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��� <br /> WIL,L AND DECREE RECORD <br /> 28081—The AuBuatine Co., Grand Island, Nebn <br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court tha� A1ma Hober� Russow died inte- <br /> state, a resident of Blackstone, Livingston County, Tll,�nois on October 3, 19�0, that more than <br /> ten years have elapsed since her death, that no application for the appointment oi an admin3.strator <br /> for her estate has ever been made, nor has there ever been any adm�.nis�ratior� upon her �state in <br /> �he S��,te of Nebraska, that tn.e sai.d Alma Hoberg Russow was the owner of an undivided l��th interest <br /> in an,�e,to the Southeast Quarter of Sec��.on Twenty-seven, Township Ten North, Range Nine, in Ha11 <br /> County, Nebraska, at tne tirr� of her death; that petitioner herein, Margaxe'G Morton, is a competent <br /> I and qualified nerson to �rosecute �his proceeding; that the said Alma Hoberg Russow, deceased, <br /> lef't surviving her has her heirs-at-law, her husband, Charles Russow and her children Jennie <br /> Hunsicker and E1mer Russow, that �3pon the death of th� said Alma Hoberg Ru�sow, the real es'�ate <br /> herein described, the undivided 1,1�'�h interest of Alma Hoberg Russow in the Soul�heast Quarter of <br />� Se�tion Twenty-seven, Township Ten North, Ra,nge Nine, above-described, did pass and descend by <br />� absolute title under the intestate laws of the State of Nebraska in force at the time of' lher <br /> death to Charles Russow, her hus'pand an undivided 1�2�-th interest, Jennie Hunsicker, her daugh�Ger <br /> �+ an undivided 1�2�+th interest and Elmer Russow, her son, . an undivided 1�2�th interest in and to <br /> tne said Southeast Quarter of Section Twen'Gy-seven, Township T�n, North, Range, above-��. <br /> described. <br />' IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, A��U�GED ANb DECREED by tne Court �hat Julia Hoberg died intesta�e a <br /> res3dent of Livingston County,;, on June 22, Z933, that more than sixteen years have elapsed <br /> since her death, that no application for the appointment of an administrator for her estate has <br /> ever been �iade, nor has there ever been any administration upon her estat� in the State of <br /> Nebraska; that :'Gk�e said Jul3.a Hoberg was the owner of an undivided 1/�th in�erest in and to the <br /> Southea�t Quarter of Seetion js�renty-seven, Township.� Ten, North, Rang e Nine, in Ha11 Coun�y, <br /> Nebraska at the time of' death; that the petitioner herein, Margaret Morton, is a competen'� <br /> and q.ualified person to prosecu�e this proceeding; that the said Julia Hoberg, deceased, left <br /> surviving her a� her heirs-at-law l�er sisters Catherine Hoberg Corbin and Augusta Hoberg, her <br /> brothers, Herman Hoberg, Louis Hoberg and Arthur Hoberg, her niece, Jennie Hunsicker and her <br /> nephew, Elmer Russow; tnat upon t:ne death of the said Jul�ia Hoberg, the real �state herein <br /> described, her undivided 1/�th interest in and �o the Southeast Quar'�er of section Twenty-seven, <br /> Townshi�� Ten, Range Nine, above-described, did pass and descend by absolute title under �he <br /> intestate laws of t'rie State of Nebraska in force t tne time of her death ta Catherine Hoberg <br /> Corbin, 1/56th interest therein, Herman Hoberg, 1��6th interest therein, Louis Hoberg, 1/56th <br /> int�rest therein, Av,gusta Hoberg, 1/56th in�erest ther�in, Arthur Hoberg, 1/56th interes� therein, <br /> Jennie Hunsicker, 1/112th interest tnerein and E1mer Russow, 1�112th intere�t in and to the <br /> �outheast Quarter of Section Twenty-seven, Townsnip Ten, Rang� Nine, above_described. <br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Cour'� that Lo�is Hoberg died intestate <br /> a resident of Livingston County, Illinois, on February 6, 1937; that more �han thirteen years <br /> have elapsed since his death; t�at no application for the appointment of a.n administrator in his <br /> estate has �ver been rr�,de, nor ha� there ever bee� any administration upon his estate in the <br /> State of Nebraska, that the said Louis Hoberg was the owner of an undivided 1/�th �nterest in and <br /> to the Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-seven, Township �en, North, Range Nine, in Hall County, <br /> Nebraska at tne time of hsi death; that the petitioner herein, Margaret Morton, is a competen'� <br /> and qualified �erson to -�rosecute tnis proceeding; that the said Louis Hoberg, deceased, left <br /> surviving him as his heirs-at-law hi.s brothers, William Hoberg, Herman Hoberg and Arthur Hoberg, <br /> his sisters, Catherine Hoberg Corbin and