<br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNTY
<br /> FzRST
<br /> That August Jacob Stoldt departed this life on the 13th day of June, 1947, at his home in
<br /> Qrand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraeka, intestate and at the time of his death he was a resident of
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> SECOND
<br /> That on the 25th day of June, 1947, Anna 3toldt, wi dow of said August Jacob Stoldt, deceased,
<br /> fiiled in this Court a petition praying Por the appointment of ESnil J. Voss as Administrator oP the
<br /> e$-tate of said deceased, and on the 25th day of June, 1947, �,n order of this Court Court was made _2-
<br /> �therein assigning the 23rd day of July, 1947, at 1.0 0 � clock A.M. at the County Court�oom in said
<br /> County as the time and place for hearing said petition, and ordering that notice of the pendeney
<br /> oP said petition and hearing thereon be given to al 1 persons interested in said matter by publish-
<br /> in� sa3.d notice in the arand Island Independent, a Iegal newspaper printed in said Coun�y for three
<br /> successive weeks prior to said day af hearing, and it appears by proof on Yile that notice oP said
<br /> order was given as ordered by this Court.
<br /> THIRD
<br /> The Court �urther finds �hat said Emil J. Voss named in aaid petition was, upon his giving
<br /> bond in the sum o�f �5,000.00 as ordered by this Court, appointed Administrator as prayed; the Court
<br /> fur'ther finds that the deceased a'� the time of his death, was maxried and that he le�t the follow- ;
<br /> in� heirs-at-law: Anna Stoldt, his widow, and Robert August Stoldt, a grandson, bein�^ the only j
<br /> child of a predeceased son oP said decedent, which said grandson was born April 1, 19�1, and is
<br />" under the age o� 21 years.
<br /> FO URTH - �
<br /> Tha.t on the 23rd day .of July, 19�+7, an order was made herein allowing creditors three montha
<br /> Pram and after the 20th day of Augus�, 19�+7, in which to file their claims against said estate, '
<br /> and said Administrator one year in whieh to settle said estate, and further ordering that a notice
<br /> to creditors be pub].ished in the arand Island Independent, a legal newspaper published and eircu-
<br /> lating in Hall County, Nebraska, Por three successive weeks prior to the 20th day of August, 19�+7,
<br /> and that a hearing on eZaims Piled againet said estate would be held at the o�fice of the County !,
<br /> Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, on November 22, 19�+7, at 9 o 'clock A.M., and it appears by prooP '
<br /> on file that notice of said Order wa3 publlshed as ordered by this Court.
<br /> FIFTH
<br /> The Court Purther finds tha.t on the 22nd day of Ma,y, �94�, said Emi1 J. Voss, as Administrator,
<br /> filed in th�.s Court his Inventory with a copy thereof for the County Assessor of Hall County, Ne-
<br /> braaka, af the property oP said estate, and that according to said Inventory, the deceased died
<br /> seized and possessed of the following described property, to-wit : ,
<br /> REAL ESTATE -3- '''
<br /> East Ha1Y of the Northwest Quarter (E�NW�) and the Northwest Quarter oP the Northwest Quarter I
<br /> �NW�NW�) of Section Fifteen (15) in Townahip Twe1vE (12) North, Range Nine (9) , West of the 6th
<br /> P.M. , sub,�ect to xailroad r3.ght-of-way and containing approximately 117 acres.
<br /> North Ha7.f of the Northeast Quarter (N2NE4) and the Ea.st Twenty-four E Z�) aQres of the Northeast
<br /> Quarter of the Northwe5t Quaxter (NE�NW�) all in Section Sixteen (16) , Township Twelve (12) North,
<br /> Raxige Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> LotB�x (6) in Block Four (�-� in Windolph Addition in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Ne-
<br /> braska, according to the recorded plat thereof, being the homestead of said decedent at the time '
<br /> of his death and in which his widow, Anna Stoldt, claims a homestead interest.
<br /> 1 1931 Chevrolet sedan automobile; household furniture
<br /> Certificate No. 534 of Farmers Union Cooperative Cream and Pro$uce Co. of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> for 1 share of stock of par value of �1.00.
<br /> Certifica�e No. 936 oP Farmers Union Cooperative Cream and Produce Co. oP Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> for 9 sh�,res of stock of par value of �1.00 per shar�.
<br /> Certlficate No. �7 oP Farmers Union Coopeartive Elevator Association of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> for 30 shares oP stock of the par value oP �10.00 per share.
<br /> 1 atack of 1946 alfalfa hay
<br /> Cheeking account with Commerclal National Bank of Grand Tsland, Nebraska, $3, 599•03•
<br /> 3IXTH
<br /> The Court Purther finda that the household furniture belonging to said decedent, as well a8
<br /> all personal adornments, psrsonal effeeta and household goods are exempt unto sai d Anna Stoldt as
<br /> widow of sa3.d decedent and have been set over and agsigned unto her as exempt under the laws of
<br /> the �tate of Nebraska, as we11 as the sum of �200.00 in cash; that sub,ject to the payment of claims,
<br /> court costs, expense of administration and wido�t' s allowance, the balance of said property de8cends
<br /> as follows: an undivided one-half share thereof unto Robert August Stoldt, sub,�ect, however, to a
<br /> homester�d right in favor of said Anna Stoldt in and to Lot 6 in B1ock 4 in Windolph Addition in
<br /> the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska, that having been the home of said decedent and
<br /> sa3.d Anna �toldt at the time of the deatl� of said decedent.
<br /> SEVENTH -4-
<br /> THE Court further finds that on the 19th day of May, 194�, 8. J. Shada was ap�ointed Appraiser
<br /> of' said estate for inheritance tax purposes, that he took his oath and aPter notice and hearing as
<br /> by law required, on Jun� 14, 194�, filed his report as sueh Appral.ser, finding the grose value of
<br /> said estate to be �2�,114.�2; that- the value of the ahare of said eatate passing to said Anna Stoldt
<br /> as widow of said decedent, is the sum of �17,015. ��5 of which �12, 566.5�5 �s her dower interest in
<br /> said estate and accordin�ly exempt as such from inheritance tax and that only �he sum oP ��,4�9.00
<br /> was received by her sub,jec� to tax excepting Por the �10,000.00 statutory exemption allowed her
<br /> under the laws of the State of Nebraska, which ma�es her share en�irely exempt from the payment of
<br /> inheri�ance tax whatsoever; the Court further finds that the share of said est�.te passing to Robert
<br /> August Stoldt is the sum of �12, 566.5�5 whieh is sub,ject to the payment of inheritance tax in favor
<br /> of the County Treasurer of Ha11 County, Nebraska, at the rate of �1.00 per Hundred on such part
<br /> thereof as exceeds the �10, 000.00 statutory exemption allowed such grandaon, making due and payable
<br /> in �his estate only the sum of �26.00 on the share of said Robert August Stoldt, to the Coun�y
<br /> Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, as inheritance tax in this estate, and that said estate ia
<br /> liable for the payme�t of no Federal Estate tt�x whatsoever.
<br /> EI GHTH
<br /> The Court further find� that on the 22nd day of November, 1g47, an order oP this Court was
<br /> m�de barring all clalms not filed against this estate and allowing claims tiled prior thereto; the
<br /> Court Purther Pinds that all said claims and debts against said estate, including the costs of
<br />