<br /> No. 9 HALL COUNTY
<br /> Ha11 County, Nebraska, wh�oh is hereby assi�ned as Pollows, to-wit: Cora L. Kutschka�t, his wldow,
<br /> an undivided 1�3 interest, and to a son, LeRoy a. B. Kutschkau, a son, Wilbur Y. Rutsahkau, a son,
<br /> Dona,ld L. Kutechkau, a son, Orvis Daniel Kutachkau, a daughter, Eloise . Sherry, a da.ughter,
<br /> Betty M. Kutschka.u, and a son, Melvin D. Kutsehkau, sach an undivided 2�21 intereat, sub�ect to
<br /> the homestead rights of the widow, Cora L. Kutschkau.
<br /> Charles Bossert
<br /> ounty udge
<br /> I hereby acknowledge reeeipt and notiee of the above order, Yinding no inherltance tax whatso-
<br /> ever due in this estate by �aid court in the above decree, this 2nd day af November; 19�+9•
<br /> (Signed) James I. Shamber
<br /> epu y oun y t orney oY
<br /> Hal1 County, Nebraska.
<br /> In the County Court of Hall Cnunty, Nebraska
<br /> CertiPiQate
<br /> STATE �F NEBRA3KA, )
<br /> ) ss. I, Charles Bossert Co�nty Judge oP Hall County, Nebraska, do herebq
<br /> HALL COU�iTY ) Qertify that I have compart�d the foregoing copq of Final Decree entered '
<br /> original record ther�of, now remaining in said Cour�, tha.t the same is a corz�eot transcript thereof,
<br /> and oY the whole of such original -reeord; tMat said Court is a Court of Record having a seal, �r�iah '
<br /> aeal is hereto attached; that said Cour'� has no Clerk authorized to sign certiYicates in his own
<br /> name, and that T am the legal Qustodian of said Sea1 and of the Records of said Cour�, and tha'C
<br /> the foregoing attestat3on is in due form of law.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto ae� my hand and aPfixed the seal oY the County Court, at
<br /> arand Iala.nd, this 2nd da.y of November 194g.
<br /> (��) � Cho les Boaser� �II
<br /> unty udge. ,
<br /> F11ed for record this 3 day oP November �g49, at 10 o 'elock A.M. �
<br /> ' Regis er of eedra�v
<br /> p_0-0-0-�-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_J-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-4
<br /> I, Margaret C. Spethmann, of �he City of Grand Ieland in Hall County, State of Nebraska, also
<br /> known as Maggie C. Spe�iman, being of sound mind and memory and eonsidering the uncer�ainty of
<br /> life, do make, ordaln, publish and declare this to be my last wil.l and testament, hereby revoking
<br /> all former wills by me made.
<br /> STEM ONE.
<br /> I direet that my executar, herelnaYter named, pay all my 3ust debts and Puneral expenaes as
<br /> saon after my decease� as conveniently may b�. If I have not, during my liPetime, -paid Por the
<br /> perpetual care of the burial lot o�' my deceased husband in the Grand Island Cemetery, I direat
<br /> tha� my exeeutor sha11 pay to the City of arand Island '�he sum of �100.00 ( or whatever the cha.rge
<br /> is at that time) for the perpetual eare of the cemetery lot. I direct that my exeQUtor shall
<br /> place a marker on my grave similar to the marker on my deQeased husband�s grave.
<br /> ITEM TW�.
<br /> I give and bequeath to my grandson, Eugene Perkins, the wrought iron lamp in my home, which �
<br /> is almost a duplicate oP the one given to Will S. KauPman and was made by my deceased husband.
<br /> ITEM THREE.
<br /> I glve and bequeath '�o my c'i�ug�iter, Pauline 0. Spethmar�, my automobile and a11 the res.t of the �
<br /> household axticles, houaehold furniture, earpeta, eooking utensils and appliances, so that she may
<br /> �ontinue to oecupy the home �omplete and intaa�, �xcept that I desire that aIl giPta to me or my
<br /> deeeased husband Prom any oP the children shall be returned to them and I direct � executor to
<br /> see that they are returned.
<br /> ITEM FOUR.
<br /> I gi�ve and deviBe to my dau hter, Pauline 0. Spethman, the We�terly Twenty-three �23) feet
<br /> a,nd Two (2) inches oP Lot Seven �7) in Block Fifty-three (53� in the original '�own, now City oP
<br /> arand Ieland in Hall County, Nebraska for. and during her natural life or un�il she marries,
<br /> whichever occurs Pirat, with the right to rent the same and to ha4e the rents, issues and profita
<br /> thereof, and I direct that ahe sha11 be required to pay all �axes and apecial assessments upon
<br /> said proper'Cy and to keep the building inaured for its fair value and to keep the premisea in repair
<br /> untll her death or ma�riage, and the remainder in Pee �o said real eatate, eub,�ect to the devise to
<br /> Pauline 0. Spe�hst�n for her liPe or until her marriage, I give and devise to my ehildren, shaxe and
<br /> share alike, namely: Fred Spe�hman, Antoine'Cte R. RauPman, Pauline 0. Spethman, Edith M. Perkifl�,
<br /> Parnel3a M. Augustine and Frank L. 3pe�hman, �heir t1'�le thereto to vest in them at mq death, and
<br /> if any oP my said children sha11 ha.ve died prior to my dea�th, the deseenda,nt or descendants oP suQh
<br /> deceased child oP mine ahall stand in the plaQe of the parent and take �he share the parent would
<br /> ha�� taken if living at my death.
<br /> ITEM FIVE.
<br /> All the rest and re�idue o�" my esta�e now owned or hereafter acquired by me and wherever �
<br /> situate, I �ive, devise and bequeath, share and share alike, to my children, F'red Spethman, An-
<br /> toinette R. Kau�man, Pauline 0; Spethtaan, Edith M. Perking, Paxnelia M. Auguatine and Frank L.
<br /> Spethman, who may be living at my dea�h or to the de$cendant or de8cendants of any deaeased child
<br /> who shall sta,nd in the p1aQe oP the parent and take the ahare the parent would have '�aken if living �
<br /> at my dea�h, sub�ec� to �he power o2' sale conPerred on my executor by Item Seven hereof. �
<br /> I TEM SIX.
<br /> . My ehildren are a11 equally dear to me and I have the same affeetion for all of them. However,
<br /> my dau�hter, Pauline �}. Spethman, has never married and has remained at home and haa, durin� the
<br /> ald age of myselP a,nd my deceased husband, devoted herself to us and rendered us care and se]rvice$
<br /> which it has been impossible Por the other children ta bestow. For that reaaon, I have felt it my
<br />