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��� <br /> WILI� .AND DECREE RECORD <br /> � <br /> 28081—The Auguarine Co., 6rand Ieland, Nebr. <br /> made in the State of Nebraska, for the appointment of an ac�ministrator of his estate either by his <br /> heirs or �ersons claiming to be creditQrs of said deceased; that no administrator has been appointed <br /> for his estate in the State of Nebraska; that said estate is not sub�ject to inheritance tax; that <br /> the petitioner is the owner of the real estate hereinabove described, having acq.uired title thereto <br /> by mesne conveyances. <br /> 5. _ . <br /> Tha,t the said John ti�Tood; also known as John W. Wood, also known as John Woods, deceased, left <br /> him surviving as his sole and only heir at law, Livona A. ��Tood, wife, and that title to the within <br /> described real estate descended to and vested in the above named heir of said deceased. <br /> IT IS, THEREFc�RE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the said John Wood, also <br /> known as John w. Wood, also known as John Woods, departed this life intestate more than two years <br /> prior to the filing of the petition herein, to-wit: �n the 19th day of April, 194�, and that he <br /> left him surviving as his sole and only heir at law, Livona A. S�ood, wife, and by reason of the <br /> premises, fee simple title to the real estate, to-wit: <br /> . <br /> Lot Six (6) , in Block Four (4) , located in the Southeast Corner. of the Southeast Quarter <br /> (S� 1/4) , of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) , oP Section Ten (10) , Township Eleven (11� , North of <br /> R�.nge Nine (9) , ��test of the Sixth P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska; <br /> Commencing at a point on the North line of the '�est Half (W 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter <br /> ( SW 1/4) of Section Eleven (11) , in Township Eleven (11) , North, Range Nine (9) , West of the 6th <br /> P.M. , 53. 3 rods west of the North east corner of said �0 acres, thence west 12.7 ro ds to a point <br /> 33 Peet of the Northwest corner of the said ��Jest Half (W 1/2) of the said Southwest Quaxter <br /> (SW 1/4) , thence south �,long�a line 33 feet east of and par�.11el �aith the west line of said Sec- <br /> tion 20 rods, thence east on a line parallel with the North boundary line 12.7 rods, thence nort�? <br /> 20 rods to place of beginning �,nd commencing at a point on the north line of the tiJest Half (q�' 1/2) <br /> of the said Southtti*est Qua.rter (SW 1/�+) , Section Eleven (11) , in Township Eleven (11) , North, of <br /> Range Nine (9) , 4� rods west from the northea�t corner thereof, thence south 330 feet, th ence west <br /> 120 feet, thence north 330 feet, thence east 12�J feet to �lace of beginning, in Ha11 County, <br /> Nebraska. <br /> Commencing at a point on the north line of the N?�T 1/�- oP the SW 1��F of 11-11-9, �� rods west <br /> of the NE corner of said N�d 1/4 of said S?�d 1/4, thence t�aest on saic� north line 30 rods to a point <br /> 2 rods east oP the N1�T corner of s�,id NT�' 1�4 of said 5���1 1/11-, thence s�outh along a line 2 rods east <br /> of and par�,llel with the t��est line of said Nti�T lI�- S?�T 1I�4 for a dista.nce of 20 rods, thence east <br /> on a line parallel ti�ith the said north boundary line of said NW 1��F S�T 1/�F for a distance of 30 <br /> rods, thence nortn 20 rods to place of beginning. <br /> (That the last two paragraphs, are one and the s�,me piece of property. ) . <br /> descended to and vested in the above named �eir at law of the said John Wood, also knof�n as John <br /> t�. Wood, also known as John :�'oods, deceased. <br />' BY THE COURT: . Geor e W. Wiebusch <br /> --zo��-�.��: <br /> CERTIFICATE <br /> r*� <br /> STATE OF NEBRA,�nA ) <br /> ' T. <br /> ) ss. I, George ,+T. .�Tiebusch, County Judge, within and for Custer County, Nebraska, <br /> COUPdTY OF CUSTER ) do hereby certiPy the within and foregoing is a true and correct copy of <br /> the Decree entered in the Matter of the Estate of John ��Tood, also known as <br /> John ?-J. �rlood, a.lso known �.s John Woods, deceased. <br /> IN ��1ITNESS �+�iEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of the County Court of Custer County, <br /> Nebraska, this 10 day oP P�Iay, 194�• <br /> � (SEAL) Ge_o�r_�e_�W__. taiebuseh <br /> � oC unty udge. <br /> �ler� ounty ourt. <br /> �'iled for record this 24 day of Ju1y 19�-�, at 11 0 � clock A.M. �j <br /> �--�����-�L �J✓ <br /> egis er of e�ed� <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0.-0-0-0-0-��-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-8 <br /> WILL AND DECREE <br /> W I L L <br /> I, Joseph A. Livingston, being of sound mind and memory, do hereby make, publish and declare <br /> this my last will and testament, hereby revokin� all former wills by me made. <br /> First. I order that my burial expenses and the expenses of my last illness b e Pirst paid. <br /> Second. T give, devise, and unto my beloved wife, Anna J. Livingstoh, all my real <br /> estate owned by me at the time oP my demise. <br /> I give and bedlueath all my interests in my business as undertak er to my wif e Anna J. Living- <br /> ston, with the following provision, th�t my son James Livingston be a.Ilowed to purchase my business, <br /> as underta,ker, at a reason�,ble price to be agreed upon between himself and my wife. That he shall <br /> pay for the business not less than �1500 a year until the �ull purchase price of the said business <br /> has been paid. <br /> Third. I order and direct that my son, Joseph Livingston, shall receive four years of college <br /> education at some college or university. The place of education to be determined by my executor <br /> and the said education to be paid for from the_ funda of my estate by my executor. <br /> Fourth. I order and direct that my executor provide for the needs and wants of my grand- <br /> daughter, Elizabeth Ann I,ivingston, until she beeomes the of twen�y-one and further direct that <br /> the said provisions of this paxagraph be provided for from the funds of my estate. <br /> Fifth. At the termina'�ion of my son, Joseph Livingston�s, education, I give, devise, and <br /> bequeath the rest, residue and remainder oP my estate to my son, Peter A. Livingston, my daughter, <br /> Anna Mary Livingston, my son, J�.mes D. Livingston, my daughter, Agnes Marian Livingston, and my <br /> son, Joseph Livingston, shaxe and share alike. And i further order and direct that the executor <br /> distribute the estate in the sums of �50 per month to each of my children until the estate is <br /> exhausted. . <br />