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<br /> 4� �.
<br /> NO. 9 H1�LL COUNTY
<br />, and payable to �he Treasurer of the State of Nebra.ska wha�soever herein; that the final report
<br /> of said Executor is correct in a11 respects and should be approved and allowed; tha� all of the
<br /> remaining assets of said es�ate in his hands have been transferred, set over and assigned by him
<br /> unto said Herbert F. Glover, the sole beneficiary under the Last Will and Testamen� of said Ed-
<br /> ward D. Glover, deceased, his receipt for which is on f ile with this Cour� and that said estate
<br /> has been fu11y settled by sa�.d Executor.
<br /> IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the final report of Herbert
<br /> F. Glover, Executor, be and the same is hereby approved and allowed as such; that Edward D. Glover
<br /> and E. D. Glover were one and the same persons, irrespec�ive of the diserepency in their names as
<br /> app�ars of reeord with respect to any securities or real estate hereinbefore described; tha.t said
<br /> Herber'� F. Glover, is over the age of 21 years; that the property described in paragraph Fifth
<br /> hereof, was devised and bequ�athed according to the terras And provisions of said Las't Wi11 and
<br /> Testament of said Ed�a�ard D. Glover and that there re�ains no property in the hands of said �xecutor
<br /> undistributed and that he therefore be and hereby is discharged, hia bond released and said es�ate
<br /> fully administered, settled and closed.
<br /> TN ti�TITNESS L�FiEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the County Court of Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska, this �:,Z'�td day of December, 19�8.
<br /> Charles Bosser�
<br /> (SEAL) County Judge
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) T, Charles Bossert County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do here-
<br /> ) by certify that I have compared �he f oregoing copy of Final Decree
<br /> with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that 'i
<br /> the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that said
<br /> Court is a Cour�G of Record havin� a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no
<br /> Clerk authorized to si�n cer�if icates in his own name, and that I axn the 1ega1 custodian of said ,
<br /> Sea1 and of the Records of said Court, and that the forego3.ng attestation is in due form of la��r.
<br /> I further certify that a copy of the Last '�1i11 and Testa,ment of said deceased, and the Cer-
<br /> tifica�� of Probate thereof, is embodied in and made a par'� of said Fina1 Decree.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY �^JHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed �he seal of the County Cour'�,
<br /> at Grand Isl,and, this 22nd day of December 1948.
<br /> Charles Bossert
<br /> (SEAL) County Judge.
<br /> Filed for record this 22 day of December, 19�8 at �:4�5 o� clock P.M. ���P�/
<br /> �" Register of Deeds
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<br /> Now on this 21st day of April, 19�8, this cause came on for hearing on the Fina1 Report of
<br /> Harry Grimminger, Administrator of the Estate of Roscoe A. ti�Jhite, deceased; and it ap�?earing to
<br /> the satisfaction of the Court �hat notice as required by 1aw has been given to a11 persons inter-
<br /> ested as to the filing of said report and the time fixed for fina.l settlement of said estate, by
<br /> pub3ication, and no ob,�ection or protest has been filed, and on exaxnination thereof the Court finds
<br /> that said report is correct in a11. respects and ought to be approved and allowed as the Final Re--
<br /> port of sa�d administrator.
<br /> THE COURT FURTHER FINDS �hat notie�, as required by law, was given to all creditors of said
<br /> deceased of the time and place ap�o3.nted f or filing of claims against said estate and the timE
<br /> all.owed for filing claims is fully expired; that a11 claims filed and allowed against said estate
<br /> have been paid and satisf'led and �hat a7.1 claims outstand3.ng against said estate and not so filed,
<br /> if any such there be, are forever barred and excluded.
<br /> THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that Roacoe A. �Ihite d�parted this life intesta'�e, on the 22nd day
<br /> of Au�ust, 19�'7, he being at that time a resident and inhabitant of Hall County, Nebraska; '�hat
<br /> he left surviving him as his heirs at law and only heirs at lati,r, the following named persons :
<br /> Pearl E. Ham, aister, Honey Creek, Iot��ra
<br /> Jesse J. ti�Jhite, brother, Winner, Sou�h Dakota
<br /> Ray R. �+Ihite, brother, Visa].ia, Ca,lifornia
<br /> THE COURT FURTHER FINDS �hat Roscoe A. �Vhite died possessed of the f ollowing described real
<br /> estate situated in Hall County, Nebras'�a:
<br /> Lot Seventeen (17) , Block Five (�) , College Addition to ti��est Lawn, City of Grand Tsland,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> THE COURT FURTHER FTNDS that under the law;, of' the State of Nebraska, the above deacribed
<br /> real es�ate, as well as cash now in the hands of the administrator, does pass and descend to the
<br /> abov� named si��er and brothers in equal shares.
<br /> THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that neither the estate nor the beneficiaries �hereof are sub�ect 2
<br /> to the payment of any estate or inheritance tax.
<br /> IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that all persons are for�ver
<br /> barred and excluded from f�.ling any claims or demands against said estate, and that the same is •
<br /> fu11y settled and closed.
<br /> TT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED ATdD DECREED BY THE COURT that the real and personal property
<br /> above deacribed, did pass and descend, upon the death of Roscoe A. White, under the terms and
<br /> provisions of the laws of �he S�Gate of Nebraska, to the following persons:
<br />