of the West Eight ��) feet of �ot Tv►o (2),
<br /> Hlocsk Twenty-sia (26), in the original town af Wood River, Nebraaka;
<br /> aleo
<br /> All of Lots �'en (lp) , Eleven (11) , and Twelve (12) in Block Twenty-seven (27) in the
<br /> original town of Wood Riner, Nebraska.
<br /> The Court further flnds that there were delinquent taxes against the real estate o2' Jamea T.
<br /> Brett, deeeased, Poreelosure proceedings �ere had against said �eal estate and �hat all oP Lot
<br /> Three and the North Sixty-two and one-Pourth Feet and the South Thinty-seven and three-Pourtha Ft.
<br /> af the Weat Ei�ht Ft. of Lat Two in Bloak Twentq-six in the original to�n ot Wood River was sold
<br /> at tax Porealosure; that �he proeee8s oP said sa1e, after the payment of the taxes and en�umbranees,
<br /> �ra$ the sum ot �26.1� and that said sum has been paid to Dan J. Mara.
<br /> The Court further P1nda that Lota Ten, Eleven and Twelne in Block Tw�nty-seven in the origina�l
<br /> town oP Wood River, Nebraska was o�vned by the said James T. Brett and that the same �ere e�cumbered
<br /> with taxes; that aYter the taxea have been paid there may be an equity in said lots and the Gourt
<br /> finds that Ds.n J. Mara should procee8 to aQt as trustee for said eetate, �to reQei�e and dis'�ribute
<br /> any proceeds whiah may be recei4ed after the payment oP taxes on the above_described lote, as may
<br /> be determined by the Court.
<br /> The Court further Finds that there ia a balance on hand in the Hank of Wood River in �the stua
<br /> oP �19.07, that sai d sum is hereby asaigned to sai8 Dan J. Mara and said bank is ordered to pay
<br /> said �um to the said Dan J. Mara.
<br /> The Court Ptarther Pinds that there is due the said Dan J. Mara the sum of �26.00 as premium
<br /> Yor the sur�ty bond for administor oP said estate and that the sum of' �26.00 is hereby assigned
<br /> and ordered paid '�o the said �an J. Mara for premium on said bc�nd.
<br /> The Court f�rther finds that after the payment of aaid bond premium tha� the�e will remain a
<br /> balance in his hands oP �19.25 and that the eame ahould be applied to the payment of the apecial
<br /> administratora fees due the said Dan J. Mara and E11en B. Dunphy, said Pees not havin� been paid
<br /> for services heretofor rendered.
<br /> IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED ADJUDaED AND DECREED by the Cotu�t that the sum of �26.1� reoeived
<br /> Prom the proceeds of the sale oY th� real estate and the sum of ;19.07 is assigned to the said
<br /> D�n J. Mara from �rhiah amount he ia to pay the premium on the bond in the sum oP �26.00 arid�the
<br /> balance ia to be divi ded between the said Dan J. Mara and Ellen B, Dunphy as Pees f'or special
<br /> adminis tra'Cora.
<br /> The Court Purther f3nds that there w-ere� aome old accounts due and o�+ing the estate of James T.
<br /> Hrett, that said accounta appear to be uneollectible, but it is ordered by the Court tha.� an�r
<br /> secounts eolleated will be receipted for by the said Dan J. Mara, as trustee, and reported to this
<br /> , Court Por distribu�ion.
<br /> IT I:3 FUR'T�iER ORDERED, ADJUD(�ED AIVD DECREED bq the Court that the real estate, above described,
<br /> whlch was not eold in foreclosure would pass and deseend, sub,�ect to the paymente of the debta oP
<br /> said estate and ta�sa, as Pollows: ---
<br /> �
<br /> 1/6th thereof to Ellen B. Dunphy;
<br /> 1/6th thereoP to the children of John Brett, deceased, in equal sharea to eaah;
<br /> 1�6th thereot' .to the children of Mary Ryan, deceased, in equal ahares to eaeh;
<br /> 1/6th thereof to the children of Kate Maughan, deceasecl, in equal shares to eac�2i;
<br /> 1/6�h thereof to the daughter of Thomas Bret'�;
<br /> 1/6th thereoP to the children of Patrick Brett, deceased, in equal shares to eaeh.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, AUTIIDaED AND DECREED by the Court that the report of the adminiatrat�3:�c
<br /> and administrator be appro�ved and allowed and their bond as administratora be released.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDEftED, ADJUDaED AND DEeREED by the Court that Dan J. Mara shall aot aa truetee
<br /> t'or any funds belonging �o said eata�e which may be realized trom the sale of real estate or fro�
<br /> o1d aecounts and the said Dan J. Mara report to this Court any Punda xhich Qome into his hande as
<br /> st�ch trustee. •
<br />