0. i
<br /> ����
<br /> dvty Tto uleave her1elmorer than the others and during my liYe, desded to her my residence propertq, all
<br /> of' Lot Six (6) and the West Seventeen (17) Peet oP Lot Seven (7), all in Charles Wasmer�:e Add3.tion
<br /> to the City of arand Ia�.�.nd, Nebraska. I hope and trust that my ehildren will view my provi�iona I
<br /> for Paullne in the right light and that there will be no friotion or i11 f eeling on aoeount oP m�
<br /> desire to make suitable provision Por� her, If any deviaee, 1e�atee, or benefieiary under �this my
<br /> will shall contest the validit9 or ob,jeat �o �the proba'te thereoP, or attempt to vaaate the same or
<br /> to al�er or change any of the provisicana th�reof, such person �hall thereby be deprived ,of al1
<br /> beneficisl interest thereunder and of any ahare in my estate, and the share of auch pergor� shall
<br /> become a part of my res3.duary estate, and such person shall be excluded from �aking any part oP
<br /> such residuary estate, and the same sha11 be divided equally amang the o�her persons entitled to
<br /> tak� such residuary esta�e.
<br /> �TEM SEVEN.
<br /> I nominate arid appoint my son, Frank Spethman, exeeutor oY th3s my laat will and testamen�
<br /> and prov�.de that he shall not be required to give hon�. as such exeQUtor. I authorize and empower
<br /> my said exeQU�or ar his suceessor, shoul.d he die before me or deeline to accept the trus'C, to sell
<br /> at private or publie sa.le, any or a11 of th� real estate devi�ed by T�em Five hereof upon such
<br /> terms and eondi�ions as to him sha11 aeem advl�able, ' withotxt obtainin� any license or order from
<br /> any court or ,�udge and authorize him to execu�e, acknowledge and deliver deed 'or desds oP conveyance
<br /> for said real estate or any part thereaP and direat that the purehaser shall not be required to aee
<br /> to the application of the purchase money. IP all or any of sueh real estate is .sold, the proceeda
<br /> shall be divided, share and share alike, among my ehildren or their descendants, taking by repre-
<br /> sen�a.tion, as above provided.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto subscribed my name and have also signed �y name on the margin
<br /> of the Pirst and second pagea hereoP 'Chis 9�h day of Ju1y, 1932.
<br /> Margaxet C Spethmann
<br /> This instrument was on �he 9th day of July, 7.�932, slgned, publi.shed and declared by the said
<br /> �estatrix, Margaret C. Spethman, to be her last wili and testament in the prgser�ee of us, who, at
<br /> her request, have subseri,bed our names hereto a� witnesses in her presence 8nd in the p�esenae oP
<br /> eaeh other in dupliaate. T
<br /> A. (�. Abbott of Grand Island, Nebraska
<br /> Evelyn Schmid'� of arand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> HALL COUNTY )
<br /> At a Session of the County Court held in the Coun�Gy Court Room in arand Ialand, in said County,
<br /> on �he 13�h day of �etober A.D. , 1939 .
<br /> � Present Pau1 1V. Kirk County Judge
<br /> In the Matter of the Es�ate o�'
<br /> _ Mar�aret C. Spethmann , Deceased
<br /> I, Paul RT. Kirk, Judge of the County Court, in and for said Cour�ty, do hereby certify that
<br /> on the 16th day of �eptember 1939, the instrument purporting to b� �he last will and teetament of
<br /> Margaret C. Spethmann. deceased, was filed for prQba�e in this Court. That on the l3th day of
<br /> Oetober, �939, said instrument to whieh. this o�rtifieate is a�Ctaehed was duly proved, probated
<br /> and all.owed as the las� will and teetament of the real and personal eatate ot said Margaret C. Speth-
<br /> mann deceased, and the same was or dered to be recorded in the records of the Cour� aforesaid.
<br /> IN S�ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and afPixed the seal of the County Court, thiss
<br /> 13th day o�' �ctober 1939
<br /> (SEAL) P� N• Kirk
<br /> Y� �-Tu�3r ge
<br /> HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA F I L E D ocT �.3 1939
<br /> ( Case No. 2973•
<br /> MAI�aARET C. SPETHMANN, DECEASED. ) Final Decree.
<br /> Now on this 2nd day of November, 1g�+9, this cause cam� on to be heaxd upon �h� final aacount
<br /> and repo�t of Frank L. Spethman, executor oP said estate and �he eourt f3nds �r.om �he proofs on
<br /> Pile he�►ein that legal notice as by law and the order of the court required, has been given to all
<br /> persons interested of the filing of said finaT account and the time and plaas of hearing thereon;
<br /> that no ob,jee'�3ons have been filed to sa,id final aecount and that the same ie eorree� and should
<br /> be allowed and approved.
<br /> Find� from the proofs on file herein that no�lce, as required by 1.a� and the order oP thi8
<br /> court, was given to a11 creditors oP said est�,te of the time allowed and plaee appointed for fil-
<br /> ing claims against her estate; that all debts o� the d�eeased and elaims againat her estate Piled
<br /> herein have been fu11y paid; tha� all elaims Mot filed, iP any there be, are forever barred;that
<br /> a11 co�ts and expenses of adminis�ering said estete have been fully paid; that aF�er notice to the
<br /> county a,ttorney oP said Hall County, the court finds �hat all oP aaid esta'�e and the successions
<br /> thereto a.re exempt Prom all inheritance �axea under �he la.ws of Nebraska and �hax said estate is
<br /> not sub�ect to any Federal ea'�ate tax.
<br /> Finds �that the deceas�d died �estat� on September 3, 1939, a resident of said Hall County and
<br /> that she left �urvi�rin� as her sole and only heirs at la� her s3.x ehildren, namely: Fred gpethman
<br /> Antoinette R. Kau�'man, Pauline 4. Spe'Ghma,n, Edith M. Perkins, Parnelia M. Au�us'�ine and Frank L.
<br /> Speth�a�n: Finds that the correct spelling of the name 3pethman is with one .nnn and that two "ns"
<br /> were used beoa�zee of conveyanees to the deceased with two pns". And finds that �he deceased left
<br /> a� her sole residuary devisees and legat�es the six ehlldren abvae named.
<br />