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�. - - - — <br /> ��!� <br /> NO. � HALL� COUNTY <br /> h d distribution of the same between all of the <br /> had on hand the sum of �- 6. and that s e ma e <br /> �3 7 73, <br /> heirs oP Mary D. Voeke, deceased; th a� each received the sum of �434.59; subsequently thereto, <br /> the said William L. Vocke paid his indebtedness to the executrix in the aum oP �1,000.00, and that <br /> the same was distributed between the heirs of Mar D. Vocke, deeeased, each receiving �125.00; that <br /> the said Harry H. Vocke failed to pay the sum oP �700.00 due said estate, and that his interest in <br /> the estate above-described paBSed and descended aub�ect to the paymen't of the sum of �700.00 which <br /> �700.00 ahould be diatributed between the heirs of Mary D. Vocke, deceased, each ree�iving ��7. 50. <br /> IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the rea� eatate of the said <br /> Mary D. Vocke, above described, dic3 pass and descend as above set forth to her heirs named in the <br /> second paragraph of her Last Wil1 and Testament; that the use and income from the Northwest Quarter <br /> of Seetion 2 1n Township 11, North, Range 10, West of the 6th P.M. in Ha11 County, Nebra,ska was <br /> given and bequeathed to Frances Vocke, for a period of 20 yeaxs af�er the death of '�he said Mary <br /> D. Vocke; that her death occurred on July 23, 19�+3, and that said Frances Vocke s�iall have the use <br /> and income from the above-described real es'Cate until the 23rd d.a,y oP July, 1.963. <br /> The Court Purther finds tha.t all oP the other above-described real estate did pass and descend <br /> at the death o�' the said Mary D. Vocke under the terms of the Last Will and Testament, to her childrer� <br /> Harry H. Vocke, W3.11iam L. Voeke, John B. Vocke, George W. Vocke, Dora vocke Rose, Fredericka Vocke <br /> Manion, Frances Vocke, and Marie Vocke Zorn in equal snares to each, and that upon the death of the <br /> said Frances Vocke her li�'e estate in the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 11, Range 10, <br /> will terminate on July 23, �963, or upon the death of the said Frances Vocke, and that upon the ter- <br /> mination of said life estate, the said Northwest Quarter of Section 2, in Townshlp 11, Idcr�rth of <br /> Range 10 in Hall County, Nebraska shall pass and descend to the survivin� brothers an d 9lsters of <br /> the eaid Frances Vocke, or their representatives thereof under the 'Cerms of the wi11 of Mary D. <br /> Vocke, deceased. <br /> IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the other above-described <br /> real estate did pags and descend at the death oP the said P�ary D. �ocke under the terms of the Last <br /> will and Testament, to her ch3ldren, Harry H. Vocke, William L. Vocke, John B. Vocke, George W. <br /> Voeke, Dora Vocke Rose, Fredericka Vocke Manion, Frances Vocke, and Marie Vocke Zorn in equal ahares <br /> to each, and that upon the death of the said Frances Vocke her life estate in the Northwest Quarter <br /> of Section 2, Township 11, Range 10, will terminate on July 23, 1963, or upon the death of the sa.3d <br /> Frances Vocke, and that upon the termina�ion of said liPe estate, the said Northwest Quarter of <br /> Section 2, in Township 11, North of Range 10 3.n Ha11 County, Nebraska shall pass and descend to the <br /> surviving brothers and s�.sters of the said Frances Vocke, or their representatives thereoP under <br /> the terms of the wi11 of Mr�ry D. Vocke, deceased. <br /> The Court further finds that Leo F. Vocke, one of the children and legatees of Mary D. Vocke, <br /> deceased, departed this li.fe on July 10, 19�1; that he preceded his mother in death; that he was <br /> not married, and left no children or heirs-a�-law surviving him except his mother, Mary D. Vocke, <br /> and that by reason of his death the share which he would have �.nherited under said LaBt Will and <br /> Testament passed and descended to his brothers and sisters named in the second paragraph of the <br /> Will of Mary D. vocke, deceased. <br /> IT IS THFREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDC�ED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the said Leo F. Vocke, died <br /> vn July 10, 1941 previous to the death of Mary D. Vocke, deceased; that he was not married, left <br /> no cYiildren or other heira surviving him, except his mother, Mary D. Vocke, and that the share <br /> wh�ch would have passed to him under the will passed and descended to his brothers and sistera a$ <br /> named in the Second Paragraph oP the Will of Mary D. Vocke, deceased. <br /> 1"'! IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT that all of' the claims and debts <br /> against said estate have been paSd, and if there are any claims outstanding, the same are forever <br /> barred and precluded. <br /> IT IS FUATHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT tha� Frances Vocke, executrix under <br /> the Last Will and Te�tament of Mary D. Voeke, deceased, has made distribution of all funds remain- <br /> in� and coming into her hands, as executrix; that receipts have been filed for the distributive <br /> ahares of each of the heirs, and legatees named under said �rill; that said estate is not sub,�ect to <br /> inherltance tax under the Laws of the State of Nebraska, or of the United 3tates. <br /> IT IS FURTH ER ORDERED, ADJUD(�ED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT that this Bupplemental Decree is <br /> hereby entered, and that the Decree heretofore entered is hereby amended as set forth herein, and <br /> that said eata'�e is finally settled an d closed, and the executrix released and discharged as se'� <br /> for�h in the F1na1 Decree heretofore entered. <br /> Charles Bossert <br /> oun y u ge <br /> In the County Court oP Hall County, Nebraska <br /> Certificate <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) <br /> }ss. I, Charles Bossert County Jud�e of Ha11 County, Nebraska, do hereby <br /> HALL COUNTY ) certiPy that I have compared the foregoing copy of Supplemental Decree <br /> en�ered IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY D. VOCKE, DECEASED, with the <br /> original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, <br /> and oP the whole oY sueh original record; that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal, which <br /> eeal is hereto attached; tha'� said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own <br /> naxne, and that I am the legal of said 9ea1 and of the R�pords of said Court, and that the <br /> Poregoing attestation is in due Porm of law. ' <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have her eunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, at <br /> Grand Island, this 2nd da,y of November 19�. <br /> (SEAL) Charles Bossert <br /> oun y u ge. <br /> Filed Por record thie 2 day of November 194�, a't 4;45 0 ' clock P.P�. <br /> , <br /> � e ster o e <br /> �'�-� ��� . <br /> o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o--o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o_o-o_oG��-o-o-o-o_o-o o_o <br />