. . .T;':a . 4..� .:.Y. .. � .-„--- ��. K � _j:
<br /> ,� � -=-= - o . ,_.. c,�=:- h _ c t -
<br /> y�L.•' �-��.3 - ... —.� ,--,. __ . _._, .N- - -- 'e
<br /> .l�--M ° _ _ � . -- .< < �' , a t �.. .. _ _ . . _ S ,� `� _� a '
<br /> F ,�i`_ � - ��y - t: - . _� _ . .- a� .
<br />� .E: . . � _ '""'�..2''���` '` � .. ` ��. `R .. . ` . ,�. <�< �.. _ ..d� . _c K. �' .-..r 3 _.�fi'
<br />. .rL_. .C. �. r E _ . . _ 'c, . . ' . . � - - L '.�""+ M -..
<br /> . r; '•� <'
<br /> �. , � << c '� . � n • ' v. `.�'% _ '_4, : F_ 4 ,� i � F _
<br /> — A;:� -. __ . . . . ..V' _ ' �{. �� t -
<br /> ' `. < _ . . . . ;C _ ' . , . .. . .......<a.....�-•-.��...�.._�a. �����a--��a�.i.... ^.._.��-.—�. ��� ��„'�
<br /> �� �k
<br />_ :�- � � ' 9`�� io��s�o ��'�' -- � `
<br /> • � ' ' S.�aad a3 Prop�ty Is�ano� Bou�wrr shall�eep the impruvements now existing or hereaftmr erected an tIIs Pmperty . ' �
<br /> u �. � �. :..� . �
<br /> . � � F �a�st to�s py fu�h�mds iacluded c�hin the te�m"extended coverage"mid any olhes harard.s.msludm8 itaods ar .;< <'� <,
<br /> . . , flundCmg,fos which Ir,ader zeqnses u�suraace.'lUis i�s�shatl he maintained'm the ammmts and far the p�iods that I.ender , `���'
<br /> . requi�es.'[he ms�anoe�pro�idinS tfle msucance s6aD be thos�by Honower sub�ecx w Lend�'s spp�oval whicb shaD n+ot .
<br /> - . ._ be ua��nably withhetd. 1f Botmwer fa�7s tn mamtain cavesage desaibed ai�ve.Leandcx maY•at l�det`s option,obtain , .
<br /> , '.f,-�; ���Fmt�I��rr"s righu in the Frog�ry m ac�omdauce arBh parag�aph 7. r r:, �`.-`. :
<br /> and reaewals s6aD be aooeptable to Leader aad shari include a stand�rd moitgd8e cla�ua l�eader shall .c
<br /> _�_;. AII insur2nce F� t�I�all reoeipts of paid fi °-. „
<br /> ___ - have tha�dglu m hoW the poliaes and reneara3s.If Leuder reciraire,s,BaaBwes sffiU pmmpSY 8� `•'- `.
<br />' . ..- . .-. - p�niumtns and:eaiewal notices.In tLe eveat nf Inss,Bonower shall gi�►e p�ompt noti�e to the insu�anae ca�rier aad Leader.L�de� � �.,
<br /> e
<br /> . .. . may mnte psoof of Ioss if not made promPdY bY��- •.
<br /> , . . Un1e;s I.e�der aad$onow�r mherwise ag�ee in writmg.i�aaaoe pc000eds sbaD be applied to resmtatian or re�air of the , ;
<br /> ��'� � � �P�Y�if the�on ar�epaa is eoonamicalt5►fe��bie and Leu�'s seauity►i�not L�ssened.If th$�� .,:`` 'S'� `
<br /> t�air is aot ewaomiraBY f�le ar I.eader's se�aanjr woWd 6e tc�tened,die�ce Pmo�ds shall be applied oo dis�ima .'� .
<br /> � . � < . , :3 :� �.., .
<br /> - sepoaed by this Securnjt Insimmeat, whe�r ar not theu due,with any euoess paid m Boauwer. If B�cowea ab�tdons the r�.
<br /> r.aaier 6as affeced w seule a claim.th�u .��',`'' :'�
<br /> ..'' Pcop�c,y.ar does uat answer withm 30 days a notioe tmm Leada that the msa�ance .:;.;,;,;,;
<br /> '` I.eadet saaY coliect the insiu�ce pioceeda I�endei maY nse the pmceeds tn m.ga'a or testnte the FropeatY or to pay s�ms se�ed ��..,--�.. �^
<br /> .. whm the aotice is ea. � ' --
<br /> _ by th�Seauiis►Instrm°eut,whether ar noi tt�w due.1l�e 3d-day p�riod an'II begia S�' � ',�_:
<br /> . Unt�s Leader and Baaower otherwise agree iu wr�►g•anY�PP�of pmc�eds w p�mcipal shatl not extend�postpon�e �<� . f. {,��,-
<br /> • � .. the dt�date of the moMhtY Faymenta ref�ed w in p�ag�ap�s t�xi 2 ar ct�ange the amoimt of the pay�.If�des PaiagraP --..
