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<br /> If the amaunts beld�y.�der for Esaow Items exceed tke a�ounts pa�mitred to be hetd by RESPA,Lead�sha11 _ ,.
<br /> ---. ascouni to H�aea faz tII�.eacoess fands as reqaued by RFSPA If the amou�us of funds held hy Ia�der a3 auy time .
<br /> , °;��� are nai su�iisieni tn�y tks.Fsixow Items whea due,Leade,r ma}+no�ty tite Hmrower and cequire Bormwed to make up _ -• , ; � -
<br /> . - ---- the shortage as gecavu�d by.it�$P�. - - _
<br /> � ` :. 1�e Fscrow Fund�ate,pis�g�d as addmnnai seauiry far all sums seaued by this Seaaityr Ins�ameat If Boa�wer `. �. ..
<br /> �t• teadets to LendBt tha�:Aa�tit o�all sach su�.Boamwe,�s aflcount shall be cred�d v,itD the balanoe rc�ainmg for �,���. �>� ." .
<br /> - , - aIl �21UAeAI iie(aS(S,'a,(�k���ctd(c)aad any martgage ms�aace pm�nun mstalImeat that I.eader has not beco�e �,:,v,'�w;� . .�-.
<br /> - - ohligated to pap w tk�SCC�y,and Laade�s4aD PmmPU3►zefuad any excess frmds m Borro�i� ImmediateIy p�ior w ��,:E:;�:,�'`_;Y ..
<br /> � '.� a fu�edosure�af t�a,Pcc�+.as its.�sition by Lended,Boiroerer's account shall be creditQd wirh any balaace t . -., ``. ��-.
<br />- - �. � ieiva�fax aD'utaisitm�t��a�iuems(a),N),aIId(c?. , •�r'`:. � ..
<br /> , 3.A�ak t�t Pa�ip.�sta All PaYm�ts ander p3ia�aphs 1 and 2 sTaali 6e applied bS►Lender as foIIos�r� `" �� ,
<br /> . . . �,o�.tha ma�qay�intc�ce p�eminm to be Paid bS'I.eader to the Secretary or ro the moniLlY c�UY_t�e •
<br /> :� . . . .. .. . _-�v.- �a�et�ryins�xt.uftka,m�lg:i�artg�age�oepmmium; _.`-
<br />"` ' . �Sb�auy,ta3�s,�a1 a�e�eut4.Leasehotd payments or graand reat�,and fse,itood and othea h�rd
<br /> �. < < ,,'.•�,,�;� ., r.:. • .
<br />_ ';%j.5� "�-� ����3�ta4r.osr * . ..p�. F:_
<br /> .'',i��:f� .f.�1� ����w��a�iNM��µ '* 'M ' .
<br /> ,Y F4 illei 1\� �:C' .
<br /> �� �;Y° `',' �,w amat�iutt.a�lbe p�cigal of the Nnr�� .
<br /> .__. . _ � 1 � �,to Ja3e rhatBxs daa anda We.Nate. �. �:=` -
<br /> :.ri:��_ :�ar-��-':.
<br /> . . ��i` �b l�.�tamt,ac�d4 Uther Ha�rd Insarauo�Bumiwea sbalf irr�e aD impmve�tq on th�Prop�ty,whether �;'`��� ;.
<br /> � naw�Ci eaist��t sals9u�a�sIY�,ag�st anY Q�a�ds, t+�.and contingencies,inci�ag fi�fnr whic6 - -�-;�`' ` z'.-
<br /> � , ' '' Lende�r nequi�a�ZLis iaguagnce sdall lse mai�u�in the amounts and far the periods�t t�end�a�• . .;. .` �'� ".
<br /> _-: o . ._:t Ba�savre��11�Sa�a l l i�nDmveme�ts on the P m p e�t y,wheth�now in existeace or sabsequw�dy eiessecf,�st r,"`�`'���.'�,.'..
<br /> - - - .,a fmss by ttgo�tn t�e.eu�t req�ed bY the Seiretary.A11 ia�uance s6all be cffiried cviih companies a�roved tty�ad�a. ;>"::���` �.:::
<br /> ' - ° - .
<br /> -- : Tae�tmicaies mid anyr renewals st�aII be 4etd by Lender and shall include loss payable clavses in favor of,and --• � �: '
<br /> �, ' � ia a faan aao�t��ta;� � : �.:��� E
<br /> � � '` _ In d�e eve�t uf!asv.B�swar shaII give Latde��aotice hy ma�7.Leader may make pr�of of la�s ff rin:t i..
