<br /> ���
<br /> 28081—The Auguetine Co., Grand Ialand, Nebr.
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) s�. '
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) I, Charles Bossert, County� Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby
<br /> certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Final Decree entered IN THE MATTER OF THE
<br /> E3TATE OF MARGARETHA HENSLEY, DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now remaining in said
<br /> Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and� of the whole of such original record;
<br /> that said Court is a Court of Record� having a seal, which seal is hereto attaehed; that said
<br /> Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certifi�at�s in his own name, and that I am the legal
<br /> custodian of said seal and of the Recorda of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is
<br /> in due form of law.
<br /> IN TESTTMONY �VHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County
<br /> Court, at Grand Island, this �th day of Augugt, 191�8.
<br /> Charles Boasert
<br /> (SEAL) County Judge
<br /> Filed for record thi� � day of August, 19�8, at 9:45 o� clock A.M. ����-d �
<br /> � .�'�`�'
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-a-o-t�-a-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-
<br /> I, Gust Valonis, a resident of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, of lawful age and sound
<br /> and disposing mind and memory, and not acting under duress, fraud, or undue influence of any per-
<br /> son, do m�.ke, publish and decla.re this to be my last ?�rill and testament, as followa:
<br /> FTRST.
<br /> I direct my executors hereinafter na.med to pay all of my ,just debts, expenses oP l�.st illness
<br /> and burial expenses and costs of administering my egta�e. .
<br /> �SECOND.
<br /> I give, devise, and bequeath to ��1m. Suhr, - - - - Trustee, for the use and benefit of my
<br /> wife Fannie V�lonis one-third of my estate, �ogether �Tith ri�ht of homestead, and such personal
<br /> , � ,
<br /> ' pro�erty as she wo�ald take under the laws of descent of the state of Nebra.ska, if I had died
<br /> intest�,te. It is my intention that said Trustee shall take from my estate for the use and benefit
<br /> of my said wife such property as she �ould inherit ,under the laws of the sta.te of Nebraska if I
<br /> had died inte�tate. Said bequest �.nd devise to saic� Trustee is made for the following purposes
<br /> . -
<br /> � and the Trustee to h�,ve the following powers.
<br /> To hold all property received in this trust during the lifetime of said Fannie Valonis, or
<br /> until such time �,s she may -recover from her prese�nt mental incompetency; to manage, control, sell,
<br /> exchange, partition, divide, sub-divide, improve, repair, and in all other respects to preserve
<br /> and ca.re for said property a.s I might do if living.
<br /> To invest the principal and income in such securities and properties as the Trustee may deem
<br /> advisable; to hold securities or other properties in the rlame of the T�tzstee; to do any and all
<br /> things in its ,�udgment neces;sary to preserve said estate, and to best protect it.
<br /> It is my intention that sa3.d esta,te shall be used for the necessities of life, comfbrt, care,
<br /> hospital expense, and rahatever may be necessary in cax�ing for my wife, and the Trustee is hereby
<br /> vested U�ith and to have as to the trust estate and in the execution of this trust all rights,
<br /> powers, and privileges ?,rhich an absolute oT�mer of the same pro�erty would have.
<br /> I m�ke this nrovision in this par�,�r�,ph numbered Second, for the reason that my said wife,
<br /> is mentally incompetent an d cor.fined in a hospital for mental incompetents, �.nd that she is unable
<br /> to c�.re for or manage her property and I �zn advised that she is incurable.
<br />�,
<br /> THIRD.
<br /> I give and begueath to tdm. Suhr, - - - - Trustee, for the use and benefit of my daughter,
<br /> Catherine Valonis, ?�rho is at this time mentally incompetent and now confined in a hospital for
<br />�
<br /> mental incompetents, the sum of One Thousand Dollaxs ( �1000.00) , and said Trustee to have the
<br /> s�.me -duties and po*tiers ��.s to this bequest as are set forth in �aragraph Second as to the trust
<br /> estate of my T�rife, -Fa,nnie V�,lonis.
<br /> -
<br /> ' FOURTH.
<br /> I give and be�ueath to my bro�her, Dick Valonis, a one-half interest in my undivided one-half
<br /> in the busin ss nd artnershi kno��rn as the Gr nd Isl nd C�.nd Kit h n n b
<br /> e a cop p a a y c e , ow eing operated and
<br /> � located at 21� SJest 3d �treet, Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> FIFTH.
<br /> I �ive, devise, and bequeath �to my daughter, Effie Valonis, a one-half interest in my undi-
<br /> vided one-half in the business and copartnership known as the Grand Island Candy Kitchen, now being
<br /> operated and loca.ted a.t 21� �Jest 3d Street; Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> I further give, devise and bequeath to My daughter, Effie V�,lonis, my undivided one-half in-
<br /> terest in the premises described as the easterly one-third of Lot Three (3) , Block Sixty-four (C�)
<br /> in the Original Town, now City, of Gra.nd Island, Hall County, Nebraska, which is now held in trust
<br /> by my brother r•�tilliam Valonis, he being the owner of one-half and I being the owner of the other
<br /> one-half; sub,�ect to such mortgages, liens and incumbrances as may be of record.
<br /> It is my intention tha.t my said dahgter shall have the aforesaid property absolutely, and that
<br /> in the event, after said property has been set a.side as provided in p�ragrapns 3, 4, and 5 hereof,
<br /> if the residue of my estate is insuffic3.ent to equal the cleyise and bequeath made in Paragraph
<br /> Second hereof, then my daugliter Effie Valonis shall pay to said Trustee an amount sufficient to
<br /> fulfill the devise and bequeath �rovided for in Paragraph Second, and such an amount shall be a
<br /> lien upon the �roperty in this par�.gr�,ph bequea.thec� and devised to her.
<br /> SIXTH.
<br /> I give, devise, �nd bequeath all of tne rest, residue, �.nd remainder of my estate, to my -
<br /> daughter Effie Valonis, �bsolutel;�.
<br /> I further provided that my daughter Effie Valonis sha11 have the use of the home where we
<br /> now live, �.nd to rnaint�,in said home, in the event tha,t my wife should recover from her incom-
<br /> petency. That, however, is optional with my said daughter. -
<br /> S�'VENT�i.
<br /> I fur�her provide that my executors and my gaid Trustee sh��.11 acce�t the valuations fixed by
<br /> the appraiser appointed by t'r�e Court herein, unless in their ,�uc�gment such appraisement is clearly
<br /> out of proportion, then the executors may appeal from such ap�raisement as by st�tute provided.
<br />