<br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNTY
<br /> The Court finds that under the last will and testament of Gust Valonis, Deceased, a bequest
<br /> and devise oP a one-third interest.'.in his said estate was made to idilliam Suhr, Trustee for Fannie
<br /> � Valonis. That such one-third sha.r� a.moun�s to the sum of �5�5�.15 and such s um should be assigned
<br /> and set over to William Suhr, Trustee, the same to be a lien upon the share and interest of Effie
<br /> Valonis as hereinafter set out. Tha.t in addition thereto the said Fannie Valonis ehould be as-
<br /> signed all wearing apparel, ornaments and household furniture of the deceased, and all the pro-
<br /> perty and articles that were exempt to the deceased at the time of his death, and in addition
<br /> thereto the further sum of �200.00 fz°om other assets of 'this said estate should be paid t�o William
<br /> Suhr, (�uardian of Fannie Valonis, such sum to be in addition to the sum heretofore set out and the
<br /> same to be a lien upon the interest and share of Effie Valonis in this said estate.
<br /> The Court finds that under the last will and testa,ment oP aust Valonis, deceased, a bequest
<br />, oP �1, 000.00 was made to William Suhr, Truatee for Catherine Valonis. That such sum should be
<br /> assigned and set over to T�lilliam Suhr, Trustee, for the use and benefit of Catherine Valonis, the
<br />. said sum` to be �, lien upon the share and interest of Effie Valonis in this said estate in accord
<br /> with the term� and conditions of said will.
<br /> The Court finds tha.t under the last will and testanient of Gust Valonis, deceased, a bequest
<br /> of an undivided one-h�,lf interest in the deceased� s one half interest in the Grand Ialand Candy
<br /> Kitchen w�s made to Dick Valonis, brother of the deceased. That such share and interest shoul.d
<br /> be assigned and set over to Dick Valonis.
<br /> The Court finds that under the last taill and test-ament of Gust Valonis, deceased, a specific
<br /> bequest of a one-half interest in the undivided one-half interest of the deceased in the business
<br /> known as the Grand Island Candy Kitchen, and a specifice devise afthe undivided one-half interest
<br /> of the deceased in the Easter].y one-third of Lot Three�3) , Block 8ixty-four (64) , in the Original
<br /> Town, now Ci�y, of Gr�nd Island, Hall County, Nebraska, was made to Effie Valonis, datitghter of the
<br /> deceased, plus a devise and bequest of all the rest, residue and remainder of the estate of the
<br /> deceased after the payment o� a.11 other bequests and devises, alI sub�ject, however, to the bequests
<br /> made to ��Tilliam Suhr, Trustee for the benefi� oP Fannie Valonis �,nd Catherine Valonis. That the
<br /> above specific property and all the rest, residue and remainder of this said estate which residue
<br /> and remainder consists of Lot Seven (7) , Block Two (2) , in Hann � s Second Addition to the City of
<br /> Grand Island, Hall County, Nebr�.ska, should be assigned anc� set over to EPfie Valonis sub,j ect,
<br /> however, to the payment �to t�Tilliam Suhr, Trustee for Fannie Valonis, of the sum of �5�5�.15, and
<br /> the payment to ti�lilliam Suhr, Trustee for Catherine Valonis, of the sum of �1,000.00, and the pay-
<br /> ment to T�iilliam suhr, Guardian of Fannie Valonis, of the sum of 9$200.00.
<br /> IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED that Fannie Valonis be, and she hereby is, assigned all wearing
<br /> �,pparel, ornaments, household furniture of the c�eceased, �.nd all the property and articles that
<br /> were exemp'�. to the deceased at the time of his death, and in addition thereto that there ahou�.
<br /> be, �.nd there hereby is, assigned to ti+lilliam Suhr, Guardian of Fannie Valonis, the sum of �200.001
<br /> f'rom other assets of this said estate, the same to be a lien upon the share and interest of
<br /> Effie Valonis as hereinafter set out.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the sum oP �5�5�.15 be, and the same hereby is, assigned to Wil-
<br /> liam Suhr, Trustee for Fannie Valonis, the same to be a lien upon the share and interest of Effie
<br /> Valonis in this sa.id estate as hereinafter set out.
<br /> IT IS FURTHzR ORDERED that the sum of �1, 000.00 be, and the same hereby is, assi�ned to
<br /> ti�Jilliam Suhr, Trustee for Catherine Valonis, the sane to be a lien upon the share and interest of
<br /> Effie Valonis in this said estate as nereinafter set out.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED �hat an undivided one-half of the undivided one-half interest of the
<br /> deceased in and to the Grand Island Candy Kitchen be, and the same hereby is assigned to Dick
<br /> Valonis. _
<br /> IT IS F'T.TRTHFR ORDF�RED that an undivided one-half of the undivided one-half interest of the
<br /> decea.sed in a,nd to the Grand Island Ca.ndy Kitchen be, and the same hereby is assigned to Effie
<br /> Valonis, sub,�ect however, to the payment to !�iilliam Suhr, Trustee for Fannie Valonis, of the sum
<br /> • of �5�51.15, and the payment to ?�Iilliam Suhr, Trustee for Ca.therine Valonis, of the sum of
<br /> �1, 000.00, and the payment to ?�lillia.m Suhr, Guardian of Fannie Valonis, of the sum of �200.00.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED Th�,t all the rest, residue and remainder of this said estate be, and
<br /> the sa.me hereby is, assigned to Effie Valonis, sub�ect, however, to the payment of the above sums
<br /> to ��Tilliam Suhr, Trustee for Fannie Valonis, ?�lilliam Suhr, Trustee for Catherine Valonis, and Wil-
<br /> liam Suhr, Guardian for Fannie Valonis.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that the final account and report
<br /> of Effie Valonis, Dick Valonis and William Suhr, executors of the last will and testament of Gust
<br /> Valonis, deceased, be, and the same hereby is in all things approved, confirmed �,nd allowed as and
<br /> for their final account and report as executors and that upon filing receipts for the payment of
<br /> the claims, costs and e�enses th�t they*�,be, and they hPreby are, released from their trust as
<br /> executors and their bond is hereby released.
<br /> BY TH E COURT:
<br /> Charles Bossert
<br /> oun y u ge.
<br /> In the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> Certificate
<br /> STATE OF I�TF�BRASKA, ) �
<br /> )ss. I, Charles Bossert County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of La.st �4i11 and Test�,-
<br /> ment, CertiPicate of Probate and Final Decree - IN THE b2ATTER OF THE
<br /> ESTATE OF GUST VALONIS, DECEASED, Urith the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court,
<br /> that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that said
<br /> Court is a Court of Record having a seal, which seal is hereto �,ttached; th�.t said Court has no
<br /> Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am the legal custodian of said
<br /> 3e�,1 and of the Records of said Court, and th�.t the foregoing attest�,tion is in due form of law.
<br /> IN TESTIr�ONY ?�JH�EOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the se�,l of the County Court, at
<br /> Grand Island, this 5th day of August 19��.
<br /> (SEAL) �arles Bossert County Judge.
<br /> Filed for record this 5 day of August 194�, at �:50 0 ' clock P.r•7. ����� �
<br /> �
<br /> ' �e�s er o eeds
<br />