Augusta Hoberg, his niece, Jennie Hunsicker and his <br /> nephew E1mer Russow;. that upon the death of the said Louis Hoberg, tne real estate herein <br /> described, the undivided interes� .' � of Lou�.a Hoberg in and to the Southeast Quarter of 5ection <br /> Twenty-seven, Township Ten, Range Nine, above described, passed and descended by absolute ti.tle <br /> under tize intestate lat�rs of the State of Nebraska in force at the time of Ihis death to:-- <br /> �Tilliam Hoberg, an undivided 1/42nd interest, Herman Hoberg, an undivided 1/42nd interes'G, <br /> Arthur Hoberg, an undivided in�erest, nis sisters, Catherine Hoberg Corbin, an undivided 1/�2nd <br /> interest and Au,;usta Hoberg, an undivided 1/�-2nd interes�, his niece Jennie Hunsi.eker, an undiv- <br /> ided 1/�4th interest �.nd� �3�:m�r R�issow,- his nephew an undivided 1/��th interegt in and to the <br /> �outheast �uarter of �ec�ion �'taenty-seven, Township Ten, Rang� Nine, above-described. <br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDaED AND DECREED by the Caur'� tY�at Catherine Hoberg Corbin died <br /> inestate, a resident of Clay County, Iowa, on January 25, i93g; '�hat she was a widow at the time <br /> of her dEath, tYiat more �h an eleven year� have elapsed since her death, �hat no application for <br /> the �,ppointment of an administrator for her estate has ever been made nor has there ever been <br /> any adzninistration upon her estate in �he �tate of Nebraska; that the said Catherine Hoberg <br /> Corwin was the owner of an undivided 7/4�ths interes'� in and to the Southeast Quarter of Sec'�ion <br /> Twenty-seven, Township Ten, I�?orth, Range Nine, in Hall County, Ne'praska, at the time of her death, <br /> 5 that the petitioner herein, Margaret Morton, is a competen� and qualified person �o prosecut� <br /> this proceeding; that the said Catherine Hober� Corbin, d eceased, left surviving her as her <br /> heirs-at-law her children Arthur Corbin, Mary Corb3n and Perry Corb3.n; that up on the death of <br /> � T <br /> Gath n b C bin th r al state deser3bed herein to-w�t. he undivided 4�ths <br /> the said eri e Ho er�; or , e e e , 7� <br /> interes� in and to the Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-s�v�n, Township Ten, Ra.nge Nine, above <br /> described, passed and descended by absolute title under the intestate laws of the State of <br /> Nebraska in for.ce at the time of her death to: --Arthur Corbin, an undivided 7/1�1-4�hs interest <br /> thereof, Mary Corbin, an undivided 7/14�-thg interest therein and Perry Corb3.n, an undivided <br />' /144th� interest in a�d to the Southeast Quarter oP Section Twenty-seven, Township Ter., North, <br /> �ange Nine, above-described. <br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THe Court 'that William Hoberg died intesta�e, <br /> a resident af Livingston County, Tllinois on Oc'Gober 26, 1939, that more than eleven years have <br /> elapsed since his death; �hat no application for the appointment of an administra�or for his <br /> estate has ever been made nor has there ever been any adm3.nistration upon his estate in the State <br /> of Nebraska; th�.t the said Haberg was �he owner of an undivided 7/�-�ths interest to the <br /> Southeast Quarter of Section Tti,renty-seven, Township T�r., North, Range Nine, in Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, at the time of his death; that the petitioner herein, Margaret Mor�on, is a competent <br /> and qualified person to prosecute this �aroceeding; that the said William Hoberg, deceased, left <br /> surviving him .,,s his heirs-at-law his bro�hers Herman Hoberg and Arthur Soberg, his sister, <br /> Augusta Ho berg, his nephews Perry Corbin and Arthur Corbin, his niece, Mary Corbin, andhis <br /> nephew E1mer Russow and his niece, Jennie Hunsicker; that upon the death of the said Will'�.�m <br /> Hoberg, the real estate herein described, to-wit: the undivided 7/4�ths interest of <br /> Hoberg, deceased, in and to the Southieast Qua,rter of Section Twenty-seven, Township Ten, North, <br /> Range Nine, above described, nassed and descended in absolute title under the intestate laws <br /> of the State of Nebraska in force at tYle time of his death to: --Herman Hoberg, an undiv�.ded <br /> 7/240ths interest, Arthur Hoberg, an undivided 7�240ths interest, Au�usta Hoberg, an undivided <br /> 7/2�+Otha interest, Perr;� Corbin, an unciivided 7/720ths in�erest, Arthur Corbin an undivided <br /> ���� pth s interest, Mary Corbin an undivided 7/720ths interest, Jennie Hunsick�r, an undivided <br /> ?F�Oths interest and Elmer Russow, an undivided 7��+�Oths interest in and to tne South east <br />