<br /> , �a ,
<br /> .. ` 22 the F�peity►is a�by Lendrr,Baaowea'�aight tn aaY�sm�Policies and psoce�ds�g fzom damage w t6e , ; ��� .-
<br /> " tfis S Inslrnment IInmefiazelY
<br /> > pt�¢p�y psinr w tt�e�uott�aD pass to I.��t9 the ext��of dts sams secured by �Y . , `�`
<br /> ;-��
<br /> � 'r " - puiq[ro t�e 2CQaisi�u�. .. . .. ' �'
<br /> ��,�},, u,,� q�� ���et,,.� �.f�,� �y. �orraw�'s�.o�n Appt�ratton,�eho6ds f n� �
<br />.. . f .f--.i. �������iICS�ltaacvII!1�'1�',�{��"`��LC�Yi7r.a�1i1.�G��+jf
<br /> ,establis�►,m�rsse dce Ptupeny as Boaov�ec s praicipal residenoe wit6ia sn�ty days afua the ex�ut�n of ' � �
<br /> � Bo��ss'�aU accapy °';.-�-.��-
<br /> � ' dils Ses�iY Instram�t an�shaU contimne tn oaa�y the Pmperty as Bonowe:'s prmapal res�ence far at least one yea�r�r the ,.:�:.
<br /> `� ° in writin which oons�t�aD nat be a�reasanablY withIleld,or untes4 . _'_
<br />_ . .. .�.�•- da7$ o�.�apancy,�miss I.ender otheiwise agrees g. ._ � -
<br /> � - - �ciraIInstenoes ex�st�vhich a�e tteyand B�cower's conuol.Bo:ma�r st�all nat d�stroy.d�ge or im?a����y � .�"�=�-=a�`
<br /> :��., � ': e eya
<br />��� , .. ,s, � � allo�v �te pyq�w det�arate,or cammit waste on the Piog�cty.Hoaawe,r shaII be in defautt if anY farfeihue as�on m `:� :.��f
<br /> � i 4- s �`�J � OI ::� . �... .�_
<br /> o �i r ' p�g,w h e t h e r c i v�ar c ri m i n a 1.is b e�m that in Le�dei s g�ud fauh judgm�t coutd cesuit m farfeimre of the Fta�eaty :.
<br /> `' ' � ���d by tb�s S�ui�r Insuament or 1�'s secaruy inteaest Homm�may cute sacb a ,
<br /> ° .� . oth�v�nse�Y� ��.�.�
<br /> _�._ ,_� :.� defeuii euci t�insiate.a�Pmvid�m parag�pb L�;.�r causing the acti�n e��8 w 6e��it�i a niling tbat.in ���
<br /> . M-`�' i�'s gaod faith det�alIao,p�eclades fa�3��nf the Bosower's mt��the�mp�t cu�m�csial impahmeat of ' +�-�
<br /> �' ' ,t,.� BOttONfJ 562118�4$�1Tt�E�1Lt if�a►Ft.dluID�the ;r --
<br /> l��er � �1Q�ZL�SI�1fJ/f�S.S�I�ll�III�[aI'�YU�$S�lIItly •tL� f �t[s`1�f":
<br /> ` :���{! •�' �OD�St81�J1CAL9�O j.Cil�{pf�0d 00'�Yl�T..�PI W11t1 ...,.��n�C er�r�.
<br /> ; . •��i��;^:.. :: �i1l64 9Y1Q�iC8I�OD 11I�.$�►8 IDBIPdL�}i f3LSC Qf mZG�C �..P.�r.r�.�,�.
<br /> _ . � y5
<br />:�;.,, . � any �aetaial mfa:matinn) in cauneaian with the loan e�rid�at��Y the Noie. mcluding,but not tim�L tu.� ���:"jr�ir
<br /> ` I� ° i+'..�?dCG I�fZ11S SCGllily►I�S�t 1S d113.�PBSCAOId.B0I[Ci�UCi t�r� -'_
<br /> opnc�nin�Bormwer's oc�,apancy uf the Ftoperty as a psinc�zL �_
<br /> �_ :`;' shnll camply with all the provisians of the Ieas�If Baaowa ar�,r�urs fee tNe w ehe Pmperty.the teasehold and the fee dtle st�aU , :� r ,�,=
<br /> . aot s�tecge mrtess Leadea ag�ees w the merger in writing. ' ""S'D'.':
<br />- �Pmrtecdoa of Lende�s Lttgh4s ia the Pmperiy. 1f Haarnvr�r fa�s w pafo�n the covenaats and a�eememts cantame�in y���f,
<br /> - � : this S�au�r Insommeab ar Were is a tegal�meeediag th�c�.�si�tly affecx Leadea's rlghts m the Pmpeaty(sacb as a ; �,,.,::,.;.,. •:..