<br /> `. .. � � ��<•��A,-
<br /> � . '"'f;� -- , mada pt+o�ttpt�N bY.Ba�u�EacA�ce c�ga3g�is hca�by auth�3�d�d directed tn a�ake Day�� ;�"��� _
<br /> ag 1.•
<br /> ''''�� sn�d Iars�Y,t�i.ezuPe�iu�aadof�B�rnw�r ascY as •L�stea�.�}� AII ar�}��;�y of the�ce �.�y • �;%j� � ,`-
<br /> � juuaa+I• ""i LL�."� �7 I :
<br /> ...5_.:..'�_I-'����i�.��_
<br /> . � � be appliad hy�F�.�s ir�cr*tion,eitker fa)m the reducaon of[ii.�ebtedness uadea the Note and this Sec�aity � . 1,�_
<br /> - ._ ins�umehr�.�t or.g�'•�t amounis�p]ied in the mrd�in p�b 3,and t�to prepaymeut af prmapal,m =��''
<br /> r� (b)o�the.s�on ar r�qf the daznaged Propeity.Aay epp�iaa of the proceeds W the prmcipal shall not euend �" "'( "r�-
<br /> pr c�p ' �
<br /> �;- .. . . ._ . f `';.?���:-. y.
<br /> . or po�ae the due date cf�ae monthly gayme,n�wWch ace refe�re�t4 in pare�ayh 2.or cLaz►ge the amouat of s�s6
<br /> ae � �
<br /> paymaata,Any e�xces�msruaacc pmcecds ooer an amount required w pay all autstaading indebtedness�mder We Nate � �.'}'�"'t�' __
<br /> . . S4
<br /> � '` � �d ddaSCOmity IasommeuishaU be paid w the entity Iegally ea�dtled the�. '`�`� �.:�:���
<br /> + .. " . '
<br /> '. ,. ��_ . ' In d�a.eve�t of foseciasuce of tLis Sec�uity Insa�umea�t or othe,r transfer of 6ule ro the Pmp�ty drat e�tiagdish�the „ :;�;;n.
<br /> <; , ,� indabiadne3s.all righ�titte�d irrtece,st of Bomawer in and co msarance policies in farce s6all pass w the p�a. _
<br /> R . � �:i S.tt�wpanc�,,Pees�rvatton,Mabatenenoe and�+ot¢ct[on of the�roper�+; Bom►wer's l.uan Appi�n; ' —
<br /> � ,'i�,r'�;� � .� Les�ottia.�Boraower sball ocwpy.establ�sh.and ase Q�e Ympedrrty as Bormwei's pr�cipal residc�ce avithin s�cp�rs ��� --
<br /> Ymp t
<br /> -. � ` . �.:;, aflet�t�a.e��utian�of this Se�ufiy InsWment(or witAin sucty days of a laici sale or or�sfer of t�PnapPaty)and sf�alt - -. -,-..:,�,�
<br /> '� oandntta�ou aacr�y the Proparty as BaA!a�rr's pr3acipal residence C�r at Ieast one year after t�;date of axupaac.y, � � --
<br /> ��. . . # unleqs Len��r dete�miae,s that requsement wilf quse andue h�dEhig Fer Baaower.ar tmless e�u�g cirauasmnces . • . :�'';;':,`
<br /> � � • �- � .
<br /> - aziss v�bicA are beyond Hoaowrr's controL Bormcv�stka'J aotify Lendea of�y extr�uuating c�am�taaces.Ba�owa •-_�:��:�
<br /> :,� ex u ,;,�:�,:.:-_
<br /> �� • � si�ati aat oommit waste ar destmy,dam�ge or sub�y change the Propeaty or allow the Property oo d�ate, � _
<br /> ?�~ .'• ' � �. _
<br /> , � .'� reas�abla,wc�a and te�excepred.Lend�may insQeca. �°Propary if We P�operty is wacant or a�a.v�nned or the tQan is .
<br /> ��t �� ae defenlp L�der may talce masona6la actiou t� protect and presanre such vacant a� �aandoned ProFe�ty. . _
<br /> `lT . '�� ���. . . .
<br /> �Z . . . ` /'iij�:. . •. .
<br /> _ :� _ . . ��� ' .. � . .
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