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��� <br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNTY <br /> '1:ena Stevens, also I�own as Teenie y. Stevens, who were living on Ja�ua.ry 25, 193�+, and no other child, or ehildxen, <br /> of the said Tena SteQens, also known as Teenie L. Stevena, wa� living on said date of Ja,nnary 25, 193�, a,nd the <br /> s�id he3rs axe all of lega,i age, Sylvia Stevens Knapp having been born on December 31, 1901, Frank I,. Stevens haviag <br /> bean born on March �}, 1910, and Fs.rnest E. Stevens ha.ving been born on December 6, 1918. <br /> 8. The aaid Tena Stevens, deceased, was also l�own a,s Teenie Stevens, Tena L. Stevena, Teenie L. Stevens, <br /> �ena S. Stevens and Teeni.e S. Stevens, and that they were a11 one and the same individual, notwithstanding the <br /> discrep�ncy in names. <br /> I -�+- 9. This estate is not subject to the payment of either �ederal or Sta,te Inheritance Taaes. <br /> IT IS� THEREFORE, ORDF�LD,.�,UJtTDGED �PTD DECBE� BY THE COiJRT that the aforesaid final report, filed herein by <br /> Sylvia Stevens, administratrix of the estate of Tena Ste�rens also l�own as T�nie St v <br /> , L. e ens deceased be <br /> . <br /> . <br /> ar►d the sau►e is hereby in all things approved, confirmed and allowed as and for the said ad.ministratria�e final <br /> report and the said estate is settled and closed. �� <br /> IT IS FtTRTHF�R ORDER�, ADJUDGED AND D�HEID BY THE COtJRT tha,t only one claim has been filed. againat aaid II <br /> estate, whiah has been allowed and paid in fu11; that all expenses �or the last illaess and funeral of the said � <br /> Tena Stevens, deceased, have been �. id in full; that all other earpenses of said estate, inclu�ing Court costs, <br /> publication fees and attorney fees of Paine & Paine, attorneys, have been pa,id in full; tha,t Sylvia Stevens Bnapp� '�, <br /> admi.aistratrix ia said esta.te, has waived her fees as such ad.ministratri$; tha.t all peraons haning claims against � <br /> said estate, not filed within the time fixed by the Court, if any such there be, axe forever barred, excluded aad �, <br /> enjoined from setting up or assertix�g any claims whatsoever against said estate. ' <br /> IT IS FURTHEEt OI�D�tED, AUJtJDGL�) AND DDCR]£ED BY TEE COURTthat the said Tena Stevens, deceased, did not oWn aay , <br /> real estate at the time of her and that all of her personal property remaining in said estate, after ad,justment '� <br /> for the amounts due from Frank I,. Stevens and �a,rnest E. Stevens, is herewith assigaed and pa.i@ to the above three <br /> heirs, share and share alike, and all claims whatsoever of any of the three heirs hereto, against a� of the others <br /> of the said three he3rs, is hereby terminated� ° <br /> I� IS 1�'UETHII3 OBDB'�.�, A�JUDGID AI�ID DF�REF�D BY THE CO'[T8�' that Tena Stevens passed away on the 27th day of °' _:� <br /> September, 19�+g, iatestate, being at that time a citizen and a resident of Hall County, Nebraska, and a widow; that <br /> -5- �he left surviving her as her heirs-at-law, and sole and only heirs-at-la�r, the fol.lowing, �rho axe all more than <br /> twenty-one years of age, na,mely: <br /> Sylvia Stevens S�app, a dau�hter, <br /> of Grand Island, Hebrasl�.; ', <br /> Frank L. Stevens, a son, of Grand <br /> 3�land, �ebraska; <br /> Earnest E. Stevens, a son, of <br /> Lincoln, Nebraska; <br /> and the net bal,asj.ce of this estate remaining in the hands of the administratrix, after p�.ymeat of estate eapen�es <br /> and sub�ject to the