<br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNT�'
<br /> Annie Y�I. Button, an undivided one-third interest
<br /> Frank F. Button, an undivided one-sixth interes�
<br /> Hattie Engleman, an undivided one-sixth interest
<br /> Percy L. Button, an undivided one-sixth �.nter�st
<br /> C3aude Button, an undivided one-sixth interest
<br /> THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that J . Porter Button t�ras sometimes known as J. P . Button and some-
<br /> times known as Porter J. Button during his lifetime and that 5aid names, insofar as they relate
<br /> to the above described real estate, describe one and the sa�me person and the true name of that
<br /> �erson is J. �'orter Button.
<br /> this life in Hall County, Nebraska, on the 18th day of January, 19�8, he being a'� that time and
<br /> resident and inhab3.tant of Ha1l County, Nebraska; that he left surviving him as his sole and only
<br /> heirs at �.ati•r, the following:
<br /> Annie -M. Button, ti�ridow
<br /> Frank P. Button, son
<br /> Hattie Engleman, daughter
<br /> Percy L. Button, son
<br /> Claude Button, son
<br /> that the s€�.id heirs at 1aw are entitled to the snares set out af'ter their names in any real or ;
<br /> personal property of the deceased.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORllERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that said estate is not sub,�ect to
<br /> inheritance tax as shown by an Order heretof ore entered by this Court, a copy of which is hereto
<br /> attached and made a part of this Decree.
<br /> I'T IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DE�REED BY THE COURT that all claims filed against
<br /> said estate have been �aid; that the �ime within which to file claims has fully expired, as pro-
<br /> vzded 'ay the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that if there b� any claims against said es�a�e
<br /> and not filed, the same are forever barred and excluded.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED ATdD DECREED BY THE COURT that the f ollowing described real
<br /> estate ��as owned by the deceased at the time of his dea�h:
<br /> The Southwest Quarter (SW�) of Section Eight (8) , in To�mship N3.ne (9) , North, Range Eight
<br /> (8) , '+^Test of the 6th P.M. Hamilton County, Nebraska;
<br /> The South Ha1f (S�) of the Sautheast Quarter (SE4) of Section Nineteen (19} , Township Nine
<br /> (9) , Nor�h, Range Ten (ZO) , West of the 6th P.��. , Ha11 County, Nebraska, containing, according to
<br /> th� United States survey thereof, eighty (80) acres;
<br /> and that the same did pass and descend as f ollows: "
<br /> Annie M. Button, an undivided one-third interest
<br /> Frank P. Button, an undivided one-sixth interest
<br /> Ha�tie Engleman, an undivided one-sixth interest
<br /> Percy L. Button, an undivided one-sixth interest
<br /> Claude Button, an undivided one-sixth irterest
<br /> TT TS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY T�3E COURT that J. Porter Bu�ton was also known
<br /> as J. P. Button and Porter J. Button, and that said names describe one and the same person inso-
<br /> f ar as they may relate to or be connected with the �above described real estate, and the true name
<br /> of that person is J. Porter Button.
<br /> . IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the Final Report of the admin-
<br /> istratrix is accepted a.s a true and correct report of her doings as such administratrix; �hat she
<br /> ia released as such �.dninistratrix ana her bondsmen are likewise released f rom any and , liability.
<br /> Charles Bossert
<br /> OF ) ORDER
<br /> This matter comin� on to be heard this 22 day of December, 19?�8, on the Petition of Annie
<br /> M. Button, administratrix of the above eatate, said Petition requesting the Court to determine
<br /> that the above estate is not sub,�ect to inheritance tax, and the Court being fully advised, finds
<br /> that the follot�rin� are the sole and only heirs at lati�;, of �he deceased:
<br /> Annie P=1. Button, widow
<br /> Frank P. Button, son
<br /> Hattie Engleman, daughter
<br /> Percy L. Button, son
<br /> Claude Button, son
<br /> th�� said heirs are entitled to the folloising shares:
<br /> Annie M. Button, o:ae-third interest
<br /> Franls P. ButLon, one-six�h interest ,
<br /> Hattie Engleman, one-�ixth interes'�
<br /> Percy L. Bu�ton, one-sixth interest
<br /> Claude But�on, one-six�h interest
<br />' THE COURT FURTHER FITJDS that said es�a'�e has no person�.1. assets except a motor car whieh
<br /> has been assigned to the administratrix in lieu of her exemptions and that the real assets of the
<br /> estate are as fOiiQWS:
<br /> Parcel l:
<br /> The Sou'�hwest �uarter (SW�) of Section Eight (8) , in ToVrnship Nine (9) North, Range Eigh�G (8) ,
<br /> WeSt of the bth P.T�. , Hami�ton County, Nebraska;
<br /> �
<br />