<br /> . p�moeedimg ia bantauPtcS►.Fmbate,faar condemna�n-c�farfeinue ur w enforr,e laws ar regalations),then I�der may do and�ay � _s
<br /> I.ca�d�'s actians iactade `
<br /> far wbatever is ne�ss�ryr w pratecl the vatue of tfaeL�apeAy and Leader's rights�n the Praperty. �Y .�...F.: =,a.
<br /> � � ..,i sums soaued by a li� which das q�ias�ty ava t�is Se�.wity Ins�aa►ea�i.a�i°g in oo�ul.PaYing rcasonab2e +z �:'��~
<br /> {:�' `, �e"g��cs and eataring on the Prrs�aty w ma�e repai�s-�ough Leatder maY tatce`�usa undet this para�apL 7,Lead� �•s„•:.:.:::. - - --
<br /> " '�! d(I.�s II1SL►lti0'�tO dIb SQ.. }�ac.u� _
<br /> .• �t- - 4 fT�1 -�v���„_
<br /> � :�.•�;
<br /> - As►y�mam�ts�bY Leadea�nder this parag�aph�shatl bawme addi�oqal debt of Bmrower se�md by this Soc�ity , •;
<br /> �:::. �
<br /> . InsunmmF.F.Unixs IIo�murer and L�da a�ee w othea tr,cros of payment,these amoaats shaU bear mt�erest fmui the date of �,.. .. __
<br /> : . .„ �_
<br />_- " � �� dishmrs�t at thel�Tcce rate and shall be payabte.with mt�st.upon nouce from L�dei m Bonower requesda8 DaY�t ,� `.`'-
<br /> _ . r'� 8.tY�ortgage Ias�aao� If Lender mqimed mort�ge Insurance as a condition of making the Ioan sacured by this Secauiry ,...,<,;=
<br /> ;< ... ,
<br /> - . . . . Instrum�4 Sormvrrar shall pay the ymamnuns required to mammin the mortg,ege insaraace in effect. If,for any reason, the ;i �. ;�"`�';�,�:,,'°
<br />-- � � ' �' mortgage In�nance ooverage required bY Le�d,��aDses or ceases w be in effect.Bomower shall pay rhe prernimns requued W ��• -
<br />_�� . :�, �:.,.. � ,. ..;..
<br /> �,s obiam ooverage sub��ndally alu+wateat w tt�e martg,ege�ce previousty in effect.ai a wst su6s�Y e4uivalent w the ..:
<br /> - ��� oost-te Barmarra of the mottg�ge �.s►uance previously in e�'eq.fmm an alteinate mort�aige u�smcer e�pmved by l.ended.U �;.; ��:�..
<br /> ti, . �
<br />-- �,�� su6sffindaliY eqa�val�t murtg�e�coveiage is rtot ava�7able�Bmrowe�s6a11 pay w Le��i eac�month a swn equal to ,•�?;t�;;;>':.. �, ..
<br /> L ..:,•.�,l:�.�
<br />- �''�' b Bmmwea when t�e i�s�usace wv e sed or aased tn : .:n �° �
<br /> -- . �i.� m�-��fl oi the yr�1y morQg�e insvraace p�ium beInB D� Y � � �";:;��f;�
<br /> �1.;'� be in e1Fea.Lender wii!aoce,pf.use and mtatn these paymc�ts as a loss reseive ico lien of mort�dge in�araaoe. Loss res�va . .
<br /> _ '`�;$
<br /> - .. , �;:.
<br /> • �� Form 50�0 9/80
<br />--. : - .r(�'Yla�t�(��I�21�1A� Papo3W8 Inh1aU: _' .
<br />,.r-. . � _ . .'_; � ' �
<br /> i h ;� , i.
<br /> -•'?�� _ 'j- . , �
<br />-_�,: t, . . . .. , .
<br />.-a ' , .. . . �
<br />... •
<br /> °?_:.- �. � - �. �-.--�-rr....-..--.��. . - .- .. .. . . .
<br /> -, .. . .. . ..,, -^ . . . .. . �� . .. • _ ' �. . , . • . . . . ._ .
<br /> . . . . � - , ' � a . . . . . ' . ,., y�:1:IS�,�•�.`7.�� � . � . ' . . � , :. � . ' .
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<br />.. � � . _ . . � • ' ��. . . . � ' � � - . . '_ . . -
<br /> , .. , � . � ' ' • ` " . ' � ' . . � . ...�, ' •. . �� '. , i • _ .
<br /> : : . . � '. . . ' . . ._
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<br />