<br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNTY
<br /> of Anna D. Gregory deceased, wa.s filed for probate 3.n this �ourt. �ha,t on �he 2nd day of Mareh
<br /> 19�9, �aid instrument to whieh this certifieate is attached was duly proved, probated and allowed
<br /> as the last will and testament of the real and peraonal es�ate ot' said Anna D. Gregory deceaaed,
<br /> �,nd the sa,me was ordered to be record�d in the reQOrd� of the Court �foresaid.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, = have hereu,nto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,
<br /> this 2nd day of March 19�9
<br /> (SEAL) Charles Bosaer�
<br /> C oun'�y Judge
<br /> HALL COUNZ'Y3 NEBRASKA F I L E D M�x 2 19�9
<br /> ANNA D. GREGORY, Deceased )
<br /> Now on �h�.s 3rd day ot' August 1949 th�s cause came on for hearing upon the final report
<br /> filed herein by Lillian Williams, exeQU'�rix in the Estate of Anna D. Gregory, Deceased, and
<br /> upon her appliaation for the approval and a1lo�rance of said report, settlement of �aid es'�ate,
<br /> and f or di�charge �,s executrix of said esta�e, and the court ha,v�.ng examined the records and
<br /> f3.les herein and being fully advised in the premiees fi.ndg as follows:
<br /> That on the 7th day of February 19�9 Lillian Williams and Earl Gregory filed their
<br /> petition in this court in which they alle�ed among o�her things tha,t Anna D. Qregory depa�ted
<br /> this liPe ln Hal1 County, Nebraska on the 2nd day of February 19�9, she being a resident arid �
<br /> inha,bitant of said cour��y and leaving a last wi11 and testame�t in which Lillian Will3.ams a.nd I
<br /> Ea�3 Gregory wer� named executrices, which instrument they offered for probate ag the las�G
<br /> will and testa,ment of �aid de�eased, and asking that an executor thereof be appointed; that
<br /> upon reading and filing sa,id petition this eourt en�ered an order fixin� a �ime and plaae for
<br /> hearing said petition and giving no�iee thereof as provided by law, and said ma'�ter coming or�
<br /> to be heard a'G the time fixed by the court, sa3.d ins�rument was duly admitted to probate by
<br /> �his court as �he last will and '�estament of said deceased, and �he said Earl Gregory having
<br /> filed a di$claimer as one of �he exeeutriae8 in said estate,the eourt thereupon issued le�tere
<br /> of a3m3.n3.stra.�ion �o �he �ald Li111an Williams,
<br /> That due and legal notiee ha,s been given to a11 persons of th� time and plaae fixed by the �
<br /> eourt for filing elaims againat said esta'�e, and all claime no� filed within the time fixed by
<br /> the court, if a,�y such there be, should be forever barred, exeluded and en�oined from $etting
<br /> up or as8erting any such claims a.gainst said estate.
<br /> That the d�eeased departed this life leaving as her heirs at law and only heir� at law,
<br /> devi�eea, legateea, and persone enti�led to sha,re in her estate the following nanaed personsi
<br /> Li111an Williams, Daughter, f�rand Island, Nebraska, "
<br /> E�.rl Gregory, Son , �gallala, Nebra�ka, � '
<br /> both over twenty-one (21) yeara of age. ',
<br /> That the dECeased depar�ed �his liFe the owner in fee simple title in and to the follow�.ng
<br /> real es�ate situated in Hall County Nebraska, to-wit: !
<br /> Lot Eight (8) , Block Forty Two (�2) , in 3�useel Wheeler� a Addition �o the Ci�y oP Grand i
<br /> Island, Hall County, Nebrask,a,
<br /> and that gaid real estate hereinbefore deseribed did pass and d6saend under the �erma of the �I
<br /> last w111 and teetament a� follows. To Lillian Williams and Earl Gregory, each an undiv3.ded I
<br /> one-half (�) intereat therein in fee eimple title. '
<br /> Tha,t a11. o�' the claims filed in aa�.d estate ha.ve been fu7.ly paid and aatisPied and tha.t
<br /> Carl E. Willard, the duly appo�.nted, quallPied and acting appraiser for inheritance tax purpoass
<br /> ha.s f3.led his repor� i� said mat�er show�.n� that t�ere is no inheritanee tax due the State
<br /> of Nebraska or th� United Sta�e� of America.
<br /> �'SI�AL DECREE
<br /> Page 2.
<br /> T ha� the final �spor� filed hereln is true and correot in all things and that the same
<br /> should be approved and a.]..lowed aa and for her final �eport in said estate, said e8tate closed,
<br /> and 8a.id exeeutrix and her officlal bondsmen released from any further liability in sa,�.d matter.
<br /> IT IS THEREFORE ORDERE�, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the court tha.t a11 persons having clalms
<br /> �ains� said estate not f3.led within the t3.me Pixed by �he eourt, if any sueh therebe; are
<br /> forever baxred, excluded and en�oined from setting up or asserting any suah alaims againa� said
<br /> e�tate, and tha� the f inal report filed here3.n by Lillian Williams be, and the same hereby ig,
<br /> in all things approved and allowed a8 and f or said exeautrix� final report, and the �aid esta�e
<br /> 8e�tled and elosed, and 8aid executrix and her surety on her official bond are hereby released
<br /> f'rom any further liabil�.ty in 8aid matter. �
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the court that the real e�tate hereinbef ore
<br /> desaribed pass and deec�end und�r and by virtue of �he terms of the la.at will and te�tament oP
<br /> the said Anna D. Gregory, Deceased as followsz
<br /> To Lillian Williams and Earl Gregory, eaeh an urldivided one--hal�' (�) interest �herein in �
<br /> fee simple title, and distr�.bu�ion �hEreof is hEreby aceordingly made.
<br /> 6�ha.rleg Bossert
<br /> CO�TY JUDE3•EE
<br /> l
<br />