<br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNTY
<br /> therein and Elmer Russow, a nephew, 1/112th interest in and to said Southeast Quarter of Seetion
<br />�� Twenty-seven in Town Ten, above-described.
<br /> The Court finds that more than sixteen years have elapsed since the death of the said Julia
<br /> Hoberg, tnat no ap Ulication for the probate of her estate has been filed and that no petition
<br /> for administration oP said estate has been filed in the State of Nebraska, that all funeral bills
<br /> I and other debts of tne deceased have been ,�aid and, if there are any outstanding claims, the
<br /> same ar� forever barred. 2
<br /> Th� Court finda that Louis Hoberg, late of Livingston County, Illinois, a son of Simon
<br /> Hoberg, deceased, departed this life intestate, in Livingston County, Illinois, on February 6,
<br /> 1937 and that, at the time of' Yhis death, he t�ras unmarried and was the owner of an undivided 1��th
<br /> interest in and to the Southeast Quarter of Sec�ion Twenty-seven in Township Ten North, Range
<br /> Nine, ti�Test of the 6'�h P. M. , in Hall County, Nebraska, and that the value of his share in the
<br /> estate did not exceed the sum of ��00.00.
<br /> The Court finds tha� a� tne time of his death the �^aid Louis Hoberg left surviving: h3.m as
<br /> his heirs-at-law and onl� heirs-at-law, his brothers, William Hoberg, Herman Hoberg, and Arthur
<br /> Hoberg, his sisters, C�.therine Hoberg Corbin and Augusta Hoberg, His niece, Jennie Hunsicker and
<br /> his nephew Elmer Russow, and that the interest of the said Louis Hoberg 3.n the Southeast Quarter
<br /> of Sect3.on Twen'ty-seven passed and desce�ded to: -- William Hoberg, an undivided 1/�+2nd interest,
<br /> Herman Hoberg, an undivided 1/�1-2nd interest, Ar�hur Hoberg, an undivided 1/42nd interest,
<br /> Catherine Hoberg Corbin, an undivided 1/42nd in'�erest, August Hoberg, an undivided 1�42nd interes'G,
<br /> Jennie Hunsicker, a 1��4th interest and Elmer Russow 1��4th interest in and to the Southeast
<br /> �,uar'Ger of Section Twenty_seven, above-described.
<br /> T11e Court finds that mor� than thirteen years have elapsed since the dea'�h of the said
<br /> I� Louis Hoberg and tnat no apz�lication for the �robate of his estate has been filed and that no
<br /> petition for administration of said estate has been fil.ed ir. t:�.e S�ate of Nebraska, that all
<br /> funeral bi11s and other debts of the deceased have been paid and, if there are any outstanding
<br /> claims, the same are forever barred.
<br /> The Court fin3s that Catherine Hoberg Corbin, la,te of Clay County, Iowa, a daughter of
<br /> Simon Hoberg, dec�ased, departed this life intestate, in Clay County, Iowa, on January 2 , 1939
<br /> and that, at the time of her death, she was married and was the owner of an undivided 7/��ths
<br /> int�rest in, and to the Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-seven, Township Ten, North, Range
<br /> Nine UJest of the 6th P. M. , in Hall County, Nebras�aa, and that the value of her share in the
<br /> estate did not exceed ���00.00.
<br /> The Court finds that at tne time of her death the said Catherine Hoberg Corbin was a widow,
<br /> that she left surviving her as her heirs-at-Iaw and only heirs-at-law, her children Arthur Corbin,
<br /> Mary Corbin and Perry Corbin anc? that her interest in a.nd to the Southeast Quar�er of Sec'�ion
<br /> Twenty-�even passed and desceri.ded to:--Arthur Corbin, her son, an undivided 7/l��+ths interest,
<br /> M r Corbin, her daughter, an undivided 7/144ths interest and Perry Corbin, her son, an undivided
<br /> 7�1��-ths interest in and to the Southeast Quarter oP Section Tw�nty-seven, above-described.
