`�'� �
<br /> 28081—The Augustine Co., Graad Island, Nebr.
<br /> that upon filing receipts for said amounts, said ac�ministrator be dischar�ed and he and his surety
<br /> released from all further liability on their official bond. .
<br /> II.
<br /> That M�,ry Caroline 2�IcNer�ney died inteatate on November l�, 19�+7, a resident of Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska; that she left surviving her a son, Frank Murie, and dau�hters, Rose Theondel, t�4ary
<br /> Danneel, ���rrs. Dora C. Menck, and Mrs. Anna ti'�eber, who are �he sole and only heirs of her estate.
<br /> Charles Bossert
<br /> � oun y u ge
<br /> In the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> Certif.icate
<br /> ) ss. I, Charles Bossert County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) certify �hat I have comp�,red the foregoing copy of Final Decree entered
<br /> the or3.�;inal record thereof, no?� rem�.ining in said Court, that the s�.me is a correct transcript
<br /> thereof, and of the �ahole of such origi.nal record; that said Court is a Court o�' Record having a
<br /> seal, �rhich se�l is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk a.uthorized to sign cer'��.f icatea
<br /> in his oc�n name, and that I am the legal cu�todlan of said Sea.l and of the Records of said Court,
<br /> and tliat thp foregoing attest�tion is in due form of law.
<br /> TN TE5TI1�40NY '°1HEREOF I have hereunto s et my hand and affixed the sea�l of the County Court,
<br />' �.t Granc� Island, this 19th day of January 19�9-
<br /> (SEAL) _ Charles Bossert
<br /> • oun y Ju ge.
<br /> Fi1ed for rPCOrc� this 20 day of Janua,ry 194g, a,t 9 0' clock A.M. ,,� � ��
<br /> � �ui
<br /> �eg�ls�er o�ee�s
<br /> o-a-o_o-o-o-o_o-�_o-o_�_o_a_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_�_a-o-o-o_o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o.-o-o-o_�-o-o a
<br /> In the 1�Iatter of the EstU.te of )
<br /> Arthur H. T,^Tegner, Deceased. )
<br /> BE IT REMEMBr'�ED that on this 19th day of January, A.D. , 1949, it being the day fixed for
<br /> approving the fin�l �ccoun't af the aclmini�tra�or and hearing on his petition for final settlement
<br /> and determination of heirship, �nd it appearing from proof on file that due notice �as given by
<br /> publication, of' the time herPtofore fixed for said hearin�, and there being no ob�jectlon5 on file,
<br /> �.nd the court being fu11y advised in the premises finds:
<br /> l. That Arthur H. �MTe�ner died intestate on July 2, 194�, a resident of Ha11 County, Nebraska;
<br /> that he �.eft surviving him as his next of kin and 'neir5 at law, a widow, Marie T�I. '�Jegner, and a
<br /> father, He"rman T�Tegner, and a mother, P�Ie�a Wegner, all of Grand Z sland, Hall County, Nebraska; tha.t
<br /> he left no living children nor the l�.ving issue of any decea.sed children, and �hat �he above-named
<br /> persons are his sole and only heirs at latiAr.
<br /> 2. That on August 11, 194�, Charl�:e T. vyJe�;ner �aas appoin�ed administrator of his estate,
<br /> qualified as such �,nd has been acting in said capacity ever since.
<br /> 3. That due notice was given to creditors of the time limited in which to file claims
<br /> �gG.inst said esta.te and tha.t such time has duly expired; 'Ghat no claims were filed in said. estate,
<br /> a,nd that the widot�, �Iarie M. T^de�ner paid the funeral expenses a�d expenses of the last illness,
<br /> totaling �744.61; that the further presentation of claims against said est�,te has been barred by
<br /> the former order of_ this court; that there is no inheritance t�.x due the State of Nebraska and no
<br /> Fed.eral Estate Tax due the United States of Amexica.
<br /> 4. The Pirst ��nd final report of the administrator filed herein is in al1 thin�s �rue, cor-
<br /> rect and complete and �hould be ap�roved anc� allowed as his fin�,l report; that there rer�ains in
<br /> his h�nds �'or distribution the sum of �5, 9�+.26; that Charlie T. �Vegner, administrator her.ein is
<br /> entitled to a commission and payment for his, services of �170.00 as provided by law; �hat Donald
<br /> H. Weaver is entitI.ed to a fee of ��-20.00 for services rendered in this court; th�,t the court
<br /> costs herein are �5�.00; leav�ng a bal�nce of `�5, 296.26 in 'Ghe hands of the administrator for
<br /> distribution.
<br /> 5., That Herman 7�legner and Pdeta ��egner on the 23rd day of August, 19��, assigned all their
<br /> rights, title and interest in anc� to said estate to �he w3.dow, Marie M. ?�egner.
<br />� 6. That the saicl Arthur H. 'rJegner died seized �nd �ossessed of the Southeast Quarter. of the
<br /> Northwest 4,uar'�er and a strip of �round two (2) rods wide off the East encl of the Southwest
<br /> Quarter al1 in Section 1Z, Township 11, R�,r�ge 10, ',�TPSt of the 6th PM. , Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> which accordin�; to lat� anc� the assignments herein descends and is assi�ned to M�.rie M. Wegner.
<br /> �•
<br /> Th�,t the re�ort of Charlie T. We�;ner, ac�ininistr�tor, filed herein, be and the s�.me is hereby
<br /> in all thin�s approved and a1lo�ved as and for hls final �ccount and in full settlement of his
<br /> �rust; �h�.t the balance in his hands of �5,9�+4. 26 be assigned as follows, to-wit: .
<br /> To Charlie T. ��1e�ner, administrator � s fees and services � 170.00
<br /> To Donald H. f��Ieaver, attorney fees �+20.00
<br /> To Charles �ossert, court costs 5�.00
<br /> To T�7arie M. C�e�ner, re�idue and remainder of the estate 5, 296.26
<br /> Tot�.l �5, 94�.26
<br /> that upon filing receipts fbr said ar.lount that sa�d �,dministratar be discharged ancl he and his
<br /> surety released Prom all fur'�her liability on their• offici�.l bond.
<br /> II.
<br /> That Arthur H. ��'egner died in'Gestate on July 2, 19��, a resident of Ha11 County, Nebraska;
<br /> that he Ieft surviving him a widow, r�Iarie P�I. Wegner and a fa.ther, Herman �aegner, and �, mother,
<br /> Neta T°Jegner, s�rho are the sole and only heirs of his est�,te; that the saic� Herman r�legner and Meta
<br /> TrSegner have assigned all th�ir ri�ht, title and interest in and to said estate to Marie M. ��legner;
<br /> that the said Arthur H. '^regner died seized and possessed of the Southeas� Quarter of the Northwest
<br /> Quarter. and a strip of �round two �2) rods tiaide o#'f the East end of the �outhwest �uarter all in
<br /> Section . 11, Township 11, Range 1Q, �lest of the 6th PM. , Hall County, Nebraska, which is hereby a�-
<br /> signed to the said r:arie M. ?�Tegner. Charles BoaSert
<br /> � au y u ge
<br />