terms of said Accounting, shall be and is distributable to said. heira in equa.l shares and there <br /> is due to each of said heirs by said administratria the following sums: <br /> To Sylvia S tevens Sxiapp $Z,2g9•35 <br /> To F'rank I,. S tevens $ g�+9.35 <br /> To P�rnest E, stevens $1,3g9•35 <br /> IT TS FURTHER ORT)ER.ID, ADJUDGT�i AI�ID DPICREID By THE COURT th�,t the said Tena Stevens, deceased, �ras the owner <br /> of life estate, which termix�ated at her death, in and to the following deseribed real estate, to-wit: <br /> The South Ha.lf of the Sonth Half (5�2� of <br /> the �fortheast Qiaarter (N�) of Section <br /> �.'wenty-Eight (28), in Township 2'raelve (12), <br /> North, Range Eleven (Il), �est of the 6th <br /> P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska; <br /> �hich life estate in said propert� she had received nnder, and by virtue of, the 7�ast Will and Testament of Henry <br /> S. Balcom, her father, who passed away on the 25th day of Janusry, �93�+, and whose estate was duly admitted. to <br /> probate by the County Court 4f Hall County, Nebraska, on the 21�rt day of February, 193�, and a finaZ decree of <br /> distribution ura,s entered in said estate on the 30th day of October, �93�+, Paragraph "EIGHTH" of sa�d Will and <br /> Testament of Henry S. Balcom, deceased, was as follo�rs: <br /> "I give and deviae to Teenie L. Stevens, <br /> Fqy d.aughter, for the period of her natural <br /> Iife, without poxe� in her to alienate or <br /> incumber the same, the south ha.lf of the ••-�'�� <br /> south ha.lf of the northeast quarter of <br /> Section Turenty-eight (2g), in Tooan.ship <br /> �relve (12) North, Range Eleven (IZ) West <br /> of the 6th P.M., in Hall Countg, Nebrasl�,, <br /> and the remainder over, after the of <br /> the said Teenie I,. Stevens, I give and de- � <br /> vise to �y grandchildren, children of the > <br /> said Teenie L. Stevens, and to the sur- A <br /> vivors of them living at the time of my � <br /> �6_ <br /> death, share and share alike." <br /> The said real estate was distributed accordingly, in said final decree. I+�.irther, the sole and only heira-at-law <br /> of the said `�ena Stevens, aZso �o�rn as Teenie L. Stevens, decBased, namely,. Sylvia Stevens &iapp, �`rank L. SteQens <br /> and �lsrnest E. Stevens, are the identical persons, who were the sole and only children oY the said Teaa Stevens, <br /> also lmown as Teenie L. Stevena, deceased, who were living on Januar� 25, 193�, and no other child or children, of <br /> the said Tena Stevens, also Irnown as Teenie L. Ste4ens, deceased, was living on said date of Januaxy 25, �93�, and <br /> �he said heirs are aZl pf legal age, $ylvia Stevens Rnapp ha.ving been born on December 31, 1901, Fraak I,. Stevena <br /> been born on March �+, 1910, and �,rnest E. Stevens having been born on December 6, 191g. <br /> IT IS FT7RTFiER ORUF�, ADJUDQ�ED AND D�REID BY THE COtJRT that the said Tena Stevens, deceased, was also l�iown ` <br /> as iesnia L. Stevens, aa reYerred to in the Laet W3.11 and Testament of her father, the said Henry S� Balcom, deeeased� <br /> and that the sa3d Tena Stevens �nd the said Teenie L. Stevens were one and the same individual, notvri.thetanding the ` <br /> digcrepaxlcy in names. �.i.rther, the said Tena 5tevens, deeeased, was also ltnown as Teenie Stevena, Tena L. Stevens, <br /> Teenie I,. Ste4ens, Tena S. Stevens and Teenie S. Stevens, a.nd that they ro�ere all one and the individ,�a,al, <br /> notwithstanding the discrepancy in names. <br /> .:z <br />