<br /> The Court finds that more than eleven years have elapsed since the death of the said
<br /> Catherine Hoberg Corbin and tha'� no application for the probate of her estate has been filed,
<br /> that no petition for administration of said estate has been filed in the State of Nebraska,
<br /> that a11. funeral bills and other debts of the deceased have been paid and, if there are any
<br /> outstandin g claims, the same are forever barred.
<br /> The Court finds that W3.11iam Hoberg, late of Livingston County, Illinois, a son of Simon
<br /> Hoberg, deceased, depar�ed �his lii'e intestate, in Livingston County, Illinois, on October 26,
<br /> 19 9, ^.nd that, at the time of his death, he was unmax ried and was the owner of an undivided
<br /> 7/��ths interest in and to tne Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-seven in Township Ten North,
<br /> Range Nine, West of the 6th P. M. , in Hall County, Nebraska, and that the value of his share in
<br /> the es'�ate did not exeeed �1,200.00. �
<br /> The Court finds that at the time of his death the said William Hoberg left surviving him
<br /> as his heirs-at-law and only heirs-at-law, his brothers, Herman xoberg and Arthur Hoberg, his
<br /> sister, Augusta Hoberg, his nephews Perry Corb3.n, Arthur Corbin and Elmer Russow and his nieces
<br /> Mary Corbin a,nd Jennie Hunsicker, and that upon his death his interest in and to the Sou�heast
<br /> Quarter of Section Twenty-seven, Township Ten, North, Rante Nine, passed and descended �o:--
<br /> Herman Hoberg, his broth�r, an undivided 7�240ths interest �hereof, Arthur Hoberg, his brother,
<br /> an undivided 7�240ths interest, Augusta Hoberg, his sister, an undivided 7/2�#Oths interest,
<br /> Perry Corbin, his nephew, an undivided 7/720ths interest, Arthur Corbin, his nephew, an undivided
<br /> 7/720ths intere3�, Mary Corbin, his niece, an undivided 7/720ths interest, Jennie Hunsicker, his
<br /> niece, an undivided 7/4�Oths interest and Elmer Russow, his nephew an undivided 7/4�Oths interest
<br /> in and. to the Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-seven, Township Ten, above-described.
<br /> The Court finds that more than eleven years have elapsed since the death of the said William
<br /> Hoberg and that no applicatio n for the probate of his estate has been filed, that no pe�ition
<br /> for administration of said estate has been filed in the State of Nebraska, that all funeral bills
<br /> and other deb�s of the deceased have been paid, and, if there ar� any outstanding claims, the
<br /> same are forever barred. •
<br /> IT IS THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED, by the Court that Simon Hoberg died intestate,
<br /> a resident of Streator, La Salle County, Illinois on March 10, 190�, that more than for�y years
<br /> have elapsed since his death, that no application for tne appointment of an administrator for
<br /> his estate has ever been made nor has there ever been any administration upon his estate in the
<br /> State of Nebraska, that said Simon Hoberg was the owner in fee simple title of the Southeast
<br /> quarter of Sect3.on Twenty-seven, Township Ten North, Range Nine , in Hal1 County, Nebraska at
<br /> the time of his death; that petit3.oner herein, Margaret l�orton, is a competent and qualified
<br /> person to prosecute this nroceeding; that the said �imon Hoberg, deeeased, left surviving him
<br /> as his only heirs-at-law, his daughters, Alma Hoberg Russow, Catherine Hoberg Corbin, Julia
<br /> Hoberg and Augusta Hoberg, his sons, Louis Hoberg, William Hoberg, Herman HQberg � d Ar�hur
<br /> Hoberg; that upon the death of tne said Simon Hoberg, the r eal estate above-described, did pass
<br /> and descend by absolute title, under the intestate laws of �he S'�ate of Nebraska in force at the
<br /> time of his death, to his daughters, A1ma Hoberg Russow, Catherine Hoberg Corbin, Julia Hoberg
<br /> and Augusta Hoberg, to each an undivided l��tn interest thereof, and to his sons, Louis Hoberg,
<br /> Willi�,m Hoberg, Herman Hoberg and Arthur Hoberg, to each an undivided 1/�th interes� in and to
<br /> '�he Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-seven, Townshi,� Ten North, Range Nine, above-described.
<br />