<br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNTY
<br /> The fore�oing ina�rument was subscribed, publiahed and declared by Herman W. A. Hehnke as and
<br /> for his las� will and testament, in our presence and hearing, and in the pr�sence and hearing oP
<br /> each oP us, and r�e at txie same time, and at his request, and in his preaenae and hearin
<br /> '�he presenee and hearing oP each other, have hereunto subseribed our names and residencesg������n�'
<br /> nesses this 23rd day of Sep�ember, A.D. , 1949, in the City oP arand Island, Hall County, N�braeka.
<br /> � /s/ H. a. Wellensiek
<br /> /s/ Mar�orie R. Smith
<br /> /s/ Ruby B. Nielsen
<br /> . all oP Grand Ialand, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska. _�j.
<br /> HALL C�UMTY )
<br /> At a 3ession oY the County Court held in the County Court Room in Grand Island, ln said
<br /> Coun'G�r, on the 23rd day�of November A.D., 19�9
<br /> Present Charles Hossert County Judge
<br /> . In the Ma.tter of the Estate of
<br /> Herman W. A. Hehnke , Deceased
<br /> I, Charles Bo�sert, Judge of tY�e County Court, in and fvr said Count�r, do hereby certiPy �hat
<br /> on �he 27�h day of October lg4g, the ins�rument purporting to be the last xill and testament of
<br /> Herman W. A. Hehnke deceased, was filed for probate in this Court. That on the 23rd day of
<br /> November 1949, said instrument �o xhich this cex�tiYicate is attaahed was duly proved, probated and
<br /> alloKed as the last will and tea�ament of the real and personal estate of aaid Herman W. A. Hehnke
<br /> de cea,sed, and the same was ordered to be reQOrded 1.n the reoorda of the Court aforesaid.
<br /> IN WITNEBS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixe�l the seal of the County Court, this
<br /> 23rd d�y o� November 19�9
<br /> (s�) Charles Bossert
<br /> HALL COtJNTY, NEBRASKA F I L E D oun y udge
<br /> �ov 23 1949 CHARLE3 HOSSERT COUNTY JUDaE
<br /> In the Matter of the Estate oP ) F I N A L D E C R E E
<br /> Herman W. A. Hehnke, Deceased. , �
<br /> ) No. 411�
<br /> BE IT REMEI�IBERED that on this 5th da.y of July, A.D. , 1950, it bein� the day fixed for approvir�g
<br /> the Pina.l aocount o� the exeeutor and hearing on its petition for final settlement and de�erminatSon
<br /> oP heirship, and it appearing �'rom proof' on file that due notl.oe was given by publlcatiAn oP the
<br /> tlme heretofore fixed for said hearing, and there being no ob�ections on file, a,nd the court being
<br /> Pu11y advlsed in the premises, f�nda:
<br /> 1. Tha� Herman W. A. Hehnke died teatate on October 21, 1949, a re$ident of Hall Co���,
<br /> Nebraska, and le Yt sur�iving him aB hia next oY kin and heirs at law, a xidow, Mrs Anna Hehnke,
<br /> daughters, Mrs. Frieda H. Lassen, Mra Lillie H. Clausman,, Mra. Stella H. aibson, Mrs. Helen H.
<br /> Buaboom and Mrs. Marlellis Eh1er�, all of legal a�e; that he 1ePt no other living ehildren or t6he
<br /> living iasue oY any �deeeased children, ar�d that said widow and ehildren are the sole and only heirs
<br /> oP his eatate; that the said Mra. Anna Hehnke is not the mother oP all of eaid children.
<br /> 2. That on November 23, 1.9�+9, the last will and testament of the saSd Herman W. A. Hehnke,
<br /> deQeased, wa8 duly prv�ed, allowed and admitted to probate, and on said day the Overland National
<br /> Bank of arand Island, Grand Tsland, Nebraska, xas appointed exeoutor, quallfied as such and has
<br /> been aeting in said capaoi�y e9er since• '
<br /> 3. That dsxe no�ice Kas �iven to eredltors of the time limited in xhich to file claims
<br /> againet said estate; that aueh time haa c�uly expired and all claims a�ains� eaid eata,te, including
<br /> the expenaes of his last illness and funeral, the Qoata and expenses of administration and the
<br /> special bequests, provided in said will, have been paid in Yull; that the Yurther presentation oP
<br /> claims against eaid e�tate has been forever barred by a former order entered herein; that the
<br /> inheritanee '�ax due th� State of 1Vebraska, has been ga.id in full; that there is no federal estate
<br /> �ax due the United States oY Amer3Qa.
<br /> �. That the Pinal and supplementQl report of the executor, filed herein, are in sll thinga
<br /> true and correet and ahould be approved and allowed aa its final report; that all the aets and
<br /> doln�s of said exeau�or should be approved; that the said Mrs. Anna Hehnke paid to the said executor
<br /> the sum oP �2,9�.��, to pay the coete and expen8es oY administration and the balance of the
<br /> bequests, provided in aaid �rill; �hat there ia no mon�y in the hands oP �he exeQUtor Por dlatribu-
<br /> tion; �hat there remain� 1n the hands oP the executor for distribution the folloxin� desaribed
<br /> peraonal property, to-e�it s
<br /> �a) 40 ahares of the capital stock of the Overland RTat�onal Bank of arand Ialand,
<br /> arand Ialand, Nebraska.
<br /> (b) U. S. 9avings Bonds, Seriee E, face vaiu� �3,050.00, listed in the inventory and
<br /> whieh are inseribed, Herman W. A. Hehnke or Mrs. Anna Hehnke, 519 South C1ark
<br /> Stre�t, Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> 5. That the said Herman W. A. Hehnke died seized and possesaed of t�e follo�ring descaribed
<br /> real estate, to-w1t:
<br /> (a) A tract of land described as follo�e:
<br /> Commenoing at a point on the South line of alley directly opposi.te the Southeast
<br /> Corner of Lot No. 3, in Hlock No. 3, in W1ebe�s Addition to arand Island,� Nebraska,
<br /> runnin� thence Westerly a14ng the South line oP aaid alley 132 reet to the Eas'�erly
<br /> line of Clark �treet, thence 3c>utherly along the Easterly line of Clark Street 66
<br /> feet, thance Ea�terly parallel with said line along the South line of said alley